Thief Producer: Immersion Is "Amazing" On PlayStation 4


New member
Jun 23, 2011
An amazing immersive experience is the least you expect for any first person stealth game. If the producer has to make a deal out of it with exaggerations like "more immersive than Pokemon on the Gameboy", something is clearly wrong.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Dont forget to mention that all shiny new graphics will mean the game will last a whole afternoon too. I am so tired of the hype around games.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
I've already got this penciled down as my biggest disappointment in years and its not even out.

That's how shit they make it sound.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I hope its deeper than a coat of paint like Dishonored what a disappointing game that was.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
synobal said:
Phrozenflame500 said:
Yeah, we want the players to feel like they really are Garrett. Because you can't jump whenever you want in real life!

Sorry, I'm still really sore about that.
1337mokro said:
Immersion = Glued to the wall praying to gods you don't believe in that the guard doesn't spot you.

Immersion =/= Shiny graphics and not being able to jump.

Immersion has lost all meaning, like the word literally. Unless the PS4 has a holodeck function it's nothing but a cheap ass PC. Meaning that your high end PC gaming master race gaming rig is going to be several times more immersive. Because specs of the machine the game is played on factor so much into immersion.
You can't jump? Umm instant not buy for me. I mean how uh what? I don't even... *breaks down in sobs* How did thief my beloved thief ever come to this.
How about the "feature" that you can only shoot rope arrows on clearly marked context sensitive areas? You might see wood somewhere, but you won't automatically be able to put a rope arrow there because of that.

This game is not a Thief game. This is an abomination. They fucked it up with too many badly motivated changes, aka dumbing it down. That and not having Stephen Russell do the voice because of some retarded mocap idiocy.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
It's not a damn console that makes a game immersive, it's a good game that does. The new Thief looks like it's OK for what it is, I wish we got a real Thief game instead, but hey, if it's good, I won't protest, so have enough damn faith in your own work to stop trying to sell it to us through fancy gadgets and instead actually talk about why your game is good.

Geez, this just annoys me to an excessive degree.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
Nurb said:
He used that word 4 times in a short statement trying to justify taking sony's money to include stupid gimmicky crap for their new controlers.

"Immersion" just means "LOOK AT THESE EXPENSIVE GRAPHICS!!". Corporate PR buzzwords.

Doesn't change the fact they're pushing a PC game into consolized "action stealth" with QTE instead of combat, forced action scenes, removing different paths to completion, and choosing the voice actor based on how well they can deliver lines while rolling around in a MoCap suit... because MoCap is the more important factor in a game y'know.

They're just showing off the corpse of a game they killed and painted up all purty-like
this is why David Cage is the future of gaming EMOTION!!!!!!!!


New member
Mar 15, 2013
Clive Howlitzer said:
They keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.
lol i knew that someone would post it before me.

its kinda funny how their PR campaign is making me more cautious every time i read something about Thief 4.


New member
May 24, 2011
No game has ever "immersed" me like Thief 2. Literally holding your breath while a guard peers into the shadows looking for whatever caused that noise is a moment no other game can recreate. Jumping at the sound of a combat bot coming around a corner is unforgettable. Sitting for several minutes watching the guards walk past and talk about whatever is on their minds before deciding what the best course of action was is something that even Splinter Cell in it's prime couldn't replicate.

This is the Thief that should be getting made. This doppelganger is a fraud and I want nothing to do with it.