Things that piss you off in games


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Games that use a very small pool of voice actors to provide voices for an entire world.

Invisible walls.

Fighting game boss with mechanics completely different to the rest of the game.

Referees in football/soccer games being massively inconsistent (realistic but still annoying.)

If I'm really in my moaning mood then I could rant about how bows users in games often require agility/dexterity when in reality bow users, especially longbow users, would be require physical strength over anything else. But this is perhaps a discussion for another time.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Elitist Multiplayers who take the game far too serious.
I always play the way I like to play, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. In Dark Souls, I always bow before a fight, and try to give them a fair duel. But then there are the people who don't bow, glitch through you to backstab you, or team up with a red phantom they are supposed to fight.
You don't feel like you've been defeated on a gameplay level, you feel tricked on a technical level.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Shitty stealth sections that you have to do to get from point A to point B. And don't go off the path or expect to get hit by 50 guys who all instantly know where you are once one guy sees you.

It's exactly what turned me off Metro: 2033, despite the amazing atmosphere.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Escort Missions

Also, "You just beat the dungeon, now walk all the way back through it again for absolutely no reason."


New member
Aug 30, 2010
JohnTomorrow said:
*Minecraft annoyances*
Urgh. I have this happen to me all the time as well.
I was playing with a friend and my cousin and I found some diamond a little above a lava flow. I had my friend come down to help me block off the lava and collect the diamond. We got the lava almost entirely blocked off when a zombie and a spider came down just after I had mined the diamond. They killed my friend and then me. Luckily, I found the exact spot again about 5 minutes later and the diamond was still there, but everything else fell into the lava.

I also hate escort missions, or any team-based mission, where the person you're with won't or cannot help or has a habit of running head first into the danger you're protecting them from. Escort missions should all be optional, or the NPC is allowed to die.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
poundingmetal74 said:
Escort Missions

Also, "You just beat the dungeon, now walk all the way back through it again for absolutely no reason."
Oh god I hate escort missions so much. Also backtracking a dungeon... it depends on how they handle it really. But if you aren't going to change the dungeon on the way back, there definately should be a better way to exit a dungeon other than going all the way to the entrance.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Unskippable cut scenes right before a section of game you keep dying on. 5 minute cut scene....dead 10 seconds later from boss have to re-watch that 5 minute cut scene again.

Escort missions......not so much the missions. But the inability of the character to blindly run into all the enemies instead of waiting behind cover and letting me clean out the area first.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
NewYork_Comedian said:
Shitty stealth sections that you have to do to get from point A to point B. And don't go off the path or expect to get hit by 50 guys who all instantly know where you are once one guy sees you.

It's exactly what turned me off Metro: 2033, despite the amazing atmosphere.
well, it kinda makes sense that he'd point out to his friends you're there.
he didn't, but he, uh....gestured it.


OT: time trials, or insta-game overs when detected in stealth missions.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Escort missions (apart from the ones in FreeSpace 2)

Strategy - no fight animations, stances (that's why I prefer Total War/Company of Heroes/ Dawn of War to C&C, Warcraft/Starcraft)

Not being able to use a vehicle (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)

Solution that you have to stumble upon, because you won't think of it

I also hate most boss fights, worst being when you are just pouring ammo into that fucker and he doesn't seem to care and then he suddenly dies. awkward

"trader"-kids, who try to buy a Key (1.99Euro) for a weapon (you get ~6 weapons a week, randomly)


when it's 3v3 and they take heavy+medic... good God, mates, are you that lame?

Having more than 10% of team as spy.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Zhukov said:
I'll just go with the obvious stuff and say unskippable cutscenes, lack of quicksave and poorly placed checkpoints,
Add in Bosses with multiple-levels and no checkpoints in between those levels and you have a recipe for disaster: Take a boss with 4 forms, kill 3 then get killed: you're taken back to the 5-minute, unskippable FMV introducing the boss who is back to stage 1 of 4 *snaps controller in half*


OpticalJunction said:
I hate games that require multiplayer, rather than just having it as an option.
Another pet peeve is games that have a large focus on multiplayer but don't offer local multiplayer. It's not as bad for PS3 games with free online MP but once the game hits X months or X years old, the multiplayer lobbies are either dead (ie: nobody plays anymore) or, dead (ie: the unpopular game no longer supports online multiplayer). This is why I haven't grabbed DC Universe Online for the PS3: it's FTP now but it's only a matter of time before Sony says 'fuck it' and pulls the plug and even on the console, it may not allow offline-singleplayer.


Arbitrary, plot-based level caps! Final Fantasy XIII would have a level cap that you couldn't bypass until you either beat the chapter or, a boss. The thing is, even when I've smashed my face against the cap many of those bosses would still be too difficult even when I used the correct paradigm (or whatever they're called). No other Final Fantasy had those level caps (Especially YOU Final Fantasy VIII!!!) but then, no other Final Fantasy (that I've played anyway) was that shit (except perhaps the MMOs which both seem to have died)

That reminds me: Final Fantasy XI and, XIV shouldn't have numerals. They could have easily been Final Fantasy Online I and II. I can understand and even respect Square for wanting to give some of the games sequels and spin-offs but not MMOs.

Mr. In-between

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Fetch quests. There is nothing worse in the gaming world than an RPG that amounts to a series of fetch quests.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Jrpg that got limited savepoints. No! I want to save whenever I want to not when I save in front of a boss to battle only realise I wasn't ready so I have to backtrack to level up!


New member
Apr 23, 2008
More show than gameplay. Something like MGS4. The gameplay was amazing but 60 euros for a game I beat in 5 hours ? Traded it for Aliens VS Predator.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Characters that *just won't die*! I don't mean bosses, I mean a character that is killed for plot reasons, then revived later for some stupid reason, or no reason at all. It completely kills the drama of the character's death! (Infinite Undiscovery and FFIV I'm looking at you.)

Games that shoehorn in multiplayer that doesn't need to be there. (Every RPG ever that has tacked on multiplayer/coop that is rushed, broken and/or pointless...)

In a similar vein, games that have an *awful* single player campaign because the devs spent too much time on multiplayer.

Bad audio balancing, bad translations, awful voice acting... I like my ears and my speakers the way they are thanks - working!

Unskippable cutscenes right before a boss fight. Being forced to watch the same, usually very long, scene over and over again just adds to the rage of losing in the first place!

Boss fight runs, where you have several fights and no ability to save in between. This is tolerable if it's done right; if it's multiple stages of the same boss or the earlier fights aren't full blown boss fights, but when it's three or four full, separate boss fights with areas between them? That's easily hours of gameplay in an RPG and I don't want to do it six times over because something got a cheap shot on me! (Infinite Undiscovery final dungeon I'm looking at you *again*! Three boss fights and two large mobs of enemies in a row, and I always died to the mobs of normal enemies because of the damage animation.)

Games that let you get into a state where you have to restart. Mostly dungeons that lock you in, but there are other culprits of this. (Blue Dragon Plus, FFVIII... I know I've played lots of others but can't remember them now...)

Sewer levels, mystical forests that are designed to get you lost, teleporter-based dungeons, final dungeons that are huge towers of some kind and any large area that copy-pastes enough art that you can't orientate yourself and navigate properly. (Infinite Undiscovery, Pokemon R/B/Y, Shadow Hearts, the entire Shin Megami Tensei series...)


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
When one of your favourite characters becomes infamous as a Spam machine online, Noob and Smoke.

oh and Tonnes of collectibles for Example Infamous (with no way to track them!)


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I hate it when characters in game can survive what might aswell be nuclear blasts but in cutscenes if a sparrow farts near them they will die.
and example would be in mass effect where you have a shield, however there are times when a character would get shot in cutscene and die and there was no shield. interestingly though in Bringing down the sky dlc they actually have a scene where shepard gets shot but the bullet bounces off the shield

a good sunshine and lollypops side (usually America with the west occasionally tacked on) and a bad murdering people for the hell of it (communist russia which actually fell some time ago in real life)

bosses who just have large hit points where theres no different stragety from when fighting regular enemies but it just takes longer

people being the main character because they were the best looking person in the room

women who have the ability to suffer the same amount of damage as men while wearing half the armour (put them in full armour they should be invincible)

game reviewers saying a game is confusing when it really isnt, if you recall one of the complaints in the Escapists review of The Witcher 2 was that the game didnt tell him to stay away from fire (im sorry but if thats the case then you are an idiot if you need a game to tell you fire is bad)


New member
May 8, 2011
Being held by the hand and told what to do, even if it is something really simple.
Damn it [GAME] I want to figure it out myself!