The worst actor working today


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
TheBobmus said:
Jack Black and Eddie Murphy, as a rule. There are exceptions in their older work, but today all their stuff feels tired and unfunny.
For the ladies it's Sarah Jessica Parker.

Edit: Also there's the obvious Taylor Lautner, who has the acting ability of a Starfish.
the closest one I can think of is Martin Short

I was fine with him playing as a high priest in Prince of Egypt (even if he and Steve Martin were slightly out of place as comic relief) but He sparked ire in me when he voiced the Cat in that godawfully annoying PBS show called The Cat In The Hat Knows Alot About That.

Dr. Suess must be shuttering in his grave by now (if he wasn't already doing so when that 'remake' of Lorax came out) ...


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
For your Oscar Razzie consideration:

Ok, maybe he's not the worst, but I just wanted an excuse to post this video. XD


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Channing Tatum surely?! When I went to see Dear John with an ex; as soon as it finished about 5 people (including me) in unison, said "that was shit".


New member
Nov 8, 2007
It's hard to pinpoint a worst actor, but I can tell you who the worst actors are, in proportion to how much they're paid. Tom Cruise is a bad actor who makes a mint. In this case, bad actor means "unconvincing". Like a cheap special effect, unconvincing acting makes you say "that looks totally fake", removing you from the movie. In that regard, Tom Cruise is to acting what a saucer on a string is to special effects.

Second place goes to Keira Knightley. For the longest time, I assumed Keira would have been okay if it were not for the fact that she is perpetually miscast in roles she clearly can't perform - bounty hunters and pirate queens. I thought she'd only be capable of the "posh totty" kind of role. But then I saw Pride and Prejudice and The Governess; roles she should be perfect for. She was still terrible. She fails for the same reasons as Tom Cruise; so unconvincing, it destroys whatever credibility the movie had.

I give other bad actors a pass, either because they're poorly paid amateurs, or because the movie they're in is too bad for them to ruin. Also, I forgive actors who can only play themselves, like John Wayne or Vin Deisel - they often can play themselves very well, and that works just as long as they're put in a movie that happens to need John Wayne or Vin Deisel. Hell, that even applies to the modern shitty stars, like Shia LeBoeff or Michael Cera. It's only when actors demand huge paychecks in high standard productions, that I expect a high standard of performance.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Raven said:
I guess objective analysis doesn't count for too much these days huh?
Not when it comes to a question as subjective as "who do you think is the worst actor?"


New member
Sep 13, 2008
saoirse13 said:
Hmmm well I guess it's down to personal preference. But in my opinion, He is a bad actor. A river runs through it, is the only movie that I can appreciate him in.
While that's a fine opinion, there is a vast difference between liking an actor/actress and acknowledging their skill (or lack thereof).

He has talent, and still does. I don't particularly like him, but he's a good actor.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Hmm, let's see.

Adam Sandler is certainly high up there. It's not just that he's a bad actor, and it's not just that the movies he make are bad, the real worst part is that he can take actrs or actresses who are actually pretty good or have potential and essentially make them look like shit.

Amanda Siegfried is pretty god awful. As well as just being a poor actress, her roles are always giving her too much to do, giving her the task of carrying the movie herself when it's clear that she just isn't good enough to do so. What's worse is that it seems like her getting jobs means that perhaps better, more capable up-and-coming actresses are always losing their chances to come through.

While I wouldn't say she's the worst actress around, I can't stand Zoey Deschenele. If she was just a subpar actress I could easily just let that slide and forget about her, but it seems like she's never really called out on any of this. I think what annoys me about her is that she seems to be let off the hook too many times simply due to her quirkiness, something I simply cannot stand. Not the worst actress, but my anticipation for something quickly drops when I find out she's part of it.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
HardkorSB said:
Vin Diesel?
I mean, the guy can only play 1 character - Vin Diesel.
By your logic, Clint Eastwood is a horrible actor, Charlie Chaplin is a horrible actor (The Great Dictator exempt). If that one character is gold, you can't go wrong. Incidentally I am not in any way or means a fan of Vin Diesel, I just wouldn't label myself a detractor.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
maninahat said:
Raven said:
I guess objective analysis doesn't count for too much these days huh?
Not when it comes to a question as subjective as "who do you think is the worst actor?"
And what's the difference between a subjective opinion and a subjective opinion worth anything?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
EeveeElectro said:
If anyone says Nicholas Cage I'll punch you!!! He's the greatest actor of all time, I love him.

Ahem. Actress, I agree with Kristen Stewart. Her one facial expression is so annoying. I wouldn't exactly say she was attractive either, so I'm not sure how she gets work...
Actors, I'm not too sure of. There's something about Daniel Radcliffe that annoys me. He's got much better over the years but still seems a little wooden sometimes. Definitely not the worst though.
I'll have a think about it and come back >_> <_<
ah! my friends and i have a theory about old unpredictable nic cage. He has a twin, probably evil, who goes out of his way to appear in the shittest movies ever. Then there's regular Nicolas cage who only ever acts in awesome movies.

Either that or he literally doesn't even read a script before accepting a job

oh yeah forget OT!

Jamie Foxx is pretty dreadful, if you need convincing just watch Collateral, Adam Sandler is pretty much the same character in every movie I've ever seen him in. Oh! and before i forget right at the top of the list should be Mark Wahlberg...

oh dear...


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Michael Cera, without a doubt. He physically incapable of playing anyone but "high-class guy acting like what he thinks those nerds on the other side of the room are like". Him and the writers (not the actors) from Big Bang are making me wish I was a brainless jock.