Not touching the "abomination thing with a 10-foot pole until I've played it myself, but you can see the dumbed down* just from reviews:Kolyarut said:[...]I'd be really curious to hear how about how it's been "dumbed down" (a phrase that's misapplied in 90% of the cases it's used)[...]
- Cutting levels in half with loading zones in between, because the hardware can't take it. That means that you WILL have choke points and mandatory level entrances. In the first 2 games, you could explore the levels seamlessly, and T
- Limiting vaulting/jumping to context sensitive hotspots. In the other games, you could mantle/climb any obstacle that had the right height. The first 2 gave you rope arrows, too, that you could shoot in a LOT of places. T
I'm not talking about loot glow or anything, because you can thankfully customize that to a surprising degree from what I've heard. And I can't talk about the sound engine, because I haven't played it, although from reports that one isn't a s sophisticated as it used to be in the earlier games. But the two points above stand, and you can see those for yourself from any 5-minute-gameplay footage.
*and not "dumbed down because LOLCONSOLETARDS". The first one _might_ be, but I doubt it. The second one absolutely has nothing to do with the platform, but all to do with level/mission design...