The video game that got you into gaming


New member
Feb 10, 2011
I started playing games when I was five (back in '99) and my older brother got Super Mario 64 for his birthday.


New member
May 14, 2010
subject_87 said:
Goldeneye; I fondly remember playing it at my cousin's place when I was about 4. Good times.
Same. It was one of the first games I actually owned. I'd play it to the point where I'd see it in my head when I went to be at night. I can still write out the entire first level (The Dam) even though its been years since I've played it.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX for the Gameboy Colour. Couldn't hardly put down. I was about six,maybe seven at the time and I sucked at it, but I was enrapturd with it anyway. Couldn't tell you how many times I restarted simply because I reached the end of my capability but didn't want to stop playing.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Well, I typically stayed over at my cousins house and played on their N64, as well as there other consoles. We played Starfox 64, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Vecotrman and a few games I can't really remember. But the first game that I think truly opened my eyes to gaming was Sonic Heroes for the PS2. I'd gotten my PS2 a few months prior on my 8th birthday and was playing the shit out of another game called Lego: Soccer Mania. My brother and I never really got around to finishing the campaign because we typically just played back and forth. One day, my mom felt generous for some reason and let me go buy a game. We got Sonic Heroes...and played the SHIT out of it! It was the first game I ever truly completed and the feeling will always be one of the best things I've ever felt!


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Probably Super Mario World. Played it at my cousin's house at Christmas back when it came out. Didn't play games for years after since I didn't have a console, but early in high school I picked up a SNES for $10 and started renting games from a little corner store that still had old cartridge games.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
In 2002 some friends dragged me along to an internet cafe to play the Battlefield 1942 Wake Island demo. I had played some games before that point but none of them all that current. I still count BF1942 as the game that made me a serious gamer. It would be another four years before I got my act together to buy my own PC though, I must have spent a fortune at internet cafes.

Lieutenant Larceny

New member
Jun 27, 2011
I played some games on the N64 which weren't too great (I only had, like, three), but the first real game I got into was probably Animal Crossing on the Gamecube when I was... seven? I don't even know. I remember me and my sister constantly renting it from Blockbuster, then leaving the console on all the time when we had it because we didn't have a memory card big enough to support the game, so we couldn't time travel. It took us two months of doing this just to finally get the game, which we were overjoyed to see came with a memory card. I bought a DS just to get Wild World, and dropped that thing down more flights of stairs than I've walked, if that's possible. Was psyched for City Folk, that sucked. And now I plan to get a 3DS around Christmas when the price goes down, just for the new one. I don't know why, I was just so enthralled with the series. Looking back I don't even think they were that good. I nostalgia'd harder then I EVER have when I watched the E3 video for the new one. Kinda sad I lost Wild World. I think that one was the best simply, not because of what it added, but that you could take it on the go, and that's where that kind of game belongs, I remember that chewing up a lot of hours, walking around the mall or in car rides. I walked into a lot of people at the mall. After that, once I decided that I really liked video games, I got the GBA and another of my favorite games to this day, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. It was like an RPG but with Mario, but I gave Luigi all the nice clothes and badges because I liked him better, and always had him walk in front. *sigh* They just don't make games like that anymore.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I'd have to say Dark Cloud.
It was one of the first games I played after getting a PS2, and it dug its claws into my young mind and didn't let go.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for the original Game Boy. This was pre-Game Boy Color. Wow was that one of the bests games I have ever played.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009

This little piece of awesomeness was the thing that got me into gaming. It was a wicked, next-gen racing game with FUCKING AWESOME MUSIC and smooth, easygoing but difficult gameplay.

It was everything you ever needed in a racing game.


New member
Nov 1, 2010
Well, the first games I ever played were for my dads old Atari 2600, but I never really got into it. Then, one day, my parents came home with an N64 with Diddy Kong Racing and Super Mario 64. I tried Diddy Kong Racing first that afternoon and Super Mario 64 later that evening. I've been an avid gamer ever since.


New member
May 6, 2011
It's hard to tell for me. I played a lot of games but I never took it seriously (at least, not as seriously as movies or books) until Half-Life, and the original Fallout. Silent Hill also played an important role in defining my opinions and love of my gaming.

All three games had surprisingly well-crafted plot lines that were only accented by their (admittedly primitive) gameplay and graphical stylings. It's still pretty rare to find a game where most of it's elements work together so cohesively.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
I was a toddler and my mother had me in her lap while she played Super Mario Brothers. I'm pretty sure it started in the womb with Duck Hunter, though.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I've been gaming all my life, or at least all of my life that I can remember. My Dad played video-games too, so some of my earliest memories are of sitting with him while he played games. The furthest back I can remember right now is the first Resident Evil, and I would have been about 2 at the time.

Suddenly thinking about it, that seems like a bad choice of game to play with a 2 year old...


New member
Nov 1, 2010
FirstToStrike said:

This little piece of awesomeness was the thing that got me into gaming. It was a wicked, next-gen racing game with FUCKING AWESOME MUSIC and smooth, easygoing but difficult gameplay.

It was everything you ever needed in a racing game.
I remember that game! Ahhh, nostalgia....


New member
Sep 17, 2009
Damn, I'm starting to feel old now. The first game I played was Donkey Kong Country. The music, the platforming, the sheer fun of bouncing three rats in a row really appealed to 3 yr old me. From there I played Mario games up until N64 and I had at least one Gameboy with a handful of Pokemon games up until the GBA. Then I played Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Ever since I have preferred the Fantasy genre.