There's Something In The Sea!

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
There's Something In The Sea!

Following on from the Bioshock 2 teaser trailer [], an entire teaser website has sprung up, along with a viral advertising campaign.

The site [] has a map of the world with three points marked and dated on it, as well as documents and newspaper clippings talking about the abduction of young girls, bizarre footprints found on beaches and strange lights seen beneath the waves.

The dates on the map also indicate that the second game, which was originally thought to be a prequel, will be set, at least partially, around seven years after the first.

There's more teasing going on though, as 2K Games have also started a viral advertising campaign, with hand drawn fliers appearing across the world bearing the teaser site's address and imploring passers-by to 'See the Proof!'

Some fans of the first game however, have raised concern over the prequel/sequel, saying that the first Bioshock was about as self-contained as a game could be and doesn't really need a sequel.

The level of involvement of series creator Ken Levine is also causing some consternation as development of the game was passed from 2K Boston/Australis to 2K Marin. There are fears that without Levine's input, the series will lose much of the originality that made it so popular.

Personally though, I can't wait to get back to Rapture and see what has become of the undersea dystopia.

Source: Kotaku []


The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
You just know someone is going to read the flier, go to the site, and get all outraged about "all these abductions!"

2k is playing a dangerous game. We all still bear the scars from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force incident. (Well, some of us do. I don't. I heard about it after the fact. But, um, yeah.)


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Interesting stuff. I quite enjoy these viral websites/campaigns, if they are done well that is. Even if I may end up disappointed by them (anyone remember eon8?).

I'd like to see some of these fliers or posters dotted around. One can always guess as to the reaction of the generally alarmist public to this kind of thing...


New member
Sep 30, 2008
I don't think it's a problem unless the game somehow falls on its face and is wildly disappointing. The risk they run is over-hyping to the point where you expect more out of the game when it finally arrives. Personally, I don't expect much more then the original, except to fix some of the glitchy aspects and a new story. Gameplay could be generally the same and I would be happy with it.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Cool beans. I hope this ad campaign will turn a couple of those crazy tinfoil hat people into gamers.

I don't know how to react to the news that Levine won't be behind it. I guess I can only wait and sea.

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Rednecks are already grabbing their shotguns and heading to the nearest body of water I'm sure. 2K should be careful otherwise this could blow back in their faces.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Fanboy said:
I don't know how to react to the news that Levine won't be behind it. I guess I can only wait and sea.
Levine is having something to do with it, but no one seems to know exactly what.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Fanboy said:
Cool beans. I hope this ad campaign will turn a couple of those crazy tinfoil hat people into gamers.

I don't know how to react to the news that Levine won't be behind it. I guess I can only wait and sea.
I sea what you did there.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
From what I'm gathering, you'll either play as or with this "Lynch" guy (go to the website) and you'll be going down to Rapture and investigating the place in a bit more of an official manner.

Either that, or this Lynch is a villain who takes Rapture into his own hands and tries to kill everything and this is all a big power struggle....

Okay, no more theories until tomorrow, Wes... *sigh*


Late Reviewer
Nov 29, 2007
nilcypher said:
The level of involvement of series creator Ken Levine is also causing some consternation as development of the game was passed from 2K Boston/Australis to 2K Marin. There are fears that without Levine's input, the series will lose much of the originality that made it so popular.
"Lose much of the originality?" The game story was unique, but the gameplay/structure was pretty much derivative of System Shock 2... maybe giving it over to another studio for a bit may give it more originality (emphasis on the maybe).


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
Quite a good ad, though I too definitely see some people not familiar with the series being confused and worried by it. Also I always thought it would be a sequel, the girl in the teaser looks too much like a little sister grown up. Though of course it could of been a grandparent in the past or such I guess.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
DaxStrife said:
nilcypher said:
The level of involvement of series creator Ken Levine is also causing some consternation as development of the game was passed from 2K Boston/Australis to 2K Marin. There are fears that without Levine's input, the series will lose much of the originality that made it so popular.
"Lose much of the originality?" The game story was unique, but the gameplay/structure was pretty much derivative of System Shock 2... maybe giving it over to another studio for a bit may give it more originality (emphasis on the maybe).
Crazy thought, maybe I was referring to the story...

Flap Jack452

New member
Jan 5, 2009
I don't understand how people thought it was going to be a prequel, it seemed obvious to that it was a grown up little sister in the trailer. Or maybe I'm just crazy or missed some subtle hint in the video.

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
darthzew said:
From what I'm gathering, you'll either play as or with this "Lynch" guy (go to the website) and you'll be going down to Rapture and investigating the place in a bit more of an official manner.

Either that, or this Lynch is a villain who takes Rapture into his own hands and tries to kill everything and this is all a big power struggle....

Okay, no more theories until tomorrow, Wes... *sigh*
Lynch just seems like a conspiracy nut, none of the letters look in any way official, I bet he just follows the clues and somehow stumbles upon Rapture.


New member
Jun 13, 2008
Theory 1: The red lights are possibly the bathyspheres of trying-to-escape splicers.
The monsters could also be the splicers, kidnapping children to use them as Little Sisters.
They became so incredibly obsessed with ADAM that they came to the shore and kidnapped little girls in the hopes of obtaining ADAM.

Theory 2: The red lights are produced by the Big Daddies' suits and they are swimming with the suits on.
They are then kidnapping the children thinking they are Little Sisters.

Theory 3: The lights are (once again) the lights from bathyspheres of splicers.
The girls were formerly Little Sisters that plan to escape back into the sea.

EDIT: They say the red lights came from a "lean figure", so the Big Daddy theory is scrapped.
However, this could also reinforce the theory that they are escaped splicers.

EDIT V2: The attacks seem to be centralized around northern Europe.
If I recall correctly, Rapture resided in the Mid-Atlantic.
So the idea of splicers doing said attacks is once again reinforced.

EDIT V3: Another press release stated that they saw the "red light" when their daughter was taken.
They also said that it "may have come from a flashlight, possibly mounted on a hat or helmet".
Also, the family saw the assailant wielding a "sharpened tool with extreme force".
As we all know, Spider Splicers wield hooks and can rip people apart easily.
However, where does this "red light" come in? No spider splicers had a helmet or red light of any kind.

EDIT V4: Aha! So it says the victims aren't all just similar in age, but appearance as well.
Could this once again reinforce the idea of the splicers believing they are Little Sisters and kidnapping them in the hope of getting ADAM?

Hunde Des Krieg said:
Lynch just seems like a conspiracy nut, none of the letters look in any way official, I bet he just follows the clues and somehow stumbles upon Rapture.
None of the letters are official?
Look at the one behind the picture of the red light.
It is a press release from INTERPOL, so clearly this isn't just a random, silly conspiracy trheory.

EDIT V5: The red light moving underwater was carried by something large, as it nearly capsized a small boat.
However, since it was also carried on land, this suggests Big Daddies once again.
Also, the children spotted "unusual boot prints". Bid Daddy boots, perhaps?

But wait... The light is carried by a large vessel...
But some say they saw the shadow of a "lean figure" capturing little children.
Big Daddies escorting splicers, perhaps? How does it all fit together?

EDIT V6: Here is a picture of all 3 kidnapped girls, side by side.

They all look similar, don't they? Perhaps this reinforces the idea of them thinking they are Little Sisters.


Look at Game Informer's cover for Bioshock 2.

It is no doubt a Big Daddy doing this, and he has that "sharpened weapon" they spoke of in the news feeds!
Also, since it says "Big Sister", it's possibly a female variation of Big Daddies.
The truth has been revealed!


New member
Jan 7, 2008

*Puts on tinfoil hat*
Ryan was tied into the Bilderburg group and the Elders of Zion! The Skulls and Bones will seek to reclaim Rapture as their own with the aid of Jacques Cousteau!