Things that piss you off in games


New member
Nov 24, 2011
I hate games that force people into two camps, ie: you hate it or you love it and there is no middle ground.
I also hate invisible walls. Seriously? How is this still happening?
Timed events that you don't know are timed events until it goes "Challenge Failed"
Timed events in general really.
Stupidly hard achievements to unlock.
Having to play the online multiiplayer to unlock single player campaign issues.
TERRIBLE and/or corny dialogue.
Games that run from cut scene to cut scene with maybe one fight between them.


Green Thumbed Gamer
Jan 11, 2010
Playing Minecraft. Spending hours - HOURS - digging in a cave, finding all sorts of yummy treats.

Then a spider knocks you into lava via sneak attack. You panic, can't find your way out, die, lose over two hours worth of spelunking in an instant.

Thank god this thread was open. I can vent. What happened above happened last night to me. I ragequit, begin again tonight. Spend a bit of time collecting all the right things, making sure I was prepped for anything. Kept my eyes open for any monsters lurking around.

Finally found some gold. Mining around it revealed a lava lake close by. Not so close to make me think I might lose the gold if I mine it. I dig the ore out, find some more beneath it. Break the cardinal rule of digging on what you're standing on, fall into lava flow beneath ore, die, lose an hours worth of digging as well as the last of my iron ore.

*facepalm so hard fillings are knocked loose*


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Enemies that just stand around waiting to be attacked. I can deal with it; I played WoW for years, but I hate seeing a forest with each wolf guarding its ridiculous 10 meter square. I think one of the Guild Wars 2 interviews mentioned it, something like 'you're told that centaurs are razing nearby villages, so you get sent to stop them and they're standing in a field ignoring you as you pick off their friends one by one.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
So many things.

1. A good game with a bad ending
2. Bad voice acting
3. Most romance subplots
4. Boring characters or story
5. No main character development


New member
Oct 7, 2009

Not being able to open a door without a key when I am carrying a fire axe, grenades and a shot gun.

NPCs that have the same weapons as me but inexplicably hit harder with far better accuracy (say high S.T.A.L.K.E.R)

NPCs who spot you from 500 meters away crouched in a bush at night and hit you in the head with a pistol.

"Competitive" online gaming communities, seriously try playing LoL HoN or Dota as a newbie for a few hours (be prepared to be abused for those few hours).

Artificially raising the difficulty in games by giving the AI unfair advantages particularly in strategy games, most hard mode AI don't play better they just get things like double resources and faster build times.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I dislike it when games won't let you save whenever you want. Sometimes, certain games are justified in there reasons for this but for the most part it's quite inconvenient.

E.g. I disliked Dead Rising's save system for that exact reason.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
The Floating Nose said:
I am not kidding when i say that out of 10 fights, at least 8 picked Ken as a character, because he is so fucking easy to control. Everything from spamming the sweep kick to running towards me and swinging me around just like a goddamn ragdoll. I mean, when did we just lose the fun of just playing and getting good at a fighting game to just using the same tactics just to move up the ranks...i mean, where's the fun in that ? I am able to win some fights though, but it's just so fucking frustrating.

Is the King of Fighter community better online ? Or is it as fucking shitty as the capcom fighting game community ?
Dont know about KOF as I havent played it online but Blazblue community has generally been better for me although you do get cheap tactics still (jin and his ice car), same in every fighter. I stopped playing SFIV because every match was fireball spam whereas at least in SFIII you can just parry it but the best way to beat people who do cheap tactics is do exactly the same they are generally not to hard to beat as although they play cheap they always play the same way and can be read.

Things that generally annoy me are people disconnecting from matches when they are losing, timed events, arbitrary grind that is neccesary to complete the main story (not post game content), escort quests and quick time events.

Although with the exception of the disconnecting these can all be handled well and be fun its just they usually arent.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Forced co-op because the default AI is so terrible or is otherwise needed to unlock doors in single player. I am looking at YOU Fable 3.

In RPG's - Horrible save points or lack of good checkpoints. And most of all, all the choices are either 100% good or 100% evil, lack of proper choices ruins everything.

At the very least have several different good or evil choices. Example - Save the NPC from danger, help him but then demand payment, join the muggers/monster and kill the NPC, then kill them and loot everyone. Life is not completely black and white, neither should an RPG be.

So many parts of dialog that could also be improved greatly, more freedom.
Most recent example was when I was playing the first Witcher game.

I had a quest of finding a blue eyed blond daughter in Act 3. I found her at the brothel and had sex with her. I then thought it would be immensely funny to brag about it to her father (the one that gave me the quest). Sadly no dialog option was there. How could they miss that!


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
I hate games that require multiplayer, rather than just having it as an option.

I hate randomly generated or lazily designed worlds.

I hate casual games that have steep learning curves, to the point where it becomes boring.

And I definitely hate it when RPGs lack a compelling storyline. Skyrim, I'm looking at YOU.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I hate glitchy stealh mechanics, two types of gliches in particular. I hate it when i'm sneaking around in a game like hitman and i'm nowhere near an enemy and i'm in the shadows but the enemies are able to randomly spot me reguardless.

I also will openly scream when i'm playing a game where i have a gun or some kind of projectile weapon, i've snuck up on an enemy and i'm about to shot him but the moment my crosshair touches him he becomes aware of me and dodges. I'm being literal about the crosshair thing. I've played a number of games where the enemy will not notice you from a distance unless your crosshair passes over his body. This one usally happens in games that don't really foucus on stealth but it doesn't matter. if the enemy hasn't reacted to my presance yet he shouldn't be able to tell i'm there just because my crosshair touches him...unless he's spiderman...but i think i'd be able to tell if i was fighting spiderman.

actually i'd play a game where your a random guy with a gun (or mabey the punisher) and you have to hunt down and try to shoot spiderman. that would be kinda fun.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
The Floating Nose said:
I'll start, recently, i bought Street Fighter 3rd Strike on XBLA because it is the only Street Fighter that i generally like and i wanted to play on my Xbox 360 and fight other people online. It's been 3 days and i already want to rip every single hair out of my head. Why the fuck does in every single fighting game, people play with cheap tactics ? I am not kidding when i say that out of 10 fights, at least 8 picked Ken as a character, because he is so fucking easy to control. Everything from spamming the sweep kick to running towards me and swinging me around just like a goddamn ragdoll. I mean, when did we just lose the fun of just playing and getting good at a fighting game to just using the same tactics just to move up the ranks...i mean, where's the fun in that ? I am able to win some fights though, but it's just so fucking frustrating.
I don't really like to argue against this but...

If something is "cheap", it is easy to counter. You just don't know how to counter it yet. Unless it's an abuse of latency (which I don't think is the case because SF3S online uses GGPO netcode). Spamming sweep kick? Block low, tech parry or neutral jump and counter it with your own combo. Spamming throw? That's even easier to counter. If it whiffs you have plenty of time to counteract it. Dash/walk back (...wait can you dash back on 3rd strike?), tech it, jump over it, etc..

Pretty much anything "cheap" can be countered unless it's a blatant abuse of latency. You can spot the flaw with these tactics easily. You might call it "cheap" doing so, but you deserve to lose of you can't beat simple tactics.

...also it's funny to watch.

...I'm sorry, but I get frustrated when people complain at me(not you for either cheating or being cheap when they lose to someone who isn't good at the game. I dunno, I mainly play SSF2T online. Spamming fireballs & shoryukens, mashing throw, sweep kick abuse etc. is much more commonplace there since you have to use your brains rather than your technical skill in order to win.

Okay now I will say the #1 thing that pisses me off in games.

Input delay through latency. It is possibly the worst remedy for lag IN EXISTENCE. The worst I have experienced is super smash bros. brawl's Wi Fi, but the one that actually annoys me is SF4's one, because unlike brawl where it doesn't really matter, SF4 relies so much on links you are pretty much screwed if you drop a link. I get so pissed off when I drop a 1 frame link due to lag, and then get countered by someone mashing their ultra while taking damage. Of course they would do it, I don't blame them, because it works every time.


Eats With Her Mouth Full
May 3, 2010
Escort missions.

Damn, bloody, stupid, forced, ESCORT missions.

They are the reason I stopped playing Fable 1. I hate them, and I stop playing games when they appear because they make me rage so hard.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Games where doing one small thing can lead to you not being able to complete a large thing in the future
eg, Skyrim if you sell the original thieves guild armor you can't bring the thieves guild to it's former glory
That pissed me off so much, it's not like you need it with the Brotherhood armor and you don't have anywhere to put it without a house.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
Shawn MacDonald said:
This is missing the point. There is no reason to spam the same move over and over again because you can. This is why I want to slap gamers because they seem to be okay with it.
If you can't counter it, then you suck. I hate that principle.
Yes it IS a good reason. If you're playing a competitive game You play to win. Notice that good players don't complain about "cheap tactics".
This is an even crazier idea, learn the god damn character. There is a good rule to follow. just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. there is a buttload of button mashers, go play those instead. This is a game that needs a little skill, apply yourself, or get off the pot. Your wasting peoples time that want to learn how to play the game.
I'm pretty sure that beating scrubs is a good way to learn to play the game. Teach them that their cheap tactics won't work and then they'll stop using them. You learn flaws within your playstyle if you lose to cheap tactics. Don't dismiss the losses to these players, they DO help you improve.

If I play as honda and I lose to a fireball/shoryu spamming ryu (which happens often since I main honda), I know that I need to improve my spacing and mix up my tactics in zoning in on him.

EDIT: Bad analogy time.

If someone is using paper, stop using rock.


Nov 9, 2010
- Boss battles where you have 5 seconds to shoot a leprechaun's nut from 100 metres away with a crappy slingshot *glares at Metal Arms' Zombiebot King*

- Games that have ridiculous spikes in difficulty or a horrible exp vs risk ratio (Later Chapters of FFXIII are especially guilty of this, having 20 minute fights with enemies for minimal amounts of Crystal Points).

- Racing games with REALLY hard to use handbrakes (Hello Blur...).'s really annoying


New member
Oct 16, 2011
In an rpg when i need a key to open a box or wood door, why can i not smash it open/down via the huge axe i have -_-


New member
May 23, 2010
The inclusion of chat systems in competitive multiplayer games. Why? Just why? You don't play these games to have a nice discussion with people. The only thing these features add is rage. BLOODY RAGE! I know I would enjoy multiplayer games a lot more if I thought the people I were up against only were of varying levels of skill; instead of varying types of assholes.

Yeah, I'm mainly thinking about LoL here, but this goes for most FPSs as well.