The Witcher 3's Second Playable Character Revealed


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
The Witcher 3's Second Playable Character Revealed

Special plot spots in The Witcher 3 will give gamers the chance to play as Ciri.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that CD Projekt Red's <a href=>The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt will include <a href=>a second playable character. The obvious question in the wake of that reveal was who it would be. Opting not to keep its fans in suspense any longer, the studio revealed the identity of this second character in an announcement today.

A central figure in both The Witcher books and the new game, Ciri will be playable during special sections of the game's plot. "Ciri is playable only during certain moments in the game - we introduce her to give gamers another perspective in the story to make it even more engaging," said <a href=>CD Proket Red's Robert Malinwoski. "You won't play as her for long periods of time, but since she's crucial to the plot, we thought that additional insight will allow gamers to better bond with this cool character."

Malinowski would go on to describe Ciri as a "supportive narrative tool" that the team hopes to employ as a means to give players a glimpse of the story from a different perspective. "She also has her own will and agenda," he explained. "I think that is the most important aspect of this character. Geralt knows Ciri since she was a child. She's Geralt's apprentice and they have a close emotional bond - he trained her so she could become a witcheress."

Ciri's status as a trained fighter was probably another element that made her an ideal playable character. Had the studio tried to give players control over a sorceress like Triss or Yennefer, it likely would have necessitated new combat mechanics to compensate for their use of magic. Since Ciri was taught how to fight by series protagonist Geralt however, there probably won't be much need to adjust the combat to her fighting style. We'll find out for sure when The Witcher 3 finally releases <a href=>in May 2015.

Source: <a href=>IGN



New member
Mar 31, 2010
Cool, that makes me more interested in the game.

I don't dislike Geralt, but I don't feel like he's that particularly interesting either.


New member
Feb 27, 2014
Ubisoft is still thinking how they could've included a female assassin in Unity...


New member
May 9, 2010
Cue the complain about being forced to play a girl.(I?m joking or at least I hope I am)

This isn?t that different from the sections in the witcher 2 where you control a different character for a bit, I liked those sections so this is pretty good news, I do hope that unlike the other characters you played in witcher 2 ciri can actually do something besides move attack block and roll.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I hope she has some unique spells. After all, unlike Geralt, she was trained as a witcher and as a sorceress.

I'll be kind of disappointed if she and Geralt play exactly the same. I'm basically hoping for someone with slightly weaker combat and slightly stronger magic.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
A.K.B. said:
Ubisoft is still thinking how they could've included a female assassin in Unity...
If only they'd extended the deadline to make their game more polished. Ubisoft has a lot to learn from these guys. They're like the anti-Ubisoft.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
sageoftruth said:
A.K.B. said:
Ubisoft is still thinking how they could've included a female assassin in Unity...
If only they'd extended the deadline to make their game more polished. Ubisoft has a lot to learn from these guys. They're like the anti-Ubisoft.
They're also the anti-EA, as they're willing to give anyone who buys a fresh copy of their game will get free in-game goodies, whether or not they pre-order. Also, polishing and *then* releasing their game and giving more of a damn about the customer than either EA or Ubi helps a bit.

Angelous Wang

Lord of I Don't Care
Oct 18, 2011
Well it looks like I will be playing this game at least twice.

The first time vanilla as when I get it, and the second time a later when someone has undoubtedly and inevitably created a mod that makes Ciri the main character.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
sageoftruth said:
I hope she has some unique spells. After all, unlike Geralt, she was trained as a witcher and as a sorceress.

I'll be kind of disappointed if she and Geralt play exactly the same. I'm basically hoping for someone with slightly weaker combat and slightly stronger magic.
I doubt it.

I mean, you could 'technically' play as Henselt/Saskia in the Witcher 2... it will probably just be that you play as her for a bit and that's it.

Maybe different animations, but it's unlikely that she will have a different talent tree/spells.

Angelous Wang said:
Well it looks like I will be playing this game at least twice.

The first time vanilla as when I get it, and the second time a later when someone has undoubtedly and inevitably created a mod that makes Ciri the main character.
Won't it bit a bit awkward when an ashen vixen speaks in a gravelly male voice?

Also chances are that she would be doing the crucifix pose during cutscenes meant for Geralt...unless some modder is determined enough to code animations lol


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Anyone else think Witcheress rolls off the tongue like a brick? I don't think the Witcher needs to be a gender specific title at least since a Witch is a gender specific title so Witcheress is like a double feminine.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
sageoftruth said:
I hope she has some unique spells. After all, unlike Geralt, she was trained as a witcher and as a sorceress.

I'll be kind of disappointed if she and Geralt play exactly the same. I'm basically hoping for someone with slightly weaker combat and slightly stronger magic.
Both you say? Interesting; I've long been interested in exploring the setting of the Witcher from the perspective of a dedicated magic user.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Sigmund Av Volsung said:
sageoftruth said:
I hope she has some unique spells. After all, unlike Geralt, she was trained as a witcher and as a sorceress.

I'll be kind of disappointed if she and Geralt play exactly the same. I'm basically hoping for someone with slightly weaker combat and slightly stronger magic.
I doubt it.

I mean, you could 'technically' play as Henselt/Saskia in the Witcher 2... it will probably just be that you play as her for a bit and that's it.

Maybe different animations, but it's unlikely that she will have a different talent tree/spells.

Angelous Wang said:
Well it looks like I will be playing this game at least twice.

The first time vanilla as when I get it, and the second time a later when someone has undoubtedly and inevitably created a mod that makes Ciri the main character.
Won't it bit a bit awkward when an ashen vixen speaks in a gravelly male voice?

Also chances are that she would be doing the crucifix pose during cutscenes meant for Geralt...unless some modder is determined enough to code animations lol
I think you'll be playing as her in perhaps 1-2 hour long flashback sequences. It doesn't make sense for them to announce this as a feature of the game if it's only a 5 minute segment like the Serrit/Auckes/Iorveth/Roche/Saskia/Henselt sequences were, so I think you'll be exploring Ciri's past and her conflict with the Wild Hunt in flashbacks. If only the flashbacks in The Witcher 2 were playable as well :(


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
sageoftruth said:
I hope she has some unique spells. After all, unlike Geralt, she was trained as a witcher and as a sorceress.

I'll be kind of disappointed if she and Geralt play exactly the same. I'm basically hoping for someone with slightly weaker combat and slightly stronger magic.
Shouldn't she necessarily have weaker/slower melee compared to Geralt? I mean, she wasn't put through the special diet, trial of the grasses, or the mutagens, was she? She basically got just the training, like Leo (the one who dies in the prologue in the first Witcher game).

Two things worth noting:

1. She's a witcher, a sorceress, and a princess. The story the innkeeper in Murky Waters tells about destiny, the witcher who was killed by an untrained peasant and the woman who was a witcher, a princess and a sorceress is about Geralt and Ciri. Geralt doesn't remember it at the time, because of that whole having been dead for a while thing.

2. For some reason she's depicted with only one sword, from the look it's a silver witcher's sword.

Looked up the story from the innkeeper:
"Ahem... Long ago, in a valley far away, lived a girl. She was a true princess, sorceress and witcheress..."

Geralt: "All three? Isn't that a bit much?"

Innkeeper: "Don't interrupt. You want to hear the story or not?"

Geralt: "I won't interrupt again."

Innkeeper: "A story about destiny might prove useful, witcher.

She was born a princess who wanted for nothing, had loving parents and a grandmother who was a great queen. She lived in palaces guarded by hundreds of knights. Everyone thought she'd become a powerful queen. But fate had other plans. Her parents died. Enemies butchered her grandmother and took the kingdom. Still, the princess survived. Her fate became bound to one particular witcher. She gained a new family at Kaer Morhen, the hold of the witchers. She learned to fight. Yet destiny once again made noise.

The lass had magical talent. She was a source. The witchers afeared the uncontrolled power of a source and needed a sorceress to assist them. She studied arcane magic. The sorceress loved a witcher and the two adopted the girl. She was truly happy and could have become a powerful sorceress...

But war broke out and fate separated the family. Aggrieved, the lass disawoved magic and became a huntress, learning to love killing. Death followed her - everyone she'd loved had died. Only the witcher and the sorceress denied Death's calling. Fate cast her to foreign shores, yet she returned. The worst assassin tailed her, yet she emerged victorious. Agents of all kingdoms pursued her, yet none caught her.

When she killed all her enemies and peace descended upon the world, she rejoined the witcher and sorceress, only to have destiny sneer at her again."

Geralt: "What happened?"

Innkeeper: "A peasant unskilled in arms killed the witcher. The sorceress died trying to revive him. The girl could do nothing for she'd disawoved magic. So the princess who would not rule, the witcheress who fought humans, and the sorceress who cast no spells used her power as a means to leave this world."

Geralt: "I sense you haven't told all."

Innkeeper: "All but one. Her name was Cirilla. What's that matter?"


Jan 4, 2010
United States
The only thing that could make this better is if you got to play her frequently enough to get victory sex when you save some random dudes. I just assume sexual favors are a Witcher's preferred form of payment.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
A female character? In the Witcher? WHO DOESN'T HAVE HER TITS OUT!? Well...that's actually interesting. Geralt has an apprentice? Well, that actually makes sense. The Witchers are down to the single digits and he's getting on in years. He needs someone to pick up the mantle when he's gone. The one complaint that I have is that for someone who's supposed to be a monster hunter, she doesn't look that rugged. Though that could be justified considering she's still green. Although considering her hair is white, that should be an indication that she's got the Witcher mutagens in her body.

Also I have to admit I'd really like to see it if she could fuck guys the same way that Geralt fucks girls.

HEY UBISOFT! Is designing female characters still too hard!?


New member
Apr 27, 2011
themilo504 said:
This isn?t that different from the sections in the witcher 2 where you control a different character for a bit, I liked those sections so this is pretty good news, I do hope that unlike the other characters you played in witcher 2 ciri can actually do something besides move attack block and roll.

Most likely, Ciri basically dual class, witcher/sorceress. She isn't a full witcher, due to the lack of mutation, but she received the training, but unlikely to use more then witcher sign, as she tend to be unwilling to use her magical power.

It also quite likely that she will have an unicorn available as a mount, as she's a childhood friend with one, as they both saved each other life and unicorn presence are likely as as I'm am pretty sure they are one of the main enemy of the Wild Hunt and the reason as to why unicorn dislike elves.


New member
Jun 29, 2013
erttheking said:
A female character? In the Witcher? WHO DOESN'T HAVE HER TITS OUT!? Well...that's actually interesting. Geralt has an apprentice? Well, that actually makes sense. The Witchers are down to the single digits and he's getting on in years. He needs someone to pick up the mantle when he's gone. The one complaint that I have is that for someone who's supposed to be a monster hunter, she doesn't look that rugged. Though that could be justified considering she's still green. Although considering her hair is white, that should be an indication that she's got the Witcher mutagens in her body.

Also I have to admit I'd really like to see it if she could fuck guys the same way that Geralt fucks girls.

HEY UBISOFT! Is designing female characters still too hard!?
Ubisoft should have said "Your multiplayer character is based on how you customize Arno." instead, since that would have been the truth and...not as stupid as a statement to make.

Also she doesn't have the Witcher mutations which would make her immune to STDs and (I would assume) pregnancy. The STD thing is why Geralt and other Witchers can sleep his way around the world.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
erttheking said:
A female character? In the Witcher? WHO DOESN'T HAVE HER TITS OUT!? Well...that's actually interesting. Geralt has an apprentice? Well, that actually makes sense. The Witchers are down to the single digits and he's getting on in years. He needs someone to pick up the mantle when he's gone. The one complaint that I have is that for someone who's supposed to be a monster hunter, she doesn't look that rugged. Though that could be justified considering she's still green. Although considering her hair is white, that should be an indication that she's got the Witcher mutagens in her body.

Also I have to admit I'd really like to see it if she could fuck guys the same way that Geralt fucks girls.

HEY UBISOFT! Is designing female characters still too hard!?
I'm pretty sure she's got magical superpowers so everyone in the game is after her for them, more so than her being important to continuing the Witchers line.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Thorn14 said:
erttheking said:
A female character? In the Witcher? WHO DOESN'T HAVE HER TITS OUT!? Well...that's actually interesting. Geralt has an apprentice? Well, that actually makes sense. The Witchers are down to the single digits and he's getting on in years. He needs someone to pick up the mantle when he's gone. The one complaint that I have is that for someone who's supposed to be a monster hunter, she doesn't look that rugged. Though that could be justified considering she's still green. Although considering her hair is white, that should be an indication that she's got the Witcher mutagens in her body.

Also I have to admit I'd really like to see it if she could fuck guys the same way that Geralt fucks girls.

HEY UBISOFT! Is designing female characters still too hard!?
Ubisoft should have said "Your multiplayer character is based on how you customize Arno." instead, since that would have been the truth and...not as stupid as a statement to make.

Also she doesn't have the Witcher mutations which would make her immune to STDs and (I would assume) pregnancy. The STD thing is why Geralt and other Witchers can sleep his way around the world.
No Witcher mutagens? Then what's the deal with the white hair?