The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
aegix drakan said:
Blind Sight said:
You think that's bad, you should see how the Canadian federal system is designed, it's just if not more broken then America's.
The thing is, we didn't NEED a better system until recently because we had half-decent people most of the time.

But now that Harper is !@#$ing our country up, we're REALLY starting to see the flaws. Especially the lack of a way to impeach the PM. I really think the system needs fixing.

I honestly don't know if Canada can survive another 3 years under this nutcase. If Quebec wants to separate on ideological grounds instead of language grounds, I think I might be VEEEERRY tempted to go for it.
That's an arguable point, I'm not a fan of Harper myself either, but considering that the liberal era in the 90s was filled with rampant corruption throughout the federal cabinet and numerous departments it's sort of a 'pick your poison' debate. I mean, at least in the 90s we were running a surplus, even if some liberals were funneling money away haha.

I argue that we've always needed a better system, Canadians unfortunately have a tradition of not really caring how the government is run, so long as it's moderately functional. There was a lot of blatant nepotism in Canadian bureaucracies until the 1950s (although it's still not that uncommon in my experience), Borden won an election by fraud, etc. but we never talk about these issues.


New member
May 12, 2011
Another thing that I find really stupid is that Wild Red Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin d and calcium but the skinless and boneless salmon has much less vitamin d and almost no calcium and yet it costs more to buy the less nutritious one which is just retarded.


New member
Feb 3, 2012
I once saw someone on a forum say that he didn't play WoW because it was "too anime" for his tastes. And the same person seemed to have a thing for obnoxiously ending every single sentence he typed with an exclamation mark. Yeah.

Also, sort of related, my mum once pretended to think that spaghetti grew on trees while at a restaurant in Venice (coolness points to those who know what it's a reference to), and she said that just as the waitress picked up our plates... she fought that she was crazy. =P


New member
Jan 27, 2012
The entire mass effect 3 ending fiasco, i loved the ending, im glad bioware are releasing dlc which has more closure in it but they arnt actually changing the ending, just adding a few scenes on and an epilouge because people that thought they could actually get bioware to fully change the ending to a game they spent countless hours working on are just special.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Douk said:
Since I'm so edgy and hip I'm going to have to go with religion.

I can't accept people for who they are so I'll use this irrelevant thread to explain my world views in a smart sarcastic comment.
Or... they could just think religion is the stupidest thing he's ever heard?

Because well... it is pretty damn stupid.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
bwaremypower said:
If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.
You may or may not appreciate me telling you this, but I have actually thought of a way that could make sense. Growing up in texas as I do, I went to college here. One thing that many colleges in Texas has is scholarships for rodeo atheletes, people who do barrel races and calf roping. But, usually, you have to have your own horse to do these events. So, no horse, no rodeo, no scholarship, no college.

Of course I have no idea if this was even remotely the case as I was not present with Mr. Black at the time, but...yeah...

Anyways, OT:

This and always this:



Ya Old Mate
May 3, 2009
Well one thing recently. I was watching one of those top 20 music video shows, which have been horrible ever since 2000. They were about to play the new Train song (they did Drops of Jupiter and Hey Soul Sister) and one of the presenters claimed that he was a 'modern day Shakespeare'. Yeah, no. that is just a completely stupid thing to say.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sleekgiant said:
There was this thread were the OP basically stated anyone who didn't know what his avatar meant was stupid, it was really not the brightest thing to do.
well semi fitting your getting quoted cause your avatar is adorable then isn't it


Michel Bay is Directing ...... anything hurts my head every time.

more sierusly though

the 'Ancient Astronaut' theory's in general, while they at time sound credible, they all sound stupid as hell. I'd rather believe that the gods of old where SUPERNATURAL rather then just using super advanced tech. kinda takes a lot of the 'cool' away from guys like Odin and Zeus


New member
Apr 24, 2010
In my english class, one preticularly dense girl (she asked me if I listened to Devil music once) asked the teacher if English was a language.

Another one that comes to mind was a picture the little kid who lives next door posted on facebook. It showed a sign that said "With Regan we had Bob Hope and Johny Cash, Now with Obama we have neither Hope or Cash." I was quick to point out that both Hope and Cash--just like our economy--died while Bush was president.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Deshara said:
ZydrateDealer said:
Anything religious people say is fucking hilariously stupid XD
I hate to flame, but honestly, seeing as religion is one of the few places left where people are not only allowed to be, but are encouraged to be incredibly fucking stupid, lie through their teeth, knowing pull shit reasoning from their ass and tick off a list of logical fallacy, it's no wonder religion is a goldmind for dumbfuckery.
My favorite thing is when people say that their god never lies. If they have a bible on them, I open it to the very fucking begining and show them that the first horrible evil act of satan is to point out that god lied. lulz ensue.
You're forgetting about Faux News.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Teacher: You will upload your mock interview videos to youtube and post a link on the class discussion board.

Student: I'm not doing that....

Teacher: Why not?

Student: Because like....ew!

Teacher: YOU'RE HIRED!


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Screamarie said:
This and always this:

I just vomited a little. This is quite easily the dumbest article I have ever read; not so much because of grammar errors (I make plenty), but the content.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
"I hate religion but I love Jesus!"
I have to put up with a whole classroom full of these people at school... Oh, and they absolutely can't seem to understand the Loving Jesus =/= Non-Religious, they're still Christians, and trying to pass of as non-religious. And some of them go to Mormon churches.

If there has ever been a time where I've contemplated a school shooting, that moment was it.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
At a Chinese restaurant with my girlfriend and her Mom a few weeks ago and in the booth behind me there are three teenage girls. They're placing their orders and one of them says;

"Uhm, which one is the fried rice? Is that the white kind?"

The three of us stopped talking about...whatever the Hell we were talking about...and shared a face-palm.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
that Schiendler's List is a Funny Fictional story. the reason i was told it was Fictional was that 'Nazi's were in Indiana Jones and those movies are make believe.

yes really. or Yesterday how someone told me that Autotune of 'Double Rainbow' is BETTER then 'Suck My Kiss' by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

yep really