The worst game you have ever played.


Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
This isn't exactly a bad game so much as the most boring game that I have played in recent memory:

Final Fantasy Explorers. It's not a bad premise. Final Fantasy meets Monster Hunter. What could go wrong?

Not everything, fortunately. The game itself isn't bad. It's just... mind-numbingly dull. And I like most boring stuff. But this... this entire game misses the entire purpose of the Monster Hunter games. The flow of combat is vital to Monster Hunter's core. And the game misses it by a mile. Imagine Monster Hunter, but all the enemies and players feel static. They don't move anywhere other than just on the ground. Even when Monster Hunter DID do that, which was rarely, at least the dodge lifted you off the ground. At least you could dodge through a monster's legs or under the monster's limbs. At least you could do ANYTHING other than just hit the target and manually move out of the way when it attacked. I couldn't play more than a few minutes before I put it down. I still have it. I refuse to sell it, but I sure as shit won't play it ever again.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Spakko said:
Hmm... okay, it's not the worst game i've ever played but it's pretty bad and the first that pops up in my mind and nobody mentioned before. So here we go:

Ever heard of Dungeon Lords? Came out back in 2005 i think. Oh boy! That was a snoreburger with a side order of bug fries. Horribly unnfinished, buggy and incredibly boooooooring!

Most NPCs got stuck in walls, furniture, doors, rocks, and your Avatar... if they showed up at all. Quest items just disappearing from your inventory at random. Doors that would not open and doors that would open but lead to absolutely nothing.

When i had enough of it, i ran into the dark Woods, hoping some random monster would end my misery. And lo and behold, a Dragon appeared... aaaand got stuck between a tree and some shrubbery. It tried to kill me with a forklift some fireballs but they were no match against the little bush i was hiding behind... but for some reason i could shoot through the bush with my bow just fine. After 10 minutes of bush-penetration-with-my-starting-bow i killed the Dragon and gained enough XP to raise 20 Levels at once.
I took that as a clear win over this game, ended on a "high note", deleted this crap and never touched it again.
I was actually going to name that one. Amazingly enough I actually managed to finish it after downloading the numerous patches required. It's always the first game I think of when some one asks what's the worst game I've ever played.


New member
Oct 28, 2014
Meiam said:
Man body harvest was awesome! I mean it control like crap and looked worse than that, it was incredibly unclear what you were supposed to do and you'd constantly die for random reason and vehicle were almost useless since they couldn't be driven properly, what a great game :)
But the Sun-Shield was a nice weapon though. Burns those pesky oversized bugs away in no time. And for what did we use the shield in the end? To ignite a torch... Outstanding! Not a waste at all!

*takes a sip of coffee*

canadamus_prime said:
Spakko said:
Hmm... okay, it's not the worst game i've ever played but it's pretty bad and the first that pops up in my mind and nobody mentioned before. So here we go:

Ever heard of Dungeon Lords? Came out back in 2005 i think. Oh boy! That was a snoreburger with a side order of bug fries. Horribly unnfinished, buggy and incredibly boooooooring!

Most NPCs got stuck in walls, furniture, doors, rocks, and your Avatar... if they showed up at all. Quest items just disappearing from your inventory at random. Doors that would not open and doors that would open but lead to absolutely nothing.

When i had enough of it, i ran into the dark Woods, hoping some random monster would end my misery. And lo and behold, a Dragon appeared... aaaand got stuck between a tree and some shrubbery. It tried to kill me with a forklift some fireballs but they were no match against the little bush i was hiding behind... but for some reason i could shoot through the bush with my bow just fine. After 10 minutes of bush-penetration-with-my-starting-bow i killed the Dragon and gained enough XP to raise 20 Levels at once.
I took that as a clear win over this game, ended on a "high note", deleted this crap and never touched it again.
I was actually going to name that one. Amazingly enough I actually managed to finish it after downloading the numerous patches required. It's always the first game I think of when some one asks what's the worst game I've ever played.
*spit-takes the coffee all over the table*

canadamus_prime said:
I was actually going to name that one. Amazingly enough I actually managed to finish it after downloading the numerous patches required. It's always the first game I think of when some one asks what's the worst game I've ever played.

canadamus_prime said:
I actually managed to finish it
Well i'll be damned! You Sir, deserve a medal! I salute you! So, was it actually worth the effort? Should i dig it out of the jumble-box and give it another try? No, seriously, I'm very curious now.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Casual Shinji said:
OT: The Evil Within

I genuinely HATE very few games. Only two actually, and The Evil Within is one of 'm. Not only does it aesthetically look like garbage, presenting the player with the most insultingly generic monster/horror designs, it's also rendered like an early PS3 game. And the mechanics are so fucking clunky it's baffling. It's like they made this game without ever quality checking or balancing anything.

And the cherry on top is that it was made by Shinji Mikami. Was he suffering from a brain-eating bacteria during the developement or what?
I like to think that it was Mikami trolling hard enough in the hope that he can get out of this apparent name he has made for himself in horror games when he really only just wants to move on to fresher pastures. Sort of like Kojima being made to keep churning out metal gear solid games well after he said he was done with the franchise. I mean, Resident Evil 4 wasn't even a damn horror! The Evil Within feels like a purposeful exercise in cliche. Yes the game is an unoriginal mess that was frustrating in so many ways that did not need to be at all. Why does the guy hop merrily about at a painfully slow speed like a miniture pony savouring a summer meadow? And...the entirety of the game is full of annoyances.

OT: This topic is baiting hyperbole, well hyperbole is what it gets! The last gen ports of Shadow Of Mordor were pretty bad, but playable mostly. It's tricky to remember any terrible games, I tend to know what I want before getting it. Not always though, games that were considered good, even great, but very much not for bears. Those recently would be Street Fighter games and Defense Grid games, possibly the average bullet hell games too.
Dynasty Warriors, all of them.

Bad games would be; Baubles of Doom (only tried the demo, thank the demons it wasn't a purchase). Not sure if it was supposed to be a comedy, it came off as a Saturday morning children's cartoon that kept referencing testicles like it had Freudian tourettes. The gameplay played like a bad ps2 era experience also.
The Wii port of The Force Unleashed.
Army of Two? Ok, I'm struggling to think of anything recent now. :(


New member
Jul 5, 2015
Dalisclock said:
Action 52. Boom.

I had the misfortune to rent this ingenious "52 games in one cartridge" clusterfuck way back in the day for the NES. The main game is a terrible TMNT Ripoff(which has all of like 5 levels and none of them long), a good number of the games will crash if you try to play them and quite a few others will crash before you finish them(or will just stop). For the games that did work, no balancing was done at all, the difficulty was all over the map. It's fairly obvious the company working on the game didn't have a QA department....or just didn't care.

I don't remember any of the games being remotely interesting either.

At the time, I wondered why I was encountering so many bugs and crashes, thinking I got a bad cartridge. Later found out the game is just that broken.
Dalisclock said:
pookie101 said:
as for my suggestion, its an old game .. phantasmagoria 2 a puzzle of flesh.. a main character who is completely obnoxious and unlikable and some of the worst FMV acting full stop
I thought the twist was interesting and the weirdness leading up to it worked well.

Besides, how do you put it as worst when the first game exists? A game with a Main character who incredibly stupid and awful puzzle design. I don't actually hate that game either, but I found it very meh. At least I remember parts of sequel, more then I can say about the first game.
haha i actually enjoyed the campness of the first game and the characters even if they were bad actors.. had a very z grade film feel to it.

but it doest really show how best or worst games ever is a very subkjective thing unless its something like big rigs or ET

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Spakko said:
Meiam said:
Man body harvest was awesome! I mean it control like crap and looked worse than that, it was incredibly unclear what you were supposed to do and you'd constantly die for random reason and vehicle were almost useless since they couldn't be driven properly, what a great game :)
But the Sun-Shield was a nice weapon though. Burns those pesky oversized bugs away in no time. And for what did we use the shield in the end? To ignite a torch... Outstanding! Not a waste at all!

*takes a sip of coffee*

canadamus_prime said:
Spakko said:
Hmm... okay, it's not the worst game i've ever played but it's pretty bad and the first that pops up in my mind and nobody mentioned before. So here we go:

Ever heard of Dungeon Lords? Came out back in 2005 i think. Oh boy! That was a snoreburger with a side order of bug fries. Horribly unnfinished, buggy and incredibly boooooooring!

Most NPCs got stuck in walls, furniture, doors, rocks, and your Avatar... if they showed up at all. Quest items just disappearing from your inventory at random. Doors that would not open and doors that would open but lead to absolutely nothing.

When i had enough of it, i ran into the dark Woods, hoping some random monster would end my misery. And lo and behold, a Dragon appeared... aaaand got stuck between a tree and some shrubbery. It tried to kill me with a forklift some fireballs but they were no match against the little bush i was hiding behind... but for some reason i could shoot through the bush with my bow just fine. After 10 minutes of bush-penetration-with-my-starting-bow i killed the Dragon and gained enough XP to raise 20 Levels at once.
I took that as a clear win over this game, ended on a "high note", deleted this crap and never touched it again.
I was actually going to name that one. Amazingly enough I actually managed to finish it after downloading the numerous patches required. It's always the first game I think of when some one asks what's the worst game I've ever played.
*spit-takes the coffee all over the table*

canadamus_prime said:
I was actually going to name that one. Amazingly enough I actually managed to finish it after downloading the numerous patches required. It's always the first game I think of when some one asks what's the worst game I've ever played.

canadamus_prime said:
I actually managed to finish it
Well i'll be damned! You Sir, deserve a medal! I salute you! So, was it actually worth the effort? Should i dig it out of the jumble-box and give it another try? No, seriously, I'm very curious now.
Not really no. You'd be better off using the discs as coasters.


New member
Aug 13, 2016

This is the game that we all played while we anxiously waited for Metal Gear Solid 2 to come out, even though taking one look at the cover you know you will be dissapointed. Hmm...I wonder who that looks like?

For those of you who haven't played this horrendously done stealth MGS knock-off (more like a Headhunter knock-off, which is basically the store brand version of MGS & GTA mixed together) you take control of a squad member during a hostile takeover situation at a certain location (I know - super original) and as you press on (if you can get past shit mechanics and bear to at all) things aren't really as they seem.

That's about it for the plot, but that's not even why I thought it was so bad of a game. The fact that the AI was literally stupid made every firefight feel like a carbon copy of the last. If you were pinned down, all it took was a readjustment of the camera (and a few patient seconds) to allow the enemy to cease fire and have you take them down from a jump-out shot. There was absolutely no dynamic changes in the enemy's actions whatsoever. The controls overall felt like they were trying too hard to have a MGS feel to the game (especially when it came to corner views and jump-out shots) and it just fell so flat on its face because certain button mappings just felt uncomfortable or didn't make sense. Of course the game does not contain any customization options for controls.

During more intense portions of the game, such as boss battles, it felt like the enemy had an unnecessary upper hand in order to make them difficult. It almost felt like the enemy was cheating in a sense, and I'm no sore loser. On the contrary, I actually favor rather extreme challenges and I still remember feeling robbed of victory due to shitty level design, enemy placement, particular boss actions, and so on. Also, due to the awkwardness of the crouch-walk technique, it made maneuvering past laser trips and other dangerous obstacles feel ridiculously hard for no reason. This of course lead to many cheap deaths and early frustration over things that could have easily been avoided if there was any heart put into the actual design of the game.

The voice acting was also some of the absolute worst I have ever heard. This game makes Resident Evil look like the Shawshank Redemption. It's something that is so bad I almost don't want you to even hear it.