The World Does Not Hate Captain America


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
excalipoor said:
thaluikhain said:
Cogwheel said:
You know, someone needs to make a new superhero and call him Captain Lieutenant or something, just to confuse people.
"Master Chief"?
This has to stop! Master Chief Petty Officer, or MCPO is an actual rank in the US navy. They're called Master Chiefs for short. The Halo character is called Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, but he needed a nickname so friends just call him Chief.
While that is true (and it's not like Lt.Colonels or Major Generals are an alien concept), he seems to be referred to as "Master Chief" almsot exclusively in most media. Sure, you could call a superhero "Captain" if they actually held that rank, and almost never mention their name (or service), but it doesn't strike me as a good idea.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Sixcess said:
The irony is that Captain America has never been a "America Fuck Yeah" character. In fact he's probably got a stronger track record than most for criticising mindless jingoism. You want unconditional admiration of the USA just look to Superman...
Thank You! You know a lot of people on this very site were bitching about Cap having a movie made about him because "it was just going to be a flag waving dick slinging movie". Cap has never been about that. Actually, Captain America is just an all around nice guy. He's a soldier, but he has broken the law before if he saw it unjust or immorale (think Civil War).


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Zing said:
Trust me. Forget your preconceived notions and watch Buried. He is unrecognisable from his Van Wilder/Blade/Two Guys era.
I heard about it just recently, I intend to watch it in the near future.

Counts toward what?

I pretty much knew that First Class would not do as well as the other super hero movies this year, the reason for this is that some uninformed people just saw it as another xmen movie, and after the trash last one, likely skipped it. In reality it's the best x-men so far.
Counts for the studio, they rarely care for more than the box-office results. Even if a movie creates a few dedicated fans, as long as it doesn't make enough at the box-office, it's highly unlikely to get a sequel. For First Class, I liked it but don't know if it's the best, I liked the first 3 (even wolverine wasn't a complete disaster in my eyes) for their campy-ness, but on the other hand, I'm not a dedicated X-men fan/buff/comic-reader as others.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
The Rogue Wolf said:
Maybe international audiences are pining for the days when "I'm an American" was a statement of quiet pride, rather than a shout of macho superiority.

Full disclosure: I'm an American.
That's not true. I doubt international audiences would pine for anything resembling a monopolistic statement--America is a Continent, not a Country. Or at least it is in a global sense, not a domestic one.

Either way, it seems a fair number of our fellow Americans are genuinely surprised to learn that it is not them but the actions of their government that people everywhere else don't like.

Hell, even I can deal with good ol' cap.

Rin Little

New member
Jul 24, 2011
I think movieBob described it pretty well when he described Captain America, "He's patriotic, but not in a douche-baggey way," thus making him a bit more approachable.

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
I'm glad that people realise that underneath the patriotism, Captain America's actually an interesting and solid superhero.


New member
May 10, 2011
I wonder if they'll ever do "Captain Mexico"; he'll do Captain America's job for half the price.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Captain America was a decent movie. And it wasnt barf-worthy on the nationalism either. My only gripe with it is that Captain America has to be the most boring super-hero ever. He is like super-man. Without the powers, and the story of being from another planet.

The only two times CA has been interesting imo is when he fought other super heroes in civil war, and when he died.

The movie was popcorn worthy though. Not nearly as good as Iron Man, nor as interesting as Thor...but decent enough.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Luke3184 said:
Snowalker said:
Greg Tito said:
Oh, Green Lantern. I think you may have single-handedly ruined Ryan Reynolds career. And for that, we thank you.
Speak for yourself, he's a good actor, Waiting and Buried? Hell, he was even decent in Blade and Wolverine even though those movies sucked. He has the tendency to be in bad movies, not being a bad actor.
Blasphemy, Blade trinity was the movie of my early teens! But yeah I agree he is a pretty damn good actor...
Blade Trinity was probably not the best Blade movie. It did kind of suck. However, Reynolds is a really good actor, and he's funny to boot. I would really like to see a revamped Deadpool movie with him in lead.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Fbuh said:
Luke3184 said:
Snowalker said:
Greg Tito said:
Oh, Green Lantern. I think you may have single-handedly ruined Ryan Reynolds career. And for that, we thank you.
Speak for yourself, he's a good actor, Waiting and Buried? Hell, he was even decent in Blade and Wolverine even though those movies sucked. He has the tendency to be in bad movies, not being a bad actor.
Blasphemy, Blade trinity was the movie of my early teens! But yeah I agree he is a pretty damn good actor...
Blade Trinity was probably not the best Blade movie. It did kind of suck. However, Reynolds is a really good actor, and he's funny to boot. I would really like to see a revamped Deadpool movie with him in lead.
You'll be pleased to know a prequel to X-men origins is planned, with him reprising the role. And personally I found it to be the better one, the first having the bouncy blood god and the second a meh horror theme.

P.S I ate a lot of garlic earlier... And I just farted
Sep 14, 2009
Snowalker said:
Greg Tito said:
Oh, Green Lantern. I think you may have single-handedly ruined Ryan Reynolds career. And for that, we thank you.
Speak for yourself, he's a good actor, Waiting and Buried? Hell, he was even decent in Blade and Wolverine even though those movies sucked. He has the tendency to be in bad movies, not being a bad actor.
damn straight,

i actually do like some of his less popular films, such as:

chaos theory, definitely maybe, and just friends (the proposal was..ehh)

also in change up he did pretty damn well in role reversal on what the movie was trying to accomplish, IMO

plus he is confirmed as deadpool in the deadpool movie, so haters gonna hate, but he's gonna rock that roll amazingly.

Kurokami said:
Zing said:
He's just wrong for Green Latern, but perfect for Deadpool.
but he's not loud, not vulgar, and not rough sounding enough to play Deadpool imo.
he's not loud and not vulgar...

wait what?

are we..what have you watched that he was in?

because obviously not what i have seen...
Sep 14, 2009
VanityGirl said:
Sixcess said:
The irony is that Captain America has never been a "America Fuck Yeah" character. In fact he's probably got a stronger track record than most for criticising mindless jingoism. You want unconditional admiration of the USA just look to Superman...
Thank You! You know a lot of people on this very site were bitching about Cap having a movie made about him because "it was just going to be a flag waving dick slinging movie". Cap has never been about that. Actually, Captain America is just an all around nice guy. He's a soldier, but he has broken the law before if he saw it unjust or immorale (think Civil War).

hell that was the WHOLE DAMN POINT of ultimate avengers 2 (i played it on the wii, not sure if it was on other systems)

Cap was the one against the goverment listings of superheroes and their identities while ironman was all for it, and cap was willing to fight against america/the government to make sure his ideals were upheld (original american ideals,freedom,freedom of speech, etc..)


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
One thing though, why has Thor out performed First Class? That ain't right.
I remember being REALLY surprised by how good First Class was, and that makes me think it was hurt not only by lackluster advertising, but also by how poorly received X-men 3 and Origins:Wolverine were by fans.

Thor, on the other hand, had advertising everywhere, was on the tail of a pretty good Iron Man sequel, and was around the time that whisperings of an "Avengers" movie mash-up started.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
And they still won't release it in Greek theaters. Others get Cap and we sit here with 'Minarets In New York'. Our marketing guys are crap at their job.

And wouldn't you know it, even though I know that it wouldn't sell, they pulled the same thing with Scott Pilgrim last year. So, not much hope.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Oh, Green Lantern. I think you may have single-handedly ruined Ryan Reynolds career. And for that, we thank you.
Could not have happened to a more deserving person too :)

Maybe Captain America is so popular because he portrays what America used to stand for. People generally liked what America used to stand for, I think the movie reminds people of those times. Nostalgia is a good thing.


Aug 27, 2010
I loved to see that Green Lantern is bombing! Thanks to Moviebob I haven't seen it, even though I love the comics.
Nice to see Cpt. America doing well given the quality (once again, solely based on Moviebob) and I did have my concerns about international sales. I'm still waiting for Thor to come out on DVD before watching Cpt. America, but I'm looking forward to them.
Also, Ryan Reynolds is a great actor in horrible movies.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Only three nations opted to use the shorter title of The First Avenger - Russia, Ukraine and South Korea - but that's kind of expected given the political leanings of those countries. (As my father-in-law would say, "Screw those commie pinkos.")

Um... excuse me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Greg Tito said:
Only three nations opted to use the shorter title of The First Avenger - Russia, Ukraine and South Korea - but that's kind of expected given the political leanings of those countries. (As my father-in-law would say, "Screw those commie pinkos.")
Wow. South Korea and the Ukraine are communist, now? To say nothing of Russia, which is frankly closer to the other end of the spectrum these days.

I guess we can't expect much better than this from the site that laughably described homefront's plot as "realistic and believable". Meanwhile, the reason the captain ended up where he was at the end of the movie was because the commie-bashing era of captain america's comics were rightly retconned out of history as a failure and embarassement.


New member
May 28, 2010
I'm from Australia and absolutely loved the movie, finding it pretty much flawless. I was waiting since I was a kid to see an amazing WWII era Cap movie and I was completely satisfied and impressed.

A lot of people here have reacted well to it, I know quite a few Captain America fans besides me.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
duchaked said:
hey I'm American and I really wanna see a Captain Britain movie...
This! ...Although a Excalibur-Captain Britain movie may be stretching it a bit.

Jamie Bamber would be perfect to play Captain Britain, imo.