The thing you will always want, but can never have.

A Free Man

New member
May 9, 2010
Doclector said:
believer258 said:
Doclector said:
See, because i'm far too ugly to get a girlfriend
And that's why you don't have a girlfriend. There are some really ugly motherfuckers with girlfriends that aren't as ugly as their girlfriend (s) are. Just open your mouth and talk to a few girls every now and then. And if she turns her nose up and walks away, then move on. She wasn't worth it.
over, and over, and over again, a never ending cycle of rejection and public humiliation, perhaps with some of them calling in their roid rager friends to make the horrible thing go away. Way to self destruct what little confidence I have. And besides even if, in modern Britain, there existed people who gave a s*** about anything beyond looks, I ain't the worlds greatest charmer. I can barely make a girl laugh, that's about it.
Well I don't know you and I won't pretend I do. But I think I can kind of understand where you are coming from, dealing with rejection is one of the most dificult things to do in life, it can make you feel like shit and that you are all alone. But the important thing to remember is that the rejection is only temporary whereas the (hopefully) finding the right person is forever. For me that is enough to keep trying. Also anyone who is enough of a ***** to call "in their roid rager friends to make the horrible thing go away" is not someone I would even be interested in dating anyway. Just my 2c


New member
Jul 6, 2011
ccggenius12 said:
Super powers, being a time lord(w/ TARDIS obviously), a lack of allergies, 20/20 vision, mastery of all languages, a pet penguin trained to be a butler, and an English port for the rest of the Ace Attorney games. Also, a giant robot car. (Chicks dig giant robots you see.) pretty much covered everything I was thinking. I stopped at superpowers, you did the rest. YOU EVEN GOT THE PENGUIN!


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Retirement - This is an attainable goal I'm sure, but I'm concerned I'll be too old to enjoy it when/if I get there.

Love - While also an attainable's increasingly hard to find a 30 year old girl who shares my hatred for kids and yet has a pleasant personality that I'm compatible with.


New member
May 13, 2011
The argument that you are far too ugly to have a girlfriend is firstly illogical and secondly sexistic. But you are only 20 years old, so it's okay. At your age I used to say even bigger nonsense. It is illogical because not only handsome men have girlfriends, take a look around you and you will easily see my point. Also good appearance isn't the only reason that can lead two people to a relationsip, but mainly their mutual desire to be together. Appearance plays a role ,but it's just one of the many. And not all people share the same vision about their lives, or how they want their partners to be.

It's sexistic because women seem to be absent from this equation. Women have feelings as well, insecurities as ours, and not all of them are beautiful. Women are not the prize for a man to claim. At least it shouldn't be that way.
Sorry for the preach,
happy 2012!


New member
Apr 6, 2010
My ex back
We're still good friends and she still means the world to me, but she isnt interested.
Its gotten to the point where I'm paralysed, I can't move on and even if I could, I can't talk to any other women...


New member
Oct 31, 2011
The ability to see through time. I would be able to see anything happening throughout history - without the nagging "don't do anything, you could destroy the time stream" or "because of you, your parents will never get together." If I want to see a certain moment in history, I just close my eyes and see it - no matter where it is. Want to know if the chicken came before the egg? Sure, give me a moment or two. Want to know the exact day that the world will end? No problem.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
TheOneBearded said:
Want to know if the chicken came before the egg?
Dinosaurs laid eggs...

But yeah I'd say unrequited love. Anyone I'm vaguely attracted to seems to be completely unable to like me that way. It's not like I have ludicrously high standards either. I'm pretty sure there is someone watching me somewhere with an 'attraction off' remote and some popcorn.

Such is life.

Doclector said:
The thing is Op even though you may not be (from your perspective) Brad Pitt there is plenty about you that is attractive. Like the fact you seem confident in life and what makes you happy.

You also appear to like Video Games, ghostbusters and hoverboards. All of these things are plus points to consider. ;D


New member
Nov 14, 2010
to own a nation full of genetically engineered centaurs who recognize me as their leader. then we shall conquer the world!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joshey Woshey

New member
Jul 11, 2011
Friends. I was never friendless at school but i was always the last choice out of my friends if no one else would do something. I'm a bit depressed at the mo' though so this might pass.

Alternately i would like people(and me) to just be happy for a change. Or be a musician and dazzle crowds with my amazing knowledge of the Em and G chord.

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
Chalk another one up to wanting a girlfriend. I dont have the self confidence for it though and its not as easy as people say to overcome that. Its not like I could go in a store and buy it if that was the case I'd just buy the girlfriend and cut out the middle man.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
There's a certain guy who I wish would...I dunno....fall in a deep hole, or suddenly be a really stupid inconsiderate asshat, or become a criminal, or spontaneously combust.

I don't really hate the guy or wish him harm, but I love his girlfriend more than anything and she loves me. The only reason we're not together is the fact the she loves him too. If he was suddenly non-existent or utterly gods that would be convenient...

My life would be mostly sunshine and rainbows. Right now it's a perpetual dim grey...


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Well lets see... Vigilantism, being the ruler of the world, and I want Holo to be real and my girlfriend. :p

Joshey Woshey

New member
Jul 11, 2011
You don't think that's a bit... unfair?

It's amazing how simple love looks from the outside and how complicated it is from the inside.

Uber Evil

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Baneat said:
TheRussian said:
A VTOL to fly to college/work, preferably armed with a microwave laser and homing rockets:
What game is that?
Saints Row The Third.
OT: A bleeding edge computer. Technology advances so fast that by the time I had it assembled it would be obsolete.