The thing you will always want, but can never have.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Joshey Woshey said:
You don't think that's a bit... unfair?

It's amazing how simple love looks from the outside and how complicated it is from the inside.
Unfair? No. Not even a little. It'd actually be more flavors of karmic justice than I could count.

Simple? PFFFFFFT. Complicated? That's like saying lava is just a bit warm.

If I explained my whole situation you'd probably want to take a nap just because it's safer than trying to figure out how to solve it.

Bipedal Rug

New member
Feb 25, 2009
Doclector said:
For me, it's a girlfriend. Emo? Oh yes. That's one of the things I hate most about it. It will constantly bug me, and bug me, until I simply HAVE to mention it to someone, then I sound emo as hell. Fact is I ain't. I'm 20, gorramit. I didn't have the nicest of childhoods. I reckon, if I can survive that hell alone, then I can survive the rest of what the world has to throw at me alone, and yet every time I see a happy couple, every time I see a pretty girl, every time some insufferable fool won't shut the hell up about how blissful their coupled life is, it rears it's ugly, illogical head to ruin my mood.

See, because i'm far too ugly to get a girlfriend, this urge is not only insanely annoying, but completely redundant. I have plenty of things which make me happy in my life. I have my friends, I'm farily popular at uni, I have my film-making work, I have access to plenty of videogames and films, I regularly look for funny pictures on the internet, I like listening to rock music and enjoy the occasional drink(s), but no, this f***er simply isn't satisfied, the greedy bastard.

Also, hoverboards. Dammit, science, if you're procrastinating enough on those cancer cures to see if ducks quacks echo, then surely you could start on the damn hoverboard.
Up until just over a year ago (I'm 20 myself in a few months), I was stuck in the same mindset as yourself. I had very little confidence in my appearance and my abilities, and I used to attribute most of this lack of self-belief to the fact that I'd never had a girlfriend. "I haven't had a girlfriend yet, so I must be ugly! There must be something wrong with me!" All of my friends had been involved in a relationship of some sort, one of my closest friends at the time had been in three long-term relationships in the time I'd known him. This meant my loneliness was constantly being highlighted in my own mind, which lead to me making one of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to this kind of thing; to just lay down and accept it. I began to accept that I'd be alone for the rest of my life. I lowered my standards to avoid getting hurt. I nearly asked out a girl that I didn't even really like for the sake of not being alone.

But after a long hard look at myself, sat alone in my room during one Summer break, I realized my problem. The problem was ENTIRELY my mindset. I didn't like my appearance, therefore I had no confidence in it, and believed that nobody else could like it. So I started taking care of myself. I changed what I did not like about myself, and my lifestyle, so that I could begin to love who I was. Not because anyone had asked me to, but because I WANTED to, for myself. I started going out more, talking to people more confidently, making people laugh. It dawned on me that I'm actually a really fun guy to be around, that people really enjoy my company. I started getting compliments from girls that I found attractive, and this helped me get more comfortable around the opposite sex. Before my adjustment, I just didn't think that anyone could stand me considering I couldn't stand myself.

To cut what is already turning into quite a long story short, here I am 16 months later, completely content with my life. I feel good, and I feel that I look good. I'm not saying for one minute that everyone would find me attractive. That's definitely not the case. The point is that I FEEL like I look good. I FEEL confident. And that's the key. Right now, I'm in a long-term relationship with an absolute stunner of a girl (11 months this month (I know beauty is subjective, but my point is that you don't need to lower your sights. You CAN get that girl you feel is too good for you)), and it's all because I learned to love myself before expecting other people to love me. So take control of your love life, sort yourself out. Don't just sit there and watch the pretty girls walk by; grab their attention. Buy them a drink. Make them laugh. You never know, you might find one that shares your passion for hoverboards.

...Jesus, that ended up longer than I expected it to. I hope it helps anyway.

OT: The one thing I want, but can never have... My own Sonic Screwdriver. It can do literally anything. Except make a decent coffee. But I don't like coffee, so it's all good.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
A girlfriend that won't tell me that she loves me, and then leave me for another guy in 2 weeks. No luck so far

On a less whiny note, I'd also like literature to more appreciated in todays culture, especially by people around my age. (I'm 15) Again, no luck so far.

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
Kadoodle said:
That girl...the one who I've been best friends with since 8th grade...the only girl I know who is pretty, smart, and down to earth all at the same time. I love her more than any other person I know. She came out of the closet to me a few months ago, literally seconds before I was about to tell her how I felt about her. man, I've been screwed in past relationships in similarly crappy ways but this beats mine for sure.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
martyrdrebel27 said:
Tautology said:
I want an extra 10 inches of height. Everyone I meet seems to be at least a head taller than me. My younger brother is taller than me and he's sixteen! How I wish to be of at least average height.

Also I want a manlier, more mature sounding voice. Mine is still the voice of an adolescent.

I guess what I really want is to physically grow up. I feel like I'm stuck in the body of a teenager. It's not great at all.

oh i don't know... i'd very much like to be stuck in the body of a teenager...

Wow, haha. You snuck that right in there didn't you?


New member
Aug 6, 2010
On the what I want front. I'd go with a cute petite girlfriend or the power to shapeshift into anything.
Sep 30, 2010
I want an original Czechoslovakian CZ 75 in as good condition as possible. I'm not talking about one of those new CZ 75B pistols, I mean a classic short-rail one.

Also I want Gin Tama to be published in English again. They stopped after volume 23 and that drove me mad.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
A tail. I'll never be able to chop carrots and stirr the pot at the same time. :(

I'll also never have an underground bunker/command post/evil genious fortress. Unless I make enough dosh to buy and renovate one of those Cold War missile silos.

Oh, and most depressing of all... I'll never have my own private starship. Unless of course I bait some aliens to land and snatch theirs.

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009

They'll never be available to the public. the Government doesn't want civilians getting on top of buildings or over fences and that stuff, so we may as well deal with it =*[

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009
maswell said:
On the what I want front. I'd go with a cute petite girlfriend or the power to shapeshift into anything.
What about the power to shapeshift into your own cute petite girlfriend??
Mind = BLOWN


New member
Jul 17, 2009
I'd like Anna Kendrick and Mila Kunis...together... in the shower, or a bubble bath.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Three things, one is entirely impossible and the other two have a .1% of happening.
Lamborghini, Tropical Island, bigger penis.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
An Apple device that doesn't eventually turn out to be majorly flawed... on purpose.

Why does my MacBook Pro run at only half speed when I remove the battery (with the intention to go easy on that battery)? Why does the power supply not seem to be able to deliver enough, well, power?

Why does upgrading my iPhone seem to come with more and more pitfalls and value-decreasing random limitations?

The last items that made me truly happy from day one to this very day are the iPod video and the iPod mini, of which I have spread quite a number in my family, upgraded with flash-based storage instead of the expensive and frail micro hard drives... oh, and I still love the sound and decent bass of those 20th Anniversary Music Players. Everyone should have at least one in the bedroom, with that one Lovage album... this one right here [].

Mikael Markkula

New member
Jan 2, 2012
What I'd really want but never can is to have broader shoulders. I mean yeah I can bulk up (with considerable effort, I think my body sees itself as more of a the type of caveman that procures his food by utilizing his great tenacity and thick long feet, rather than one who sits by his hole and waits for mammoths to trot by. Personally I'd rather stay put and wait for the furry food to come to me, which has led to a bit of a conflict over correct metabolism between me and my brain, resulting in excessive insulation) but even if I did I'd just have, well, bulky shoulders, not so much broad ones. Guess I should blame the parents for not making me swim more when I was a chubby little kid.

Another thing I'd really really want but can't have is a dishwasher, or failing that an endless supply of nice clean dishes. My current flat doesn't offer PnP support for washers of any kind, so I'm stuck with a ton of dirty dishes piled about. For one's cloth-cleaning needs I have a bucket, and at time I embark on a friendly visit to a friend who's not as washer-ly challenged.