J-dog42 said:
A lot of things to be honest. I'm going to go with an oldie, but a goodie. Irony. Look it up people. Irony doesn't mean that it is funny. Look that person fell over...how ironic. No. No it isn't. I have a friend who is a teacher and they said on Facebook, "I'm going down to Wellington for a few days then flying to Sydney. How ironic." How the hell is that ironic? I do worry about our education system.
That's my rant.
Oh one more thing. I know it isn't literally being said, but people who type /thread really annoy me. I know it's stupid but the sheer arrogance to think that you are the supreme master of a thread annoys me. Especially if you do it to your own post.
Now that there is proper irony, even if it was done on purpose
As for me? A couple things.
First and foremost, giving "because" as a reason. "Because" is not a reason. Everything has reason, even if it can't be easily explained. At the very least, come up with SOMETHING to say other than "because".
Second, though I've rarely heard it in person, thankfully, is "it's just sex". It is very, very, VERY rarely "just sex". Sex, even the most casual of sex, has so much potential baggage that it makes me sick when people treat it so lightly.
If you want to go for a quick hook up, fine, but don't deny that shit could go horribly wrong and don't act like you won't need to deal with the consequences.
teh lurker said:
I also hate it when people leave "to be" out of their usual speech. For example, I had to talk to a customer at my shop about his Dodge Caravan. It's making a clunking sound in the front end when going over bumps, which I diagnosed as being bad strut mounts. The conversation went like this:
Me: The clunking noise in the front end of your van is the strut mounts making noise. It's a common fail point on these vans. I also recommend that you replace the struts at the same time, since I have to take them off of the van and disassemble them anyway. (calm voice)
Him: How do you know that the strut mount need replaced? (calm voice)
Me: The mounts are making noise. I've seen it a million times in the 10 years I've been repairing cars. (calm voice)
Him: I don't think that they need replaced. I think you're just trying to take my money. (yelling at the top of his lungs)
Me: Well, if that's the way you feel I'll be more than happy to put the wheels back on your van and put it back outside and you can live with the noise. Makes no difference to me. My car's not going to make clunking noises on the way home. (calm voice, scowl)
Him: You're very rude. You shouldn't treat customers like that. (yelling)
Me: I'm not paid to talk to customers at all. I'm paid to turn a wrench. You asked me what was wrong with your van, I told you and you didn't like my answer. Now, I'm going to go back into the shop and get back to work. (low, angry voice)
Even ignoring that man's atrocious grammar, you deserve a medal for that XD