They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Considering the only people who got canceled by Dave's special were the trans Netflix employees who dared to say they had a problem with the content, yes.
Iirc they were fired for breaking into an executive meeting that they had no right to be a part of to cause a ruckus. And iirc it was only one person.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Can I point out the employees were fired for either storming a high-level exec meeting with no clearance or leaking confidential corporate information about Chappelle's paycheck and NOT "speaking their mind"?
It was a Zoom call. Relax. And I stand by what I said. The only people who got canceled by Dave's special were those trans employees.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Whatever you say.

I would point out the irony here, but I think it would be lost on you.

Fuck it, I have no interest in being the bigger man.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
It was a Zoom call. Relax. And I stand by what I said. The only people who got canceled by Dave's special were those trans employees.
Causing a disturbance in the workplace is not being canceled. Inappropriate behavior at your job is grounds for firing. If they leaked info, interupted a board meeting virually or otherwise, then that is justified grounds for termination. They canceled themselves.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

Fuck it, I have no interest in being the bigger man.
How is this relevant to anything? Obviously you people dont read my posts and all you want to do is soapbox because if you read my opinions on this i stated several times that i dont want those girls deplatformed. I want their content age gated properly so that underage audiences cant freely stumble into adult content on a video game streaming website.

You dont have to be the bigger man, try just being a smarter one.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
How is this relevant to anything? Obviously you people dont read my posts and all you want to do is soapbox because if you read my opinions on this i stated several times that i dont want those girls deplatformed. I want their content age gated properly so that underage audiences cant freely stumble into adult content on a video game streaming website.

You dont have to be the bigger man, try just being a smarter one.
"Ultimately I think Twitch's policy needs to change to create some sort of content guidelines. Meaning that hot tub streams are fine, but there must be some sort of entertainment going on along with that. Whether you are actively talking and conversing with chat, or you are streaming a group of people playing water polo, there should be some requirement in which these streams are not just bikini girls sitting there collection money because boobies."
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
"Ultimately I think Twitch's policy needs to change to create some sort of content guidelines. Meaning that hot tub streams are fine, but there must be some sort of entertainment going on along with that. Whether you are actively talking and conversing with chat, or you are streaming a group of people playing water polo, there should be some requirement in which these streams are not just bikini girls sitting there collection money because boobies."
Correct. Content guidelines. Where is the cancelation? Age gate the content, set rules around the content in the absence of that, legitimize the content basically so that it fits with Twitch's established rules, which they constantly are very selective about enforcing.

Seems straight forward to me. Now that youve copypastaed it read it.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
"Ultimately I think Twitch's policy needs to change to create some sort of content guidelines. Meaning that hot tub streams are fine, but there must be some sort of entertainment going on along with that. Whether you are actively talking and conversing with chat, or you are streaming a group of people playing water polo, there should be some requirement in which these streams are not just bikini girls sitting there collection money because boobies."


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Can I point out the employees were fired for either storming a high-level exec meeting with no clearance or leaking confidential corporate information about Chappelle's paycheck and NOT "speaking their mind"?
How do you "storm" a high level executive Zoom meeting that they provided a link for you to join? And the person who allegedly leaked that corporate information is on record saying "don't leak shit", so I'm not taking Netflix's word on that

I know that I laugh at the ineffectiveness of gamer boycotts, but is boycotting not allowed anymore? Is it "cancelling"?

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Huh? Did you not read my posts?
I did, and that's why I said what I said, because there is more to not being offended than simply stating it. Your argument sounds like the ones you're arguing against, but the nouns have been Mad-Libbed around for your own argument. I mean, look at your post: you are trying to argue that people shouldn't be offended because they are just jokes and words only have as much power as we give them, and then in the next breath try and say that people having negative reactions online will lead to harm. The last bit is almost verbatim what everyone is saying about these jokes.

I do find it funny he finally listens after 13 pages, and that pretty much what others have told him, yet he listens to you.
I don't want to speak for him, but if I had to guess, I think a lot of it comes down to my avatar. I'm currently dressed as I-gor, but my dog (my usual avatar) just has that kind of face that you want pet and make baby noises to (atleast it does for me). And who knows, maybe people find me and my comments funny on occasion.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Correct. Content guidelines. Where is the cancelation? Age gate the content, set rules around the content in the absence of that, legitimize the content basically so that it fits with Twitch's established rules, which they constantly are very selective about enforcing.

Seems straight forward to me. Now that youve copypastaed it read it.
"there should be some requirement in which these streams are not just bikini girls sitting there collection money because boobies."
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I don't think it's very effective myself either but it should be allowed, absolutely. Don't see anybody saying differently.
I think plenty of people in this thread are saying differently.

See, boycotts aren't just "not buying thing because I don't like it". Boycotts are "refusing to buy thing until changes are made". You know, refusing to use a service until some objectionable thing gets removed, some other things gets added, etc. Like, say, if a popular streaming service that you generally liked started hosting some content that you very much didn't.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I think plenty of people in this thread are saying differently.

See, boycotts aren't just "not buying thing because I don't like it". Boycotts are "refusing to buy thing until changes are made". You know, refusing to use a service until some objectionable thing gets removed, some other things gets added, etc. Like, say, if a popular streaming service that you generally liked started hosting some content that you very much didn't.
You know what?

This is fair. I think that instead of a tantrum-esque outburst, people started and online movement unsubbing from Netflix over something the site decides to host i think that would be just fine because you are taking personal action against the thing you dislike.

For example all the people that went to protest outside of Netflix's office, how many do you think canceled their sub? We spoke about people being fired but how many people quit? After all if you are truly against what the company you work for is doing, surely you shouldnt even want to continue working there.

Much in the same way we talk about video games. The best way to make change is to vote with your wallet. Dont buy the game, dont sub to the service, dont buy the microtransactions. And that is a stance that you get to hold on a personal level. You hold yourself accountable to your own standards without necessarily expecting the business entity to cater specifically to you.

Again i think outcry is fine, showing that you refuse to support a company based on certain actions is fine. I think the line has to be drawn somewhere and to me that line is demanding the world cater to your morality specifically.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Whatever you say.

I would point out the irony here, but I think it would be lost on you.
I get why you think it's ironic but that in itself is irony lost on you.

"Give up things you like and enjoy and find comfortable because I will be more comfortable as a result even though I don't have to deal with them or engage with them at all".

To put it as a comparison it would be like your flatmate asking you to stop buying soy milk despite you and them buying your own milks normally and them not having to ever use your milk normally but they willingly chose to drink it one time and found it tasted awful.

(I'm using soy milk not as an insult because it's an acquired taste and I literally bought it for a time at uni because my flatmate was stealing my milk and kept leaving the empty carton in the fridge so I often didn't know I had no milk left until I came to pour it on my cereal in a morning)

That's all well and good, but that's what you been doing a lot of the time with your topics in the current events forum. So really, your statement comes off as hypocritical by a lot.

Free speech doesn't become free speech when it's all about hate or putting down the downtrodden and marginalized. While Chappelle's words weren't exactly hate speech, I wouldn't exactly call it good speech either. No matter how many times you will call him the GOAT or the Best comedian the entire infinite universe, the man is not immune to criticism. I was not offended by the jokes I seen, but most of them I wasn't laughing or I found them unfunny. He had a few chuckles here in there, but most were just really bad punchlines and more like rants. It's what he's been doing the last two or three shows now.

You want free speech, you are going to get criticized at some point. It doesn't matter if you have the actual facts or not.

It still doesn't change the fact, that you have those that go way out of their way to be jackasses and dicks about everything. And it's all my way or highway bull crap and they don't want any compromises. And where it usually comes from is those that want the status quo to remain the same or be worse. You keep that in mind.
And yet people still can't seem to acknowledge that there is a difference between criticism and people literally calling for his shows to be removed from the service and them and everyone else to refuse to work with him ever again........

How do you compromise when the position is "Do what we want and then we won't hurt you, fail to do so and we try to harm you somehow?"

Netflix has literally paid for stuff no other networks would touch and that isn't being seen as doing enough because it's not giving some grand veto position.

It's like a publisher not being allowed to put out books unless the guy who operates the printing press agrees with the politics of the author. I can just about understand it if it were like Google and AI drone warfare stuff like "I don't want my work used to kill people" but words they aren't that, they aren't some grand subversion of your work for nefarious purposes unless you're literally a speech writer, or one of the unfortunate people whose work gets "Adapted" by Netflix and you end up with some writer deciding to use your work as a political vehicle lol

Considering the only people who got canceled by Dave's special were the trans Netflix employees who dared to say they had a problem with the content, yes.
"Private companies can do what they like if you don't like it start your own company"

Wasn't that was was said in regards to a certain Google employee who voiced their opinions?
Same with places kicked off webhosting or people facing youtube demonitisation?

I can happily say it seems messed up if Netflix fired them on a hunch but experience has taught me to there was likely more evidence to it and Netflix wouldn't have pulled the trigger unless they were pretty sure where stuff was coming from in this regard otherwise they'd have put more people on leave for longer wile the investigation happened.

And I didn't say anything about Dave Chappelle being removed. Even those that didn't ask for him to be removed, are still free to criticize. Just because a few said to remove him doesn't mean everyone in the entire goddamn United States that are trans want him to be removed. But plenty that are trans or non-trans that support those that are trans, have the right to criticize him as sees fit. And once again nobody's going to cancel Dave freaking Chappelle. He already canceled himself nearly 20 years ago. Who's going to cancel them? Who? Only he himself can do it. The whole cancel culture thing is bullcrap and if anything, it's usually Republicans or Conservatives that use outrage tactics to remove or silence people cuz they don't want them being represented positively or have a voice. So you seem to keep forgetting that for some dumb reason, despite all the evidence being there.

Figure it out dude. I already gave you the answer several times, but you rather not pay attention or ignore statements have already been said. The ones in charge of Netflix definitely have the highway or my way attitude. That executive that was just mouthing off constantly defending Dave only to act like a little ***** boy and start apologizing it and regretting all of a sudden. And you have that attitude as well with many of your topics where you get offended by people actually having a problem or being offended with something offensive, or whining about house Victoria's secret models are not like the good old days anymore. Dude, a brick has more self-awareness than you right now. Learn to actually read the fucking room,b and not the one you just created for your special safe space.
It's literally part of the reason for the walkout and the pushback against the special that people want it removed or punitive action taken..........

You seem to also be forgetting that I dunno maybe the people trying to frame Dave Chapelle's special as harmful or potentially dangerous are trying to silence people like all the stupid ass claims about how dangerous Joker would be as a film.

The people in charge of Netflix have a my way or the highway attitude because they run the business and their may way is you respect artistic freedom or you are free to leave if you don't feel you can do that and free to go to another network who don't respect artistic freedom and realise that means they may not respect your freeedom either as an artist.

The CEO mouthing off, did you read his walk back? Dude was only sorry he didn't try to take peoples emotions into regard which in corporate speak is basically "Yeh I should have been more diplomatic and not as bluntly honest and made it seem more like I pretended to care".

Dude you say a brick have more self awareness than Critical? That brick probably has more integrity than you in terms of sticking to consistent values.

Critical created the thread thus the room and you're in here whining that he's not working to appease the room? Really? What are we supposed to be playing this game of majority mob rule now? You're just tetchy because this isn't your safe space with everyone affirming your views as righteous because on some level I don't think you believe your own nonsense sometimes, not really but you need the views reinforce to drown out that little voice telling you you're wrong.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
You know what?

This is fair. I think that instead of a tantrum-esque outburst, people started and online movement unsubbing from Netflix over something the site decides to host i think that would be just fine because you are taking personal action against the thing you dislike.

For example all the people that went to protest outside of Netflix's office, how many do you think canceled their sub? We spoke about people being fired but how many people quit? After all if you are truly against what the company you work for is doing, surely you shouldnt even want to continue working there.

Much in the same way we talk about video games. The best way to make change is to vote with your wallet. Dont buy the game, dont sub to the service, dont buy the microtransactions. And that is a stance that you get to hold on a personal level. You hold yourself accountable to your own standards without necessarily expecting the business entity to cater specifically to you.

Again i think outcry is fine, showing that you refuse to support a company based on certain actions is fine. I think the line has to be drawn somewhere and to me that line is demanding the world cater to your morality specifically.
THAT'S WHAT A BOYCOTT IS. You're "drawing the line" at a boycott. And demanding people quit their job and lose their income or "they don't really care" instead of trying to make change on the inside
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