Things People Say That Piss You Off


New member
Nov 14, 2010
never set well on the tongue for me.

"I know you are but what am I?":

"just kidding":
***** you werent kidding, you were just wrong!

"your from Alabama? lol redneck":
yeah redneck, from the state that made the equipment to put man on the mother fucking moon. LEARN SOME GOD DAMN HISTORY!!!

speaking of the south "anyone who helped make the Dixie flag a racist symbol":
thanks assholes, you ruined it for anybody who just happens to own a hat with that flag on it because he just liked how it looks. or he was a PanterA or Lynyrd Skynyrd fan.

"Art is pointless":
screw you!!!

Detective Prince

New member
Feb 6, 2011
Couples who say "We're pregnant!"

Really? Both of you?...Unless you're a lesbian couple who are both pregnant at the same time don't claim...YOU'RE BOTH PREGNANT!

What is wrong with saying "We're having a baby!" then I can say "Yes you are."

We're pregnant...-.- Makes me rage thinking about it


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Quagmirian said:
People who claim to have no religious beliefs, or say that religion is bad. There is a difference between organised religious groups and personal beliefs.

Edit: Spellchecker doesn't think 'organised' is a word.
oh i so wholeheartedly agree....

oh and how about people who refuse to even acknowledge the good things and advancements that came from religions. hell even the crusades helped bring on the renaissance by expanding trade with the mid east and Asia. America was colonized because of religion. its like newtons law, for every bad things that happens, a good thing can (and usually) comes out of it! whether or not you agree with religion, don't just say everything that was wrong with it and ignore the good that came of it.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
The things I'd seen refuted years ago, that make me think "no i don't want to go back there again".

Alleged_Alec said:
"You have to teach the controversy" and any other statement which tries to either discredit science (evolutionary biology in specific) or attempts to make creationism look like it has some scientific basis.

One of the worst examples of this: the word 'evolutionist'. It's not a position of faith, jackass. Now go back to school and learn something about the theory of evolution before making invalid arguments about it, you bloody dickwad.
But it's all part of The Religion of Scientism!


On the matter of teaching the controversy, I love the Russel's Teapot analogy:


New member
May 28, 2009
The Human Torch said:
If you know the difference between Holland and the Netherlands (without looking it up), I will be more specific about British/English people.
Sure. The Netherlands is the name of the nation itself, and Holland is just an area in the West of it. The reason for this is simply that Dutch sailors were often from Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, and when asked where they were from, they responded "Holland", not "The Netherlands", helping spread the term "Holland" abroad. I admit that I did look up whether or not to capitalise "The" in "The Hague" though.

See, it's really annoying when people assume that because there's an area with a higher density of people, then all people from that country are from that area?

I'm Scottish, or British. I am not English. I took the time to know about your country, try to take the time to know about mine.

OT : Too many to comfortably list, although many have already been mentioned, such as blind faith arguments that refute fact, the horrifying abuse of "irony" and that damn "could care less" business.

Zac Smith

New member
Apr 25, 2010
DazBurger said:
CaptainTrilby said:
When people call people from England British instead of English. I hate that.

Its used because Brit's are ashamed of how much they ripped it of the Danish flag.
The British flag did not rip off the Danish flag, that look nothing like each other. Just like the person you quoted said, you are mixing up the British and English flags

Flag of England

Flag of the United Kingdom and Great Britain and Northern Ireland


New member
Jan 4, 2009
"We just have to agree to disagree"
That, when it's used when they have lost the argument and retreat to "it's all just opinions".

Or the ever-frustrating "It's just a theory", which 99,9% of the time is a sign the person has no idea what "theory" means in a scientifc context.

Or those things that "everybody knows" that are BS, like all ancient people thinking the earth was flat.

Qitz said:
The whole "In my opinion" or "IMHO." Yes, I know it was your opinion, because you just said it. I don't need you to tell me that what YOU just said was YOUR opinion.
I hate using that phrase, but I find that it helps when dealing with people in the net. As I've been quite often told that it's my opinion as a response, so it helps getting that out myself so maybe I can get a proper response.

Techno Destructo

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Jul 18, 2010
"Hey, I'm just Sayin"

No, you're not just saying, you're talking shit and thinking you can get away with it if you're "Just Sayin" it!


New member
Mar 6, 2011
loodmoney said:
Okay, let's try another one:

"That is a gay car."
"That is a n----r car."

See what is wrong now? The use of "gay" as a pejorative is not something that came about as an accident. The reason that "gay" gets used in that way is because homosexuals are/were seen as bad by a large group of language users.
Honestly no.

Why? Because Gay and ****** are just words. Now if when asked they said "Because that's obviously the inferior one" then the ideals would upset me but not the words. What's put behind the words should be the problem not the words themselves. What if I said "That is a gay car" but when asked why I said "Because that car is the best car and my favorite." Does that still mean that gay is an offensive word?

Maybe I've done a poor service of explaining myself previously but I'm trying to think on two different problems at the same time so my mind is all over the place.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
FirstToStrike said:
When people say "ATM Machine".

same here. that sort of thing.
i had a teacher who would make people rewrite sentences if they used the word 'nice'. when we were 7.
i hate people who dont understand irony and sarcasm and jokes. and people who make AIDS and gay jokes, or take them way to far (one of my Minecraft playing friends started calling me 'creeper' because i liked one of my other friends and didnt do anything about it. she knows and i'm over her. this other guy who we dont even like still says it.). the only funny part is when someone makes a gay joke to a group of gays and bisexuals (this happened to me, he got 10 people death-staring him).


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Well, because I live in Baltimore, Maryland, I hate it when people say 'wawrsh' instead of wash. When my mom says it I correct her. All the time. More seriously, though, I dislike it when people say to me "When I was a kid" or "When I was a teenager". Whether it be a teacher, grandparent, officer of the law, etc. Yes, when YOU were at a young age.

Maybe your memory's distorted, and I can respect that, but things changed! I don't really care if you had to do a ton of work or had to do 5 hours of homework a night. If you're trying to make me appreciate what I have, then stop making it seem like having this shit is a bad thing!

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
JWRosser said:
The Human Torch said:
If you know the difference between Holland and the Netherlands (without looking it up), I will be more specific about British/English people.
Isn't it do do with provinces or something? Admittedly I'm not 100% sure, but isn't Netherlands the country and Holland is a province....? I'm probably wrong...
Close enough, you get a cookie, dear British sir.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
People who seem to think everyone reasons from the same beliefs.

That if something is logical from your point of view it's automatically universal truth.
That if something isn't logical from your point of view it's automatically wrong.

These people need to read this [].

Quite often people you disagree with aren't wrong. They're just reasoning from a different set of axioms.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
When people use the phrase"It's because i'm<insert skin color/nationality here>" and it has nothing to do with there skin color/nationality.

Jacob French

New member
Jun 3, 2011
When people talk about the "glorious PC gaming master-race". At first I thought it was just trolls saying that, but some idiots seem to think they're better than everyone else because they game only on a personal computer. I love PC games, but it's stupid to think that because you own a PC, the supposed "console peasants" should bow down to you and lick your boots.


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
I hate when people say that Capcom are evil/stupid for not having the ability to delete save games in their one game. The reason I hate it is because these people normally haven't played the game, which I can honestly see no point in deleting saves even if you buy it used with everything unlocked after playing it (and to be honest, that likely would be better then slowly unlocking every single freaking thing in the game), and they normally don't know that Capcom isn't the first company to do this. Super Monkey Ball 3d, Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D, and BlazBlue: Continum Shift 2 all did this, yet they didn't get torn apart and amazonbombed because they didn't come out and admit it. So they're basically punishing a company for being honest about it's game and not hiding a fact that one or two people might actually use. Not to mention that I think it's likely there's something going on with the 3DS's memory if it's an issue for multiple games, like a coding glitch in the system hardware that causes it.

I also hate when people overuse lol. I have a friend that, in one sentence, had lol used five times. That just makes me rage as it makes him sound like an idiot as well as not realizing what lol means. I doubt you 'lol'd' five times during a single setence. Then I just generally hate people who use 'words' like lol and such in actual conversation. That's just incredibly stupid.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Oh, I keep remembering other things I hate.

People saying "perogative".

Ok, can we get this clear? It's "prerogative".


New member
May 13, 2009

Mainly the people who say "TLDR" and then put there own spin on what they think is being talked about.

If for you its too long to read, don't sodding comment on what you "think" it says afterwards, read it first you lazy git!
Dec 15, 2009
When people say less when they mean fewer, there's a difference. Also "and therefor" you don't need the and, they both serve the same function in the sentence, its like saying "and but."