They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Oh no.

...Has it happened yet?
How many times.

The Walkout is the 25th or 26th.........

You must really love being this oblivious and ignorant? You clearly don't care and have a known constant habbit of disregarding people's feelings, regardless if they have point or don't.
Guess I should have framed all my posts as "I feel" not "I think" and then you'd actually read them instead of put out the "I don't care what you have to say" lol.

Kind of like someone who makes a Netflix special and uses that platform to moan about a kind of person he doesn't like.
Ah yes how dare Dave Chappelle not like angry social media activist who helped drive a friend of his to kill herself...........

What the fuck does someone else's dietary choices have to do with you then? Stop being so easily offended.
*Points to the super vocal hardcore vegans out there*
"No I'm not raping a cow by drinking milk and no you super powers aren't that impressive either"

I'm going to go with Scott Pilgrim. He might have read the comic or watched the movie too many times. When I last checked, one douchebag who gets psychic powers via veganism, don't represent the entire population of vegans that exist.
You get that Todd and the other Evil Exs represent kinda douchy hipster archetypes right? The entire movie is taking the piss out of that kind of person because at least some others out there had run into those kind of people enough to be getting annoyed at them. I mean these days it'd probably be more the people talking about how the latest IPA microbrew they drink is so superior or maybe how something needs to be removed from anyone being able to see it because they were offended by it ut framing it as "It's harmful and will cause real world harm"

Vegans are like furries in that some of them make drama, but far more drama is created by people complaining about them.
*Looks at PETA*
Strong disagree with you there.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
nk" and then you'd actually read them instead of put out the "I don't care what you have to say" lol.

Considering you are a reactionary conservative, your comment makes sense. And what a lame come back comment at that. Try harder next time. That's a problem with reactionary conservatives, they're never clever. At all.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
You get that Todd and the other Evil Exs represent kinda douchy hipster archetypes right? The entire movie is taking the piss out of that kind of person because at least some others out there had run into those kind of people enough to be getting annoyed at them.
No shit, Sherlock. I really never met a hipster in my life, so they haven't annoyed me that much as far as I'm concerned. Also, a majority of the characters are all douchebags anyway, including Scott. Scott can go fuck himself especially. Yes, I know that's the point, but it still doesn't change the fact that he tried to dating, and later cheating on, a 17-year-old girl and he was well in his mid-20s by that point. It didn't fly with me then, and don't fly with me now. I know most people in my circle would have kicked his ass on principal alone for that. And that's assuming, if they don't call the cops.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Are you capable of not strawmanning every single person who disagrees with you?
Can you not call everyone who disagrees with you a bigot, phobic, or whatever other derogatory term you feel like at the time.

It's obvious I'm right leaning at this point, but I've been called all sorts of shit on this forum simply because my opinions don't fit ya'lls ideals. Disagreeing instantly makes me ignorant, naive, oblibivious, whatever....instead of simply conceeding that I simply don't agree with you all.

Crazy how I don't label anyone or call you all names when I don't agree with you, but people have no problem name-calling and labeling me. And NO I'm not offended by that, I'm just pointing out the irony in all of that.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Reminds me of a Clint Eastwood interview where he complained that lots of things now are considered racist that wouldn't have been when he was a child. Considering when he was a child black people had to sit at the back of the bus I would say "no shit". The line moves. Deal with it.
It's funny to think that Bastard used to be a hugely offensive insult. These days it's considered one of the least serious swear works and barely an insult at all. Yes the line does move but it's kinda weird to see how the line is moving in favour of restriction.

If this is how it had gone in the past Yanky, Bastard, Limey and a number of old phrases would likely be banned these days instead of laughed at as anachronistic.

You know how we've decided what content shouldn't be made in basically forever? When you make something that so many people don't like that it can't make money, then you know society has decided that it is so bad it shouldn't be made. Trying to alter that natural flow doesn't work. Either more people are gonna see the Chappelle special (Streisand effect and become anti-trans apparently) or you're going to get many people mad if the special gets removed, so what has been actually accomplished? Nothing but negativity towards the trans community.

I say that the special will cause less (even if it's just one person) transphobia because after hearing the story at the end, I don't get how someone could still be transphobic. Will people have some perfect understanding of trans people after the special and be 100% in line with trans issues? Probably not. But will the special result in less overall trans hate? Probably. Someone that might have made fun of a trans person in public might not do that anymore. And that's a step in the right direction. You ain't gonna go from hate/dislike/misunderstanding to complete understanding and anything that gets society a step closer to that is a good thing. I very much doubt the special is getting people a step even further away.
The thing is the new paradigm where people try to make it so it doesn't make money because they cause costly damages out of being so offended at it. It would be like a hardcore Christian group upset a heavy metal band was being allowed to perform so smashing up the venue after in revenge sending the message "You book this band we smash up your place". It's a tactic of old used by what was the religious conservative lots like in the UK Mary Whitehouse suing a theatre company under obscenity laws for a play with a scene of implied gay sex in it. The play may have been making money fine but the lawsuit adds to the costs. Or the people or threatened Stanley Kubrick's family over A Clockwork Orange meaning the potential cost to the director would be his families lives and safety.

It's funny really because Chappelle's comedy special and story about Daphne humanises trans people and frames it as "No they're people who just want to live their lives and be believed about what they're going through. They're shouldn't be seen as or represented by some loud angry easily offended activist who bear massive grudges and go after people constantly and viciously online" and what happens seemingly? The loud angry activist yell and shout and call for him to be cancelled. It doesn't make them look good it makes them look like petty vindictive people who have been called out and rather than have some introspection or mount decent criticism (which Contrapoints and some others have done) they can only act to shut people down because they're being called out as a problem and can't allow that to happen. It's kind of the mindset of petty dictators.

What rights don't trans people have?
This is a can of worms you don't want to open because crazy resides within.

Why is the concept of offense even a thing? Offense just means you didn't like what someone said. You have no right to not be offended as being offended is completely self-made parameters. Why must everyone on the planet know everyone else's very particular parameters so nobody gets upset? I've never been offended by anything in my life because the concept of being offended is a meaningless concept.
See part of the issue is we as a society has skipped the follow up step of "I'm offended" which is "Here is why I find this offensive" and as Penn and Teller put it, "If you can make you case and put forward a compelling argument we might even agree with your reasoning and agree to change things". A person just saying they're offended isn't an argument but in the present culture where every-one is expected to get along with everyone else and there can be no "We're just not compatible people and can't be friends" no the argument is we all live in a society together so it's not ok to "Keep to your space" because that space even existing is deemed to be causing harm to others. Everything must be the monoculture designed to be never offend anyone and we're getting like this because it's how entertainment has been trying to go deeming it more profitable to make something inoffensive and trying to appeal to everyone rather than understanding it's audience and making something for them that may well offend others. It's almost like we're too used to companies trying to appeal to everyone that we're struggling with the idea of anything not being the same because we're being told inclusion is the greatest thing ever but people aren't used to having to actually find out if something might be for them rather than being able to assume it will be good enough.

Are you capable of not strawmanning every single person who disagrees with you?
So you're offended Critical mildly mocked some of the silly extremist rhetoric that goes on such that yeh I'm sure people out there who hate Rogan are yelling he's Satan or something.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Once again more people complaining about vegans than vegans complaining. Same in every thread on the subject pretty much anywhere, red-faced balloons puffing up and getting angry about a guy they've imagined.
I would also point out the hilarity that my Vegan comment was a fucking joke, and people pounced on it as if i had just insulted Ghandi or some shit. Literally kind of the same shit people are directly mad at Dave for. And my joke wasn't even phobic!
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Once again more people complaining about vegans than vegans complaining. Same in every thread on the subject pretty much anywhere, red-faced balloons puffing up and getting angry about a guy they've imagined.
Only because there was a period with so many loud rather obnoxious vegans or self proclaiming vegans that people got fed up and now yell back and called them out lol. Don't pretend they didn't exist because I've run into them and while plenty of vegans are decent people and I've met plenty who are very much no vocal about it I've run into enough of the more extreme kind too.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
How many times.

The Walkout is the 25th or 26th.........

Guess I should have framed all my posts as "I feel" not "I think" and then you'd actually read them instead of put out the "I don't care what you have to say" lol.

Ah yes how dare Dave Chappelle not like angry social media activist who helped drive a friend of his to kill herself...........

*Points to the super vocal hardcore vegans out there*
"No I'm not raping a cow by drinking milk and no you super powers aren't that impressive either"

You get that Todd and the other Evil Exs represent kinda douchy hipster archetypes right? The entire movie is taking the piss out of that kind of person because at least some others out there had run into those kind of people enough to be getting annoyed at them. I mean these days it'd probably be more the people talking about how the latest IPA microbrew they drink is so superior or maybe how something needs to be removed from anyone being able to see it because they were offended by it ut framing it as "It's harmful and will cause real world harm"

*Looks at PETA*
Strong disagree with you there.
Conservatives literally stormed the capitol, have gotten children branded as crisis actors after having their friends shot and killed in front of them, have bombed abortion clinics, have marched through the streets with torches chanting Jews will not replace us, were arrested for attempting to kidnap a governer and then there's fucking q anon, just all of fucking that. So fine we can agree that PETA represents vegans as a whole if we accept that these people represent conservatives as a whole? Agreed?

Nobody said there are no asshole vegans. There are lots of assholes, some are vegan, some are assholes about being vegan but the fact is you probably encounter a whole bunch of vegans every day and don't realise because it doesn't come up. Like if you genuinely think that way about vegans you're a child. Like this is the funny thing about you guys, you have to harp on about others being too sensitive about "silly shit", like the fact that trans people are exponentially more likely to be harmed or killed and maybe making them the punchline might exacerbate that situation, because nobody is saying that comedy causes bigotry but it certainly might make people think that their existing bigotry is okay, and not even really bigotry because, like, when I was a kid it wouldn't have been called bigotry. Let's just ignore the fact that when I was a child "Aids is a gay disease" is a thing a lot of people believed so maybe the past isn't a great barometer for what is or isn't bigotry. And at the same timeall the you act like "there are vegans" is a thing to care about.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
I would also point out the hilarity that my Vegan comment was a fucking joke, and people pounced on it as if i had just insulted Ghandi or some shit. Literally kind of the same shit people are directly mad at Dave for. And my joke wasn't even phobic!
It was just a shit stupid joke. That's all. You're just butt hurt because you're not funny. Exactly like Dave
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
It's obvious I'm right leaning at this point, but I've been called all sorts of shit on this forum simply because my opinions don't fit ya'lls ideals.
No, you're just oblivious. You've made very clear that you have no interest in hearing other people's side of the story.

Crazy how I don't label anyone
You are full of shit beyond your years.

I would also point out the hilarity that my Vegan comment was a fucking joke, and people pounced on it as if i had just insulted Ghandi or some shit. Literally kind of the same shit people are directly mad at Dave for. And my joke wasn't even phobic!
It was a dumb joke told poorly. Sorry, dude, you're just not that funny.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
It's funny to think that Bastard used to be a hugely offensive insult. These days it's considered one of the least serious swear works and barely an insult at all. Yes the line does move but it's kinda weird to see how the line is moving in favour of restriction.
Context matters. When I was a kid I made jokes about being a bastard all the time. When another kid decided to make a joke about my dad never coming home and called me a bastard I smashed his face into a windowsill. There's a difference between laughing with someone and at them. Laughing at someone can get you hit.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Conservatives literally stormed the capitol, have gotten children branded as crisis actors after having their friends shot and killed in front of them, have bombed abortion clinics, have marched through the streets with torches chanting Jews will not replace us, were arrested for attempting to kidnap a governer and then there's fucking q anon, just all of fucking that. So fine we can agree that PETA represents vegans as a whole if we accept that these people represent conservatives as a whole? Agreed?

Nobody said there are no asshole vegans. There are lots of assholes, some are vegan, some are assholes about being vegan but the fact is you probably encounter a whole bunch of vegans every day and don't realise because it doesn't come up. Like if you genuinely think that way about vegans you're a child. Like this is the funny thing about you guys, you have to harp on about others being too sensitive about "silly shit", like the fact that trans people are exponentially more likely to be harmed or killed and maybe making them the punchline might exacerbate that situation, because nobody is saying that comedy causes bigotry but it certainly might make people think that their existing bigotry is okay, and not even really bigotry because, like, when I was a kid it wouldn't have been called bigotry. Let's just ignore the fact that when I was a child "Aids is a gay disease" is a thing a lot of people believed so maybe the past isn't a great barometer for what is or isn't bigotry. And at the same timeall the you act like "there are vegans" is a thing to care about.
No my point was said kind are prominent enough to be seen to exist and that people can / will run into them or have run into them. It's not some fictional magical group who don't exist. How is this hard to grasp? I literally specified about hardcore vegans I didn't just say "every regular vegan". I have to ask, are you a vegan who I've offended by what I said?

Jesus I pointed out a problem exists and this is your reaction? You know that bit you said about being maybe a bit too sensitive? Might want to read it back to yourself because you really just flew off the handle and knee jerked because I pointed out something exists and either didn't actually fully read it before reacting or did and got on your high horse anyway.

Oh and BTW the Trans murder epidemic is a lie. If you look into the reported number of Trans people in the USA vs the normal population the murder rate is LOWER than that for a regular person. It's just presenting a list of 50-80 names is a really good shock tactic when you don't have full context those names look like a lot but comparatively aren't, but it's very good to present shock value and get people to react emotionally rather than stop and think rationally and look at things like context. But hey why argue with information when you can use your feelings as facts right?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
When another kid decided to make a joke about my dad never coming home and called me a bastard I smashed his face into a windowsill.
This is called assault and if you weren't kids, you would go to jail for this. Unlike words, you can get into REAL trouble for resorting to physical violence.

You are full of shit beyond your years.
Are you hoarding any TP i can borrow.

No, you're just oblivious. You've made very clear that you have no interest in hearing other people's side of the story.
I am interested actually. In fact I once had quite the conversation with Kae who actually got me to see and understand their side of the story we were talking about at the time.

I listen. The problem is when I ask for clarification to things the usual response I get is to be called an asshole and nothing more.

And just even if someone brings forth their best argument, I might still disagree with the POV. However there are several times in this VERY thread that I've said things like "fair enough" "good point" "Agreed", as there have been some interesting takes. There has also been some winging, so....whatever i guess.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Oh and BTW the Trans murder epidemic is a lie. If you look into the reported number of Trans people in the USA vs the normal population the murder rate is LOWER than that for a regular person. It's just presenting a list of 50-80 names is a really good shock tactic when you don't have full context those names look like a lot but comparatively aren't, but it's very good to present shock value and get people to react emotionally rather than stop and think rationally and look at things like context. But hey why argue with information when you can use your feelings as facts right?
Yeah I don't think this is relevant to the conversation though dude. I get what you are trying to say but that's a whole other topic can of worms for another thread that isn't about jokes.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No, you're just oblivious. You've made very clear that you have no interest in hearing other people's side of the story.
Because your side of the story wants to ban anything you don't like and won't accept anything else seemingly?

You are full of shit beyond your years.
As oppose to verbal Diarrhoea?

It was a dumb joke told poorly. Sorry, dude, you're just not that funny.
Or you're just are bitter cause you took it seriously.

Context matters. When I was a kid I made jokes about being a bastard all the time. When another kid decided to make a joke about my dad never coming home and called me a bastard I smashed his face into a windowsill. There's a difference between laughing with someone and at them. Laughing at someone can get you hit.
That just makes it sound like you can't take a joke back unless the context was the kid literally being vindictive but then that's also how some on the so called progressive side act spewing massive amount of vitriol but when called out pretending it was just them joking and you totally didn't get it. When generally it's them just being bitter but trying to hide the fact people really have got their number.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yeah I don't think this is relevant to the conversation though dude. I get what you are trying to say but that's a whole other topic can of worms for another thread that isn't about jokes.
Problem is I think this is part of what is informing the outrage towards Chappelle here. Some of those who have pushed to have his special removed have very specifically been citing this kind of stuff to illicit a knee jerk emotional reaction from people. This is the "Evidence" for Dave Chappelle's special being harmful or dangerous and the idea Chappelle's special is implicitly linked to or these kind of events.

It's the whole Joker will cause mass murder and Incel shooting sprees if it's allowed to be shown in cinemas again basically.
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