The Worst controls so far

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
How the hell has this topic gotten this far with no mention of Alone in the Dark (2008)?

Now, I'm the type of person that feels compelled to beat a game I buy. Very rarely do I ever actually abandon a game. Alone in the Dark is, to date, the only game I've ever abandoned due to controls. Not only did I never beat it, I gave up on it after a mere two hours. Simply not worth the time or effort.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Well I mean, Darksiders is just legitimately a terrible game. The fact that it has one attack button makes it worse, tbh.

Taking the recent prize for me is Assassins Creed 3 on PC. Shitty, laggy controls.

Eclectic Dreck said:
In second place? Falcon 4.0. That game uses every key on your keyboard. Most of them three times over. Ejecting from your aircraft for example requires a sequence of five key presses!

Falcon 4.0 was one of my favourite games! I loved the idea that a flight simulator was complicated. You know, like an actual simulator.

Oh, and eject was "Ctrl-E".


New member
May 18, 2012
My friend tried Maplestory on his laptop and ragequit 10 mins in because the controls "are shit". I play on a desktop though and have no problem playing.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
To be fair, you simply shouldn't play some games with a mouse and keyboard, just like you shouldn't play an RTS with a controller.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
gigastar said:
The PC version of Resident Evil 4.

Back in the days when Capcom's porting team had only ever read about a mouse being used for aiming in a book. Then decided it was too western and thus inferior.
Reason to get the PC version of a third person shooter over a console (considering the graphics and framerate are roughly equal), number 1: mouse controls. Resident Evil 4 PC version had just too many glaring faults with it for me to bear it. The controls were awful, especially the quick time events.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Arma 2 uses every single key on the keyboard possible.
Including the numpad.
It's really not necessary.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
Three games come to mind for me.

Too Human - Xbox 360
Devil May Cry 4 - PC
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - PC

Although I got used to Devil May Cry 4's and Soul Reaver's controls after a bit of playing. But Too Human's controls... I... I just don't know what the fuck was going on with controls in that game.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
A very small section of Heavy Rain.

You are playing as Madison and you have to help an injured Ethan, I was trying to go forward and just kept turning in circles over and over, but thankfully like I said it is a very small section to a great game.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
I've got another one
(also from the THQ Bundle) Metro 2033, while the game is great (IMO) there is a small section where you are carrying a child on your back, the game decides suddenly realism is very important and your aim suddenly gets some major back weight so it flies around and has serious acceleration and deceleration issues. Normally this would be cool but they make you 1. fight hordes for supper quick two hit kill jump monsters from all sides and 2. Fucking first person platform, why the fuck? its already hard enough in first person but with this crap it is ridiculous. Fortunately this section is short thank God.


New member
Nov 30, 2012
FF7 on the PC. With some fan-made patches, it actually runs 100% fine. But... oh god the controls. They can't be changed. Everything is mapped to the num pad. So 8426 are the arrows and the other ten buttons on the PSX are random other things. And to top it all off, everything is still referred to ingame as circle, square, L1, R2, etc.

Also, Goldeneye. You can't customize the controls, though it does have a few different control schemes. Most of them, the analog stick up/down makes you move, but the stick left/right makes you look. The yellow buttons are the the other way around: up/down is look, left/right is move. Then there's the last one, which almost emulates dual analogs... except the stick (left thumb) is look and the buttons (right thumb) are move, the opposite of every modern shooter. I got pretty good at the game as a kid, but nowadays I find it unplayable. (It is the game that made me an inverted player for life, though, so shoutout to that.)

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
ResonanceSD said:
Well I mean, Darksiders is just legitimately a terrible game. The fact that it has one attack button makes it worse, tbh.

Taking the recent prize for me is Assassins Creed 3 on PC. Shitty, laggy controls.

Eclectic Dreck said:
In second place? Falcon 4.0. That game uses every key on your keyboard. Most of them three times over. Ejecting from your aircraft for example requires a sequence of five key presses!

Falcon 4.0 was one of my favourite games! I loved the idea that a flight simulator was complicated. You know, like an actual simulator.

Oh, and eject was "Ctrl-E".
If memory serves it was [Ctrl]+[E]x3


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
I never really adjusted to the controls in Luigi's Mansion. I just couldn't seem to operate both sticks the proper way while also holding down the shoulder button to run the vacuum. I did get through the game but not easily.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
Easton Dark said:
I dunno.

Probably QWOP.

The whole point of the game is that the controls are confusing.

speaking of qwop. damn you. i'd kicked that habit. but now i got my best distance 46.2m lmao


New member
May 22, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Apart from Sonic 06, there is also a crappy Star Trek game called Encounters for the PS2. Put simply, that control setup was either made for a twelve fingered mutant or someone with triple jointed hands.
You know, I bought that by mistake (I got it confused with Shattered Universe and picked it up on an impulse buy), and while the game itself is pretty much the definition of mediocre, I don't remember the controls being especially bad. Then again, I played a lot of Armored Core 2 as a teenager, so maybe I'm just used to weird controls where you use the shoulder buttons to rotate things.

OT: I don't know, maybe some Wii shovelware? I know I've played games with terrible controls in the past, but heck if I can remember any off hand. If it was /really/ terrible, I generally didn't stick with it. I guess the PC port of Devil May Cry 4 has terrible controls if you don't have a controller (it's keyboard only, you literally can't use the mouse in game play), but I've got a wired 360 controller, so it handled just fine. There's also Dwarf Fortress, but I'm pretty sure that's the user interface thread equivalent of Godwin's law.