"There is nothing wrong being racist"


New member
Apr 10, 2009
LastGreatBlasphemer said:
Smackerlacker said:
People are judged by the company they keep. This friend of yours sounds to me like a stupid, selfish, credulous asshole. If you continue to call him your friend, you are the same.
The creed of everyone who cannot find a fault in somebody. "I don't like you, but can't think of much wrong with you, so I'm gonna judge you based on someone else."
Well, to be fair it is questionable that one would keep such unsavoury company.

Not to mention that Mr. Smackerlacker doesnt actually know the OP altogether that well for him to make any kind of informed judgement of him... what he does know, however is that he is friends with a unapologetic hateful bigot.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
Aidinthel said:

But this guy sounds like more than a "little bit" racist. My advice: never speak to him again.
The thing about this song is that it basically says "Stereotypes are funny because they're sometimes true. Let's all laugh!"

The fact that there are still intolerant people about race on even a minority scale in this day and age... have we really made so little progress since the 1400s?

I'm willing to admit that I don't really associate that much with black people (or chinese people for that matter, despite being half chinese) but that's because I don't like that type of crowd. It's the same reason I don't hang out with california posers...

I've met black nerds and chinese nerds (to a lesser extent, most of them don't talk much...) and they're fabulous people.

oh right, OT: Punch your friend in the face until he grows some tolerance and freakin' respect

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
Your friend is a dickhead who deserves to be punched in the face by mike tyson for 5 hours. You should never speak to him again.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Can't abide by such wilful ignorance. At this point you shouldn't give a flying fuck about his feelings because why show empathy to someone who lacks it entirely.

Racism doesn't just manifest as an aversion to other ethnicities. Most racist people are also short on temper, intolerant of change, unempathetic towards other people in general, potentially sexist and/or have superiority complexes.

Racism is a sociopathic mentality. What's worse it's essentially a loaded gun that can never be wielded justly and has a tendency to back fire. If you're living in a multi-cultural society then your friend is both a risk to himself and damaging to the community.

Do not just accept this. Stop being his friend, or try and educate him. Belittle him with slights on his physical characteristics or aspects that are inherent to him only. Give him a lesson in what a lack of empathy feels like. Show him, as someone above mention, a page on that web that advocates hate towards your country/state/culture etc. and ask him what he thinks of it. A hypocritical point of view (where he feels justified to do it, but they aren't) means he's hopeless. If he get's visibly angry then you might be able to give him a lesson in empathy.

As a member of a community that presumably accepts multi-cultural interactions, his view is far too damaging (to both himself and others) to let slide. So either bail or try to educate him, but don't accept it.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
SquallTheBlade said:
No, no, I didn't say that, but a good friend of mine did.

So, this friend watched American History X yesterday, a movie which tells about dangers of racism and what it can cause. Today he said something about the movie: "Best parts where those where niggers were killed"
I was shocked... I told him that the movie was supposed to be against racism. After that he said "Well I'm a racist and there is nothing wrong about being racist. I don't like black people"

Of course I started arguing against it, but he just got angry and said that being racist is his choise and I can't start whining about it to him.

But the thing is, he has had a black friend and he has been with one of my black friends. So I asked him "But wasn't she a nice girl?" (referring to my black friend). He responded "Yeah, but she wasn't foreigner", "So you dont like foreigner people?" "Yeah, but most of them are black", "So what about that chinese guy just 2 doors away from us?"(The friend is also my roommate), "Oh yeah, I dont like chinese people either"

I started arguing that you can't judge people just for their skin colour or where they come from, but I could see how he were getting angry so I stopped. He gets angry very easily and I don't want that to happen.

I don't know if I should punch him to the face, laugh at him or just cry because there really are people who think like that. Here you don't really meet any racist people. Yes we might say something racist but it's always said in a sarcastic way so we don't really mean it(Or atleast thats what I do). But my friend is serious...

So, do you have any racist friends and what do you think about them? Personally, I think I can't look at my friend the same way anymore...
I take it you're not a racist yourself. That in mind, you have a bigger problem than your buddy. You're friends with a racist. If YOU watched American History X, you know you need to cut ties with that chap, pronto.

It's your own fault if you get in trouble hanging around with someone full of that much hate.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Being racist doesn't automatically make somebody evil, just stupid. It's wrong, but as lond as they don't actively hurt or oppress anybody they can hate whoever they want. 1st amendment and all.

People should be judged by their actions, not their opinions or physical features.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Actively partaking in racism, and even passive racism is always bad. Disliking someone's culture is not necessarily racist, but discrimination is.
At least disliking aspects of someone's culture requires them to have some understanding of it.

Racism is purely hating a group of people because you choose to paint them all with the same brush, and assume things that likely aren't even very true to begin with. To hate people you've never met simply because of the colour of their skin, or where they come from is wrong. Period.

I don't have any friends who are overtly racist like that so I don't know if any of them are racist. But if any of them did believe as the OP's friend does, and worse, try to say there's nothing wrong with it, I'd cut ties with them. And I'd make sure to tell them exactly why I won't be hanging out with them anymore, and I'd be damn sure I'd tell anyone who asks too.


New member
May 24, 2011
Racism is power plus prejudice so, unless your friend actively uses his power to ruin the lives of those with a different skin color, he's just prejudiced. There is nothing wrong with being prejudiced, however, becase thought policing is even worse. It just makes you a gain dick.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Mortai Gravesend said:
Your friend deserves to be punched in the face repeatedly.

Thankfully none of my friends are racist that I know of. If they were I'd think much less of them. Especially if they were so bad as to say there was nothing wrong with it. If it were that bad they really wouldn't be much more than acquaintances.
Yes, a punch in the face wouldn't go amiss here. Unless it, y'know... missed.

Along with that, I'd just tell him he's less than human every time he mentions race.

I see nothing wrong with being harsh to people who deserve it. To those without some horribly bigoted issue going on, I'm perfectly gentlemanly. But yes, "you are, in fact, less than human and the fact that you're even allowed to interact with normal people whilst possessing a mindset like that is atrocious."

I know it's brutal, but I can't help but antagonize horrible, horrible people.

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
I've learnt to just avoid the brutal quagmire of political topic and race relation based conversations with my friends.


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
People have the right to think whatever they like about anything. It's when they verbalise it or act upon it that it becomes a problem. In other words, your mate can be as much of a closet racist as he likes, as long as he never actually comes out with that shit. Unfortunately, he did, so you have to make a judgement on whether you can still respect him enough to hang around him.

I've known folks like your friend who also hate people of other races purely for the fact they are culturally "foreign" rather than the colour of their skin etc which i've always found strange because i used to picture 'racism' as just hating someone who is biologically different rather than it being a matter of ethnicity or culture. I thought if someone hates black people, they hate black people in their entirety rather than the fact they moved to the UK / US / Wherever from Uganda. It makes me wonder whether there should be two separate classifications of racism - those who hate people for being biologically different and those who hate people for being from another country. And if there was such a classification, which would you say is worse?

People can hold whatever prejudices or preconceptions they like. As long as they don't actually treat anyone differently or discriminate because of it.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Most people I know aren't racist. I do have one good friend that I question though - he's from texas, and some of the things he's said about those from central america are shall we say.... questionable.

He is a bit of a troll though, so it may just be that.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Nouw said:
By it's definition? Of course not, it's not harmful. But the sort of racism your friend is talking about definitely is negative and should be discouraged.
It's not harmful, until he acts on it, and does something stupid. Of course, what he's doing is only harming him, because he just won't be friends with some people, who could be great friends, because of some stupid prejudice.

Also, your avatar... is the brick wall growing? And why?


New member
Jan 28, 2009
It appears that your friend would benefit from the simple joy of an intimate relationship with fast-moving traffic. Or maybe it's everyone else who'll benefit... either way you can tell him I highly recommend it.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
SquallTheBlade said:
but he just got angry and said that being racist is his choise
Wtf? Thats even worse than just being a regular racist. If he is CHOSING to hate someone because of their race, that means he could just as easily choose not to.
If for some reason it was just a subconcious decision to dislike someone, then while it still isnt nice, it cant really be helped, people are always going to have biases. But the fact that he actively chooses and decides to dislike someone, well your friend is just an arsehole.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
I don't have any friends who are racist, or at least that I know of. But if I did have a friend like that, well, he wouldn't be my friend anymore, and that person would get a swift kick to the gentlemen's region.

Ditch you're friend, he's an ignorant douche.