The worst game you have ever played.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Not the worst game ever, but the worst one you've actually played. It need not be the least functional, but the one that is..just the worst.

Sonic and the Secret Rings is probably mine. Good god that game was awful.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
Superman 64 is too obvious, so I choose Aidyn Chronicles. That game is so not fun, it makes the butchered N64 port of Daikatana made seemingly by Japanese people barely able to write in English look like a quality product.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing.

That might seem like cheating, considering how infamous it is now.

But, I've actually played it at a friend's house in early 2004, before it became internet famous for being a horrendous piece of shit (which it is). He had one of those bootleg discs with a bunch of mostly terrible games (though it did have Doom and CivII on there too), and Big Rigs just happened to be one of them. We installed it, got it to boot without crashing once, played it for five minutes (then it crashed) and quietly banished it to digital oblivion. Years later, when word of its awfulness started spreading online, did I really realize I'd played one of the worst games ever.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Hellooo, I'm the FF8 Rant Guy. I make fun of it, so you don't have to!

(If anybody actually wants the rant, I can provide a link or even just write a new one.)


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
FalloutJack said:
Hellooo, I'm the FF8 Rant Guy. I make fun of it, so you don't have to!

(If anybody actually wants the rant, I can provide a link or even just write a new one.)
Go ahead and get that link Jack. I actually really liked FF8, but your rants are usually funny and I'm not sure if I've seen the latest one or not.

Actually, I own a copy of E.T. for the Atari 2600 that I got for Christmas back in '82. Yes it's bad, but no worse than any bad 2600 game was. The worst game I ever played was Infiltrator for the NES. The controls were awful, overcomplicated, and there was absolutely no context provided for why the player was supposed to do anything in the game.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Street Fighter V. Street Fighter didn't really change too much, and I was fine with that. If you've played one Ryu, you've played them all.

But then V came out...and they botched most every charge character, and actually changed shit...into shit. RIP Vega...


New member
May 7, 2016
An unlicensed NES game called Raid 2027. Never seen a game fail so hard on every level before or since. Superman 64, Big Rigs, the usual contenders, they were masterpieces compared to how this handled.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Kyrian007 said:
This was an old one. []

There was another that I explained in separate different sectioned spoiler tags to an actual fan of the series, but I CAN'T FIND IT, which is a damn shame and now Google thinks I'm a robot for the intense search.

Anyway, this was the recent one. [] The posts I made after it expand on the whole thing.

Man, I think I need a new refresher rant. The last one I did before this was really good.


New member
Aug 9, 2016
Ardennes Offensive.
Man, that was dreadful. Terrible graphics, gameplay, sound design... I cringe a bit whenever I think about that game.


New member
Feb 9, 2016

Its a game that i couldnot find a single good thing about. it made uncharted feel like Deus Ex 1. it has terrible one button platforming, terrible combat and shooting, worst protagonist in the history of video games.

its just really really that bad.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
B-Cell said:

Its a game that i couldnot find a single good thing about. it made uncharted feel like Deus Ex 1. it has terrible one button platforming, terrible combat and shooting, worst protagonist in the history of video games.

its just really really that bad.
...and happens to be a personal favorite of mine and i cant stand the earlier tomb raider games haha.

as for my suggestion, its an old game .. phantasmagoria 2 a puzzle of flesh.. a main character who is completely obnoxious and unlikable and some of the worst FMV acting full stop


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
B-Cell said:

Its a game that i couldnot find a single good thing about. it made uncharted feel like Deus Ex 1. it has terrible one button platforming, terrible combat and shooting, worst protagonist in the history of video games.

its just really really that bad.
You wouldn't find a good thing about it because you didn't play past the 1 hour mark.

On Topic... I'm sure it's not the worst game I've ever played, but it's the worst game I've ever played that I can think of at the moment - BRINK.

Just... terrible.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Alone in the Dark: Wii Version.

I was an idiot to think the Xbox 360 version was the same to the Wii especially the merging item mechanic. Heck even the plot was different to the Wii version which nobody seen to bother mentioning! Worse of all was the car driving part of the game as if you're driving a tin can with extreme sensitive steering wheel!


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
ShoobieDoobie said:
Counter-strike. Horrible shit-tier game!
Don't you have anything nice to say? Ever?

Scarim Coral said:
Alone in the Dark: Wii Version.

I was an idiot to think the Xbox 360 version was the same to the Wii especially the merging item mechanic. Heck even the plot was different to the Wii version which nobody seen to bother mentioning! Worse of all was the car driving part of the game as if you're driving a tin can with extreme sensitive steering wheel!
Kind of weird how every game that got a 'Wii version' was crap, isn't it?

Except for RE4, of course. The Wii version was amazing.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Trying to look past games I simply didn't like... Hmm... Usually I stay away from actually bad games, not even for "Haha this is funny let's check it out!" reasons.

But I did get suckered into E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy. As a Shadowrun fan I really wanted to like that game and the concept sounded awesome to me. But Christ what an amateurish, broken mess. I can see the wonderful ambition shining through, but it's covered in clunky and half-broken gameplay, a terrible UI, bad translation work, bland environment design, shitty AI, you name it. It bit off so much more than I can chew.

AccursedTheory said:
On Topic... I'm sure it's not the worst game I've ever played, but it's the worst game I've ever played that I can think of at the moment - BRINK.
If it weren't for that horrible netcode and overal structure... It had such promise, and I liked that caricatural artstyle.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I'm sure some awful online Flash game or single title in a Windows 3.1 "Best of Entertainment" compilation would claim that dubious distinction, but I'm having trouble remembering a specific example. For standalone commercial releases, Combat Air Patrol for DOS is a definite contender:

The lack of polish is shocking, even by the standards of 1995. In case you were wondering, no, your speakers aren't malfunctioning. There is absolutely no music or sound except for the occasional missile fire, explosion or switch toggle. If that wasn't bad enough you've got the absolutely horrid visuals, with dirty brown skies, awful draw distance and a terrain morphing "feature" that's downright disorienting. Of course, that's assuming the game didn't crash on you...which it would with alarming frequency.

Oh yeah, and you'd better not take the F-14 out on ground attack missions because you can't equip air-to-ground weapons...but the game sure as hell isn't going to tell you that. One could argue that any military aviation buff would know that, but gimme a break, I was a kid who didn't know any better. Even "dumb firing" air-to-air ordnance won't work, because they do no damage against ANY ground target. I HATE when combat flight games do that. Look, I know I'm not using my AIM-120s properly, but if it can rip apart planes, surely it would have a similar affect on "soft targets" like loaded Scud launchers, AA guns or munitions trucks?!

The most baffling thing of all is that people seemed to have LIKED this game back in the day, at least if comments on vintage gaming sites are any indication. I know it was the 90's and 3-D graphics were still in their infancy, but there were SO many better alternatives to choose from. Either people have a debilitating case of Nostalgia Goggles or they have it confused with the Amiga version, which I've heard is the superior product.