Alright, with a couple gifts from my brother and turning out well with some gamble raffles, I've got a pretty damned good list now. Here's what's up:
Two Worlds 2 [] TRADED
Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense [] TRADED
Nuclear Dawn []
Planets Under Attack []
Iron Grip: Warlord []
Ion Assault []
Patrician IV []
Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty DLC [] (I'll bundle those- $40 value!)
Slam Bolt Scrappers []
Blood Bowl Legendary Edition []
Drakensang []
That's what I have available to trade. Since none of those are my thing, I'll trade the whole list for a Borderlands 2 Season Pass, Left 4 Dead 2, or any offer someone may have. I've already traded for a DOTA 2 key, an ARMA 3 Alpha lite key, and a 75% off Shogun coupon. I'll probably start giving some of these away if nobody has anything to trade (and Two Worlds 2 is spoken for if that happens).
I'm also giving away 3 3-day guest passes for Shattered Horizon] []. It's a pretty badass $10 bot/multiplayer FPS in zero-gravity space. I'd be willing to play it with people if they want to try out the pass.
Also, thank you so much to everyone who added me on steam, made awesome trades with me, and made Steam fun by playing some multiplayer games on there with me (I'm hoping that I still have a Borderlands 2 match tonight). A thank you as well to everyone who turned this little thread about me giving away 2 games into a full-on trading post, it reminded me why I stick around the Escapist. May the trades continue!