Kae That which exists in the absence of space. Legacy Nov 27, 2009 5,792 712 118 Country The Dreamlands Gender Lose 1d20 sanity points. Jul 27, 2015 #13,041 ^ I do not know French. < Sin embargo hablo Español. v Knows another language.
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Jul 27, 2015 #13,042 ^ A small amount, yes. < I think I may need to sit in the sun for a while. v You need a bit more vitamin C.
^ A small amount, yes. < I think I may need to sit in the sun for a while. v You need a bit more vitamin C.
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Jul 27, 2015 #13,043 ^ I eat fruit < And veg and meats and stuff V I appear to have taken your demon souls by mistake
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Jul 27, 2015 #13,044 ^ Oh. I'd better go down to the shop and get some more, then. < Holly shit. Wait the game. Play, have fun. v You are no required to buy the game!
^ Oh. I'd better go down to the shop and get some more, then. < Holly shit. Wait the game. Play, have fun. v You are no required to buy the game!
Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Jul 27, 2015 #13,045 ^ I just might now < I sense a disturbance in the Kung Fu Force! V why January cannot get here fast enough
^ I just might now < I sense a disturbance in the Kung Fu Force! V why January cannot get here fast enough
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Jul 27, 2015 #13,046 ^ Finally saw the hype! < I saw the trailer a month ago... v Which name hooked you in the most?
Dalek Caan Pro-Dalek, Anti-You Feb 12, 2011 2,871 0 0 Jul 27, 2015 #13,047 ^ Tai Lung. < His music was the best. V DJ Hip Hop.
Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,048 ^Rock and Roll Falcon! < It's good to be back in Boston, YEAH! V The Kung Fu Force works in mysterious ways!
^Rock and Roll Falcon! < It's good to be back in Boston, YEAH! V The Kung Fu Force works in mysterious ways!
The Rogue Wolf Stealthy Carnivore Legacy Nov 25, 2007 17,149 9,880 118 Stalking the Digital Tundra Gender Jul 28, 2015 #13,049 ^ sweep the leg, or do not sweep the leg; there is no "try" < has found the Crane Kick to be useful exactly zero times v can channel their chi to boil a cup of water... on a hotplate
^ sweep the leg, or do not sweep the leg; there is no "try" < has found the Crane Kick to be useful exactly zero times v can channel their chi to boil a cup of water... on a hotplate
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,050 ^ I have a water nature... < Why can't a breath underwater, then? v Must be all damn salt!
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,051 ^ Need more sugar < Dreams are just as weird as before V Five pints at Freddy's
Kae That which exists in the absence of space. Legacy Nov 27, 2009 5,792 712 118 Country The Dreamlands Gender Lose 1d20 sanity points. Jul 28, 2015 #13,052 ^ I think I need that. < Regrets touching butts. v Wishes they could regret touching butts.
Dalek Caan Pro-Dalek, Anti-You Feb 12, 2011 2,871 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,053 ^ Never. < Touching butts is a freedom all sentient beings deserve. V I'm sure Optimus Prime would agree.
^ Never. < Touching butts is a freedom all sentient beings deserve. V I'm sure Optimus Prime would agree.
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Jul 28, 2015 #13,054 ^ I'm not so sure, he's more than meets the eye. < YouTube keeps recommending me TheAngryGrandpaShow, despite having never watched it or anything remotely like it in recent memory. v WHAT DID DRUNK HEADSPROUTER DO!?
^ I'm not so sure, he's more than meets the eye. < YouTube keeps recommending me TheAngryGrandpaShow, despite having never watched it or anything remotely like it in recent memory. v WHAT DID DRUNK HEADSPROUTER DO!?
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,055 ^ Did some very stupid things < Everybody's too stupid to save V Erect my soup!
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,056 ^ I CAN'T DO THAT AND DISPENSE ICE CREAM AT THE SAME TIME! < *Fuming*. v Here, just take it all. I don't care any more!
^ I CAN'T DO THAT AND DISPENSE ICE CREAM AT THE SAME TIME! < *Fuming*. v Here, just take it all. I don't care any more!
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Jul 28, 2015 #13,057 ^ *disregards trying to comfort Barbas in favour of getting free ice cream* < Damn you, physics! Liquids should not shoot out of cans so unexpectedly! It's inconsiderate and cuntish! v Pistachio, moustachio.
^ *disregards trying to comfort Barbas in favour of getting free ice cream* < Damn you, physics! Liquids should not shoot out of cans so unexpectedly! It's inconsiderate and cuntish! v Pistachio, moustachio.
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,058 ^ Sex position? < Don't ask me how I know that... v I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!
Dalek Caan Pro-Dalek, Anti-You Feb 12, 2011 2,871 0 0 Jul 28, 2015 #13,059 ^ All your bases belong to us. < I'm so smart. V My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard...
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Jul 28, 2015 #13,060 ^ I stare, apalled! < I didn't buy FNAF 4, but based on Markiplier's gameplay this looks like the most enjoyable game of the bunch. Story's fun as always. v fred m8 wtf r u doin
^ I stare, apalled! < I didn't buy FNAF 4, but based on Markiplier's gameplay this looks like the most enjoyable game of the bunch. Story's fun as always. v fred m8 wtf r u doin