The Worst controls so far


New member
Aug 7, 2012
I recently got the humble THQ bundle because im a stickler for a sale and Ive played a few so far. I just started darksiders and let me say very few games have matched the unprecedentedly horrible controls. If you havent played the PC version don't unless you want to remap EVERY thing but wasd and mouse 1. let me give you a hint THQ do not make me hold right shift to lock on left alt to dodge one hit kills and then require me to hold caps lock and press 1-4 to use an ability. I have never stopped playing a game so soon in as this one (aside from super meat boy but thats because I suck).

I could literally write a shit review from the first 10 minutes of this game but thats not the point of the thread.

So to the point what HORRIBLE control schemes have you seen before? I want really bad ones


New member
Aug 7, 2012
To clarify, yes I do see how this scheme could have worked on console, but frankly I don't care I'm not playing on one.

Also the caps lock key should never be used in any game ever, or if it has to it damn well better be a toggle it is almost as awkward as the muther 'ukin windows key (or whatever that weird thing on mac is)


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
If you have one use a gamepad. I just beat Darksiders (I got it in the bundle, too) and it's really great fun.

Worst controls I've ever encountered would either be the keyboard and mouse controls for Dark Souls or controlling Tails in Sonic 06.

In Dark Souls, the mouse moves the camera extremely slowly (except for random spikes in it's speed) making it very hard to actually look around. In Sonic 06, camera controls are basically none-existent and Tails' only method of offence is throwing a bomb that sends fake rings everywhere. He has no lock-on and every time you press the throw button the game quickly shifts to a first person aiming mode, but if you actually take the time to aim with it you'll be hit before you can throw.

Climbing with Knuckles and Rouge was awful, too. You'd just get stuck on the wall and have to hammer the jump button to unstick them. Happened to me every single time.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Apart from Sonic 06, there is also a crappy Star Trek game called Encounters for the PS2. Put simply, that control setup was either made for a twelve fingered mutant or someone with triple jointed hands.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I've gotta go with the MegaMan Collection for the GameCube. Simple games for the most part. Shoot and jump. We've been doing this since the beginning of (gaming) time. No way to mess that up, right?

... except they reversed the Jump and Shoot buttons, and there's no way to swap them around to their normal positions.

Anyone who's ever played a MM game (or a challenging action platformer of any kind, really) knows that even a half second of delayed reaction due to buttons not being where they should be equals death. To play MM on the 'Cube basically means having to re-program more than a decade of muscle memory.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Hmm... I can't think of any game I've played that had "absolutely" shitty controls.

Skyrim had some bad choices, not "Abysmally bad" but "could have been better".

They could have combined settings+inventory+wait menu all onto the start button a la Dragon Age, and then had two extra buttons, the B button in particular would have been handy to have since spells are kinda hard to swap when they're all on the "Dpad Up" button.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
I still don't get people who complain about the controls for Darksiders, I played it on the PS3 and PC (without a controller) and actually felt that it played better on the keyboard + mouse... maybe I just had a freak game or something, I don't know. But I never had a single issue with the controls. o_O


Sonic Generations on PC is pretty bad without a game-pad because there's no pressure-sensitivity and the key layout is... weird.

DMC3 and 4 on the PC have key layouts that are quite obviously built with a game-pad in mind, since the general buttons are bound to WASD and IJKL, and I don't recall if there's actually any way to re-bind them.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
StriderShinryu said:
I've gotta go with the MegaMan Collection for the GameCube. Simple games for the most part. Shoot and jump. We've been doing this since the beginning of (gaming) time. No way to mess that up, right?

... except they reversed the Jump and Shoot buttons, and there's no way to swap them around to their normal positions.

Anyone who's ever played a MM game (or a challenging action platformer of any kind, really) knows that even a half second of delayed reaction due to buttons not being where they should be equals death. To play MM on the 'Cube basically means having to re-program more than a decade of muscle memory.

I tried playing this the other day and was shocked at how annoying that was, and even moreso that you couldn't switch it around in the options. It's a huge oversight, and really surprising, considering Mega Man grew up on Nintendo...


New member
Nov 2, 2012
Gothic wasn't too bad most of the time. It would be even pretty good, if it wasn't for the fact that half of the bloody keybinds have not been named. You want to pick something up? Use every button on your keyboard. Then do the same with alt and then with ctrl combinations. You still have not found the right combination and got no internet connection to look it up? Bad luck. Keep trying.

And then you find the right combination. Holding shift with ARROWS when you want to loot something. How retarded is this? Oh, and let me mention that there is a difference between LOOTING and PICKING SOMETHING UP.

These keybind choices make no sense and often enough you can't even rebind them.

As much as I loved the game, the controls could be truly abyssmaly bad.


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Saints Row 2 On PC get's my Current vote. I'd played it on a friends 360 a while before and the controls just don't suit PC.


Aug 5, 2009
I can't tell whether it was just the controls or the camera angles, but Resident Evil 6 gets downright frustrating at times. But as for the worst, that's a tough one. Sometimes Saints Row 2 felt incredibly unintuitive.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Assassins Creed 3's hold one button to do everything is a pain when you are trying not run, not climb things. Before you had to press a button to jump, now it just assumed you do even when trying to run past a wall while close to it.

Gears of War 2 suffered from having A doing too many things as well. Normally it rolls, if near cover you take cover, if near a downed enemy you pick them up as a shield. Try doing that when in a hectic fight and you find yourself doing the wrong one half the time, especially if the game is lagging.

Thankfully Gears of War 3 had a more sensible control scheme as well as better control responses.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
in assassin's creed liberations you have to hold up the back camera to a bright light to simulate candle light for certain parts. So i held it up to a candle, but that wasnt bright enough

also there was a part where you had to play one of these

but the controls just plain didnt work, tilt it to the left and it'd go up, tilt it to the right again and it flipped over.. like the fuck do i make of that?

and you cant turn the camera fast enough to make the 90 degree turns you have to make so you end up jumping the wrong way or down from the trees (and theres nowhere near as many ways up as ac3) when ur running at full speed, so you need to actually stop running and wait for the camera to turn in many situations

the game was enjoyable, but stupid gimmicky shit to use vita features in bad ways made it very aggravating


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Worst controls I've come across recently are the GTA Vice City for iPad controls.

I know on screen sucks anyway, but the controls on that thing have literally ruined VC for me


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
While this thread has listed some bad controls I think this one tops them all:
The PSP ports of Megaman Legends and Megaman Legends 2.
Capcom didn't even attempt to accommodate for the PSP's lack of an L2 and R2 button as well as only having one analog stick. It was by far the worst port I've seen which is why I'm glad I didn't import it. I was going to but then I saw how bad the controls were and so I didn't.