The thing you will always want, but can never have.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
To literally dance on someone's grave, but thats more of a question of me outliving him. So i guess thats obtainable, though unless its young my bones probably wont be able to take it.


So Im gonna say to either play in the NHL (not happening) or being taller than I am (about 5'8", which I guess isnt impossible per say, but its unlikely cause I think Im done growing, and I dont have interest in stretching myself).


New member
Nov 19, 2009
ccggenius12 said:
Super powers, being a time lord(w/ TARDIS obviously), a lack of allergies, 20/20 vision, mastery of all languages, a pet penguin trained to be a butler, and an English port for the rest of the Ace Attorney games. Also, a giant robot car. (Chicks dig giant robots you see.)
You sir are win. Aside from a few minor tweaks Ie: Purple penguin army, all Japanese games ported to English and to top it off a robot slave (chicks dig giant robots but they also like ones that they can send to the shops for them =P)that's what i want but can never have =(

>.> However i would settle for just traveling with a time lord, preferably the 10th but alas not going to happen. =/


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Offworlder said:
I'd love a Lambo...
Which is not so out of reach considering another major want is fame

OT:I'd have to say superpowers as well. I mean, who doesn't want that?


New member
Nov 5, 2008
I have to agree, A girlfriend is the one thing I can never seem to get.

Im not ugly (at least thats what girls keep telling me), I know how to talk to girls, Im not some Douche who just wants sex, and Im not aiming at the "high-end" cheerleader girls (never really like them anyway.)

but no matter how many girls I ask out I always get NO as the anwser.
That and I keep ending up in the "friend zone." (every one who has been there knows what I mean)


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Me? Oh I want a Jaguar XJ220. I will however never be wealthy enough to own one and the money for petrol on such a beast.

To quote Tyler The Creator completely out of context.
Tyler The Creator said:
Fuck money, diamonds and bitches. Hell I don't need 'em.
But I do want a JAG!


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Every single time I go try to shut a door behind me and it doesn't quite close, I reach out to the Force to gently push it shut without turning round. When I look, however, it sits there, just as open as before, smugly taunting me.


J03bot said:
Superpowers/magic. Specifically telepathy and/or flight. But that's not going to happen...
This, except with telekinesis instead.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
I want the ability to work hard, I feel like I could get so much done if I could just get myself to do anything, an interesting conundrum. That or a normal sleep schedule, I would really like to be able to sleep more than 6 times a week/


New member
Apr 28, 2010
One of these:

Two of these:

A garage with one of these in it:

A closet full of these:

To be one of these:

And one of these:

And finally to meet this man:



Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
I would love the ability to play music. But, I'm tone deaf. Can't tell the difference between scales, or notes, don't notice much difference in the octaves, and can't tell most of what I'm playing. Can't sing, and the brief period where I played a musical instrument in school...well, let's just say that the teacher called my section out a lot, and that when it came time to come back, I didn't get the invite. So, as much as I'd like it, it's just not gonna happen.

Doclector said:
See, because i'm far too ugly to get a girlfriend...
Fishing for compliments? Fine, I'll bite that hook. Bullshit. Get used to yourself. Be proud in who you are, and these things will come. Got a big nose? Giant forehead? Uneven teeth? Well, that's you! Somebody ever gives you lip about it, headbutt that shittalker with that globe-sized-cranium. They say your nose is spread too far over your face? Tell them you're still better off than them, with their thoroughly unnoticable face. Man up. You don't feel right in your skin, then they won't want to be with you, simple as that. So, go put your big boy pants on, go look in the mirror, say "Yup. Could be worse." and strut out of the house proud of who you are.

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
Doclector said:
yet every time I see a happy couple, every time I see a pretty girl, every time some insufferable fool won't shut the hell up about how blissful their coupled life is, it rears it's ugly, illogical head to ruin my mood.

See, because i'm far too ugly to get a girlfriend
I'd like to have a girlfriend too but here is the thing you need to understand and decide for yourself, you have to want it on your terms. I could, just as ANYONE (yes even you), go get a girlfriend right now, if I tried hard enough, for a while and dropped my standards right into the dirt. I don't want that though, I'd rather be single than be with someone who doesn't make sense for me, it isn't fair for me and it really isn't fair for them. So this leads to me going solo through a lot of life, I'm 21 and honestly have never had a solid type relationship that I can look back on and say, that was my girlfriend.

I agree that it is very annoying to listen to people talk about their relationships but for the most part they are usually just shallow and full of petty shit. I wouldn't want that anyway and for the most part I always get to see their relationships crash and burn eventually, which basically proves me right, they are wasting their time and money, other than getting laid it just is a big headache and a way not to feel lonely.

So waiting doesn't feel too bad for me, eventually maybe I'll find a girl who I can actually see myself with and who won't come across as a waste of time for various reasons, I personally rather not put myself through unneeded drama until then. You are right though, you will NEVER have a girlfriend, not because you are ugly but because your attitude is totally pathetic, sorry dude but you have no excuse to give up hope, life has shit all over me and I keep working at it, as do many others.

If it is simply easier for you to give up and say you are too ugly, if it is less painful for you to be alone than risk your already fragile self be hurt anymore then I understand and I totally know where you are coming from. I'm sorry man, life can really suck.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Yarn, not the stuff you buy from a craft store, oh no. I'm talking the hand-painting, hand spun silks, Andean wools, lima cottons, lush angoras. All the things that are about 25$ for six ounces, only a few dozen yards. For 25$, I can get several thousand yards from craft store. I want, I want so hard it hurts sometimes.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
That girl...the one who I've been best friends with since 8th grade...the only girl I know who is pretty, smart, and down to earth all at the same time. I love her more than any other person I know. She came out of the closet to me a few months ago, literally seconds before I was about to tell her how I felt about her.

Also, the ability to sing and play bass simultaneously. No matter how hard I try, I can't fucking do it.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
My want is the ability to physically hurt someone I play my video games with.

Well maybe only the "I bring shotguns to a BattleField Large Map" guys
or the "I felt like playing but now im gonna disconnect" guys

But most of all the "UmadBro" guys. I wouldn't be yelling obscenities if I wasntmadbro.


New member
May 4, 2009
To work out what the HELL is wrong. For a year now I've had this horrible, nagging feeling that somewhere, somehow, something has gone very, very wrong, and if it isn't fixed, there'll be bad things in store for me.
Problem is, I can't think of anything I've done wrong that might bite me in the ass. And the feeling is intensifying, and it's really, fucking, irritating.