Things you aggressively don't care about


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
In life, there will be memes and fads which appeal to some but not others. what of the current fads or whatever else are you sick of people preaching and raving about? i certainly have a few bugbears as of current:

1. game of thrones: it's your standard medieval fare crossed with a soap opera, whoop de feckin' doo.

2. the tomodachi fiasco: bigots be bigots, this is old news.

3. sexism/racism/discrimination in [insert media here]: we're really running out of things to talk about when we start listening to the hypersensitives.

what are yours? and why?


New member
Mar 17, 2011
"Aggressively"... "Don't care"... Does not compute.

If I didn't care about something, I certainly wouldn't be aggressive about my indifference. I'd be more, you know, indifferent.


Oct 28, 2013
Is it possible to aggressively not care about something? You can be repelled by it as a reaction, but not caring about it means that you hardly spare it any thought; it means that to to you, it is a matter of the most supreme indifference.

To steer the conversation away from the three things you have mentioned, I would say reality television. There was a time when I watched it out of morbid curiosity, but those days are long gone. It's not good for my brain.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
My Little Pony. I don't really like it and it's fans annoy me. I try to ignore it but will spew hatred when I get the chance.


New member
May 18, 2011
Barbas said:
Is it possible to aggressively not care about something? You can be repelled by it as a reaction, but not caring about it means that you hardly spare it any thought; it means that to to you, it is a matter of the most supreme indifference.
Of course it is!

To steer the conversation away from the three things you have mentioned, I would say reality television. There was a time when I watched it out of morbid curiosity, but those days are long gone. It's not good for my brain.
Lately it's been partying for me. I've got better things to do with my life than get myself hammered and then do a stupid.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I also with the sexism and feminism especially toward games. I mean sure some games had it coming (Scarlet Blade) but others I can geninue see that it isn't supposed to be about ass and tits (Dragon Crowns).

There also certain popular media that I haven't watched (Breaking Bad and Attack on Titan). I don't give a danm missing out on it, if I truly do want to watched it then I will but at the moment it's at the bottom of the list of stuff I want to do.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
The whole evolution vs. creationism debate. I get why other people care about it, especially those involved in education/science/religion/whatever, but as for myself, I really don't care about how something that happened a fuckton of years ago took place. I'm just glad that it did.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
I aggressively don't care about people not caring about things.

Oh god, this is like putting a mirror up to a mirror.

I 'unno, I find it odd when people broadcast their apathy when they didn't have to say anything in the first place. But then I don't have any friends and as such I don't experience the apparently common phenomenon of having media forced onto me.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
All that stuff about ?fracking?. Actually, anything about environmental damage in general. I neither know enough about it (I was average in Geography class up until GCSE) nor do I care. My stance on it is ?Stuff like driving your car to the corner shop and chucking a crisp packet on the grass is bad, but like putting pictures of diseased lungs on smoking packets, nothing you do to dissuade them from their actions will stop them from taking the easy shortcut. Because we humans don?t care about something until it?s right in our face and it?s too late.?

Sexism in video games. Because it?s fucking video games and I honestly doubt men seriously look at Ivy from Soul Calibur (the oft-sourced icon of MISOGYNY always trotted out in discussions like these) and are long-term affected by her design to the point that it influences their opinions of women. Not to mention the amount of people jumping on even the slightest amount of sexualisation and ruling them out as a positive female character (e.g. Bayonetta, Final Fantasy VII?s Tifa). But I?ve just gotten fed up of debating with people over a non-issue and the videos of Anita Sarkeesian (that I?ve never seen because why should I?) because it?s the same damn thing over and over and it won?t change.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
-Nerd elitism/`Fake` nerds.

-Guys who say they don't care about gender in video games + the community. (INCEPTION NOISE)

-Bronies. (Sorry dudes, no hard feelings).


Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
TakerFoxx said:
The whole evolution vs. creationism debate. I get why other people care about it, especially those involved in education/science/religion/whatever, but as for myself, I really don't care about how something that happened a fuckton of years ago took place. I'm just glad that it did.
Evolution didn't just happen "a fuckton of years ago" it's still happening. It doesn't end with us.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
'Aggressively don't care about?' I personally think 'aggressively ignore' has a better sound to it. As in, things one would go out of their way to distance themselves from. For example:

Game of Thrones: My coworkers talk about it endlessly, and I have to hear almost every word about it. I've never cared about the show or the books it's based off of, and I never will. I also visit this site a little less because I feel this place is trying its hardest to shove GoT down my throat at any given opportunity (Critical Miss, the GoT recap thing, GoT Abridged, some of the threads in this sub-forum et al) and I've grown weary of it.

My Little Pony: Personally, I grew weary of the show in the middle of season 3 and watched the rest out of obligation, but something about season 4 made me completely reconsider watching it altogether. Could be that the writers were grasping at straws trying to make a plot for an episode without rolling their dicks (or boobs, maybe moobs) on their keyboards and printing the end result. Could be the annoying songs in all the episodes I've seen (I stopped at S4E3). Could be hearing Tara Strong's voice in just about everything I watch and play that's finally sent me over the edge (I joke, but it does have some truth to it). Maybe EternalNothingness's pony-related fanaticism turned me away from the show. Possibly bits of all the aforementioned. In any case, I do all I can to distance myself from the show I used to watch.

Topics about Feminism/Gender Wars/LGBTTQOMGWTFBBQ/'Nice Guy'/Sarkeesian/Bioshock Infinite/[insert TV show/movie that nerds love for some odd reason]. I may seem like an extremely boring-to-the-point-that-I-need-an-execution-to-spice-up-my-life kind of man, but seeing nearly all the same topics bores me to sleep.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Hockey. I live in montreal , we have a hockey team , people are VERY adamant about it . I'm not, i hate sports , and i hate hockey even more . So i ignore it . Up until people are all up in my face about how how hockey is awsome, and i should like hockey, and support the team. Ever year i hope they lose so i can have peace and quiet. The sooner they lose, the sooner i can have peace. Sports fans are the most annoying and loud people ever. We won a game last week against boston , and people were honking their horns and cheering at 10pm at night . It's hard to ignore something when it's shoved in my face and disruptive like that.

Now if i was at a bar or downtown fine, but i was in my house with door and windowns closed and i could still hear them. All i want is some sleep. Hell i know people who pretend to like the sport just to fit in . Man fuck sports.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Eddie the head said:
TakerFoxx said:
The whole evolution vs. creationism debate. I get why other people care about it, especially those involved in education/science/religion/whatever, but as for myself, I really don't care about how something that happened a fuckton of years ago took place. I'm just glad that it did.
Evolution didn't just happen "a fuckton of years ago" it's still happening. It doesn't end with us.

I know. I was referring to the whole origin of the species/world thing that people get so heated about. I wasn't there, me taking a side on that debate isn't going to impact my life or anyone else's in the slightest, ergo I don't care.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Modern music trends for sure. I could care less about the new pop, rap, and rock songs coming out of the wood work. I have negative interest in that stuff.

Professional sports in general. I do not care in the slightest which teams are doing well, who all the big players are, etc. I only like an event like the super bowl for the good food, the game is just back round noise to me.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
Sexism in games. I don't really mind if they do improve things to the standards people want but I really couldn't give a flying wombat about it if I have fun.
Pretty much everything related to Japan and the games industry, that being a large majority of their games (bar a few), anime, manga etc.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
The "Console Wars"/"PC V Console"/"People who play X game are not real gamers" (The Trifecta of D-Baggery in gaming as I like to call it)

Spoiler Alert; you're allowed to think that your gaming format of choice is awesome and better for you but looking down upon other games because they play with a different box than you is just kind of sad and depressing.

If you think the PC/Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo/whatever-box is your best option, then go for it. However, if you wish to mock me because I've chosen a different format, please kindly go play hopscotch in traffic :D

You think the mouse/keyboard is the "only true way to play"?

You think the Xbox One is far superior to the PS4/Wii U?

You think that anyone who plays Call of Duty is not a real gamer?

Did I get you? :D


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Pretty much anything on TV except for cartoons I don't watch nor care about.

I will never grow up.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
I'm aggressively avoid things BECAUSE I don't care about them, and I don't want to come off as a jerk.

I don't care about transgender or cisgender, I don't care about peoples "Triggers", I think it's bullshit that they feel entitled to yell at people for just doing one of the seemingly billions of things that triggers them, and as such, I tend to avoid them because I think they will be unpleasant to be around.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
People hating a story for the media it's presented in.
Like when people say they don't like anime or movies or books.
Makes me think "Holy hell this is wrong on so many levels I don't even want to remotely talk about anything relating to that with you ever again. I'll just ignore the existence of it whenever you're here."