The Worst controls so far


New member
Jul 5, 2011
As much as I like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, triangle has no business being the jump button. Yes, I know you can map them to other buttons but it still shouldn't have even crossed their minds. When you're platforming, jumping is pretty damn important. That is why jumping is on the X button since your thumb is there anyways. Triangle is situated near the very top of the controller and is made for things you wouldn't need as often x___x.
Jun 11, 2008
To me you're doing the equivalent on playing an RTS with a controller. Action games like that should not be played with a Mouse and Keyboard.

OT: I suppose QWOP and its sequel are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head but then again those 2 are designed to be like that.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Too Human is worse than almost all of these examples. A better control scheme was the biggest thing that game needed. You attacked by holding the right stick in the direction on an enemy and launched by double tapping the stick in the direction of the enemy. It was so unintuitive you had to train yourself to get decent at the game.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
System Shock 1 had the misfortune of being made before people had figured out how to properly design mouse-based FPS controls, so it's reaaaaally annoying re-playing it today.

They worked everything out for System Shock 2, thankfully.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Tony Hawk Ride/Shred just looked absolutely crap to me. I haven't experienced it first-hand but I don't think I need to.

As for games I have actually played: Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. I had to re-calibrate my Wii-Mote ever few minutes to keep Link's attack effective and first-person mode might as well have been completely removed for the number of times the controller thought I was trying to look directly into the sun.


Senior Member
Jun 7, 2010
triggrhappy94 said:
I'd say Too Human. I think shitty controls helped lead to the game selling so poorly.

Who the hell thought that the camera and the melee system needed to be on the same stick?
At some point in development some decided that no one would ever want to move the camera unless they wanted to melee.
Da fuk?


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
The PC version of Resident Evil 4.

Back in the days when Capcom's porting team had only ever read about a mouse being used for aiming in a book. Then decided it was too western and thus inferior.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
Toxinthegreat said:
Saints Row 2 On PC get's my Current vote. I'd played it on a friends 360 a while before and the controls just don't suit PC.
It's not that they don't suit PC (Saint's Row 3 controls wonderfully) it's that it's one of the absolute worst ports of all time.

Trust me, the controls don't improve if you plug in a 360 controller, either.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Somonah said:
it's 2012, buy a capable controller for your PC. Bitching about a game that is clearly meant to be played with a controller seems a lil silly.

I think for me it had to be the first time i played Super Meat Boy, played it with my keyboard. That or resident Evil 4 on PC.
The point is that the game was ported and released for the PC, if they were going to do a shit job then just say play with a controller like SMB did.

Additionally I dont want to use a controller on my PC that is why I use it and not an xbox (or PS3 because im not biased [but not wii becuase im to lazy for that shit]).

Easton Dark said:
I dunno.

Probably QWOP.

The whole point of the game is that the controls are confusing.


You win!

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Chris Demarest said:
Too Human is worse than almost all of these examples. A better control scheme was the biggest thing that game needed. You attacked by holding the right stick in the direction on an enemy and launched by double tapping the stick in the direction of the enemy. It was so unintuitive you had to train yourself to get decent at the game.
Double-tapping the stick? What? I don't even...What?
Who on EARTH thought double clicking the stick would be a good idea? Just...WHAT?


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Domogo said:
The point is that the game was ported and released for the PC, if they were going to do a shit job then just say play with a controller like SMB did.

Additionally I dont want to use a controller on my PC that is why I use it and not an xbox (or PS3 because im not biased [but not wii becuase im to lazy for that shit]).
You're just being stubborn. One of the best things about PC gaming is that can use can use pretty much any type of input device you could ever want. It's not like consoles where you're limited to only the standard controller or specifically supported peripherals. If you're on a PC, play the game with the input device that fits the game. For shooters and strategy games use keyboard and mouse, for driving games use a wheel, for fighting games use a stick, and for action games like Darksiders use a controller. Expecting every game to be best with keyboard and mouse just because it was released on PC is as ridiculous as expecting an RTS to work perfectly with a controller just because it was ported to consoles.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Personally for me I'd say Lok: Soul Reaver 2 and LoK: Defiance's pc controls. Only got so far before I pretty much threw my hands up in the air and used my 360 controller through Xpadder. Plus the tutorial was not exactly helping, like; "Press the Action Button to do an Action" Wow really? Id of never guessed.

I mean I could of just messed around with Key Bindings but I'm just that lazy. I'm just too used to console gaming /sob/

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Gothic has to take the cake. That game had insane controls requiring pressing combinations of keys to perform relatively mundane tasks. Picking an object off the ground required at least two key presses. Of course, once you got the hang of it the game played fine.

In second place? Falcon 4.0. That game uses every key on your keyboard. Most of them three times over. Ejecting from your aircraft for example requires a sequence of five key presses! Of course, the game did ship with a manual the size of your average Calculus textbook and it damn well expected you to know what was there. Falcon 3.0 went a step further in that regard and shipped with two books used by the USAF that taught dogfight theory.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Easton Dark said:
I dunno.

Probably QWOP.

The whole point of the game is that the controls are confusing.

I just played it. They aren't confusing, they're actually really simple. The problem is I have no idea how to replicate the timing of walking using my left and right hands. I made it 6.5 meters. On my hundredth attempt.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Somonah said:
So even if a game told you to use a controller like SMB, you wouldn't?
Nope but I wouldn't be upset if I couldn't play it. I suck at fast pace platforming any way my twitch responses are only good in terms of trigger finger.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Il_Exile_lI said:
You're just being stubborn. One of the best things about PC gaming is that can use can use pretty much any type of input device you could ever want. It's not like consoles where you're limited to only the standard controller or specifically supported peripherals. If you're on a PC, play the game with the input device that fits the game. For shooters and strategy games use keyboard and mouse, for driving games use a wheel, for fighting games use a stick, and for action games like Darksiders use a controller. Expecting every game to be best with keyboard and mouse just because it was released on PC is as ridiculous as expecting an RTS to work perfectly with a controller just because it was ported to consoles.
Then call me stubborn, because I am. I'm not saying that I expect every game on PC to be perfect with the K&M I just expect that someone takes 5 minutes to at least try an make the map resemble something usable

And I will say that battle for middle earth two was on 360 and I thought it did fairly good job of using the controller's strong suits, it wasn't perfect but it was playable.

P.S. I would never ever use a wheel those are just silly, the buttons are way jacked up on every one i've ever seen.

Owen Robertson

New member
Jul 26, 2011
Maybe I can't think of any right now or maybe I haven't played a game with bad controls so I'll just say that Mirrors Edge had some complicated parkour controls. They became second-nature after like two levels, and I never made any mistakes, but they were complex.