Things you understand but still kinda wierd you out a little


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So the world is full is interesting and bizarre stuff and every so often I'm reminded of that.

So I've seen potatos, if not eaten for long enough, will sprout little tendrils just sitting on a shelf. It's a root, I get it and even if it's a little gross looking, I'm not suprised when I see it. However, I had some garlic cloves on my countertop so we always have fresh garlic available(and to keep vampires away, natch) and noticed one of them had sprouted. An inch-long(2.5 cm) stem coming out of the top.

Ok, I didn't really realize Garlic(which is also a root though I didn't think about it that way) could just decide to sprout sitting on a countertop. It has no access to water, soil and it's not in direct sunlight, but damn, it apparently decided "Fuck this, I'm gonna grow RIGHT HERE! TRY AND STOP ME!". By all rights it should be dead or unable to, you know, grow. Or at least, that's how it feels.

So yeah, I learn something new but it's still fucking bizarre to think about.

How about you guys?
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I'm not asexual... but yeah. Sex.

I know how I feel during the moment. A beautiful, engaging woman. Hormones flaring. It's all-encompassing. Every move feels right.

But take away that knowing rush of hormones. Those primers and those cues that tell you that this is something you definitely want to do with this person. The act itself is so weird. Not to mention the biochemical and mechanical things that happens to bodies in order to do it. The more I think about it, the more I think we are all crazy.

And then a breath-taking woman comes along that is 100% on everything, from mind to body... and I'm all on board.

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Elite Member
Apr 12, 2020
United Kingdom
Does gravity count? A force strong enough to chain massive planets and stars together across vast distances...that can also be overcome by the tiniest caterpillar reaching up for a leaf
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Does gravity count? A force strong enough to chain massive planets and stars together across vast distances...that can also be overcome by the tiniest caterpillar reaching up for a leaf

On the same note, something in orbit is subject to gravity, but is kept in orbit because it's falling so fast it never actually hits the ground. Which makes sense and sounds totally wierd when you think about it.

Oh, and Dark Matter. It's really important to a lot of leading thoeries about how the universe works, it presumably takes up a massive amount of the universes mass and there's no proof it actually exists. Thus the "Dark" part.

Ditto with "Dark Energy". Yep, the only way to make the math work, apparently, is to assume a substance/energy we can't detect or prove exists. Which conceptually is really wierd and possibly disturbing as shit.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Well, now that we've added science to the mix.

I understand quantum superposition well enough, but then you get far enough along in the double slit experiment to notice the observer effect...

Makes me actually want to go out and buy some radium, cyanide, a cardboard box, a Giger counter, and a cat. And then just give up and buy some gin instead.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Well, life, really. What's up with that? We're just lumps of energy resisting entropy and collecting data within the energy, needing to consume other lumps of entropic resistance to sustain ourselves till we die, losing all that data while other lumps of energy recycle our matter to sustain themselves, all while a universe nonchalantly ticks along, uncaring and potentially unobserved by anything else. I can see the appeal of religion to provide easy answers, but am unable to uncritically believe. We're trapped in a consciousness we couldn't ask for. Just perpetuating endless exertion and confusion until it's all over. Why? And when and how did one lifeform first decide to consume another lifeform instead of lapping up the sun for tasty yums? These kids will not be fed until I get my answers, damnit.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012

Specifically rich people complaining about them, when, if they just paid their employees properly, the employees wouldn't need a safety net, thus the government needs less taxes. Your creating your own problem


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Well, life, really. What's up with that? We're just lumps of energy resisting entropy and collecting data within the energy, needing to consume other lumps of entropic resistance to sustain ourselves till we die, losing all that data while other lumps of energy recycle our matter to sustain themselves, all while a universe nonchalantly ticks along, uncaring and potentially unobserved by anything else. I can see the appeal of religion to provide easy answers, but am unable to uncritically believe. We're trapped in a consciousness we couldn't ask for. Just perpetuating endless exertion and confusion until it's all over. Why? And when and how did one lifeform first decide to consume another lifeform instead of lapping up the sun for tasty yums? These kids will not be fed until I get my answers, damnit.
I'm not an atheist. There's a Dutch word for what I am. Don't recall exactly what the word is but it means that while you may not think any religion is fundamentally sound, you have a sneaking suspicion that there actually is something to all of this. But all life in this Universe is on borrowed time. Matter cannot eternally resist entropy. Think of what the Universe will be like in , say, 127 trillion years. I'm told even atoms will lose their cohesiveness by then. So... we'll see what comes next. Or not and we won't know it. In the meantime, there is always Fritos and gin to make me smile.

I'm not asexual... but yeah. Sex.

The act itself is so weird. Not to mention the biochemical and mechanical things that happens to bodies in order to do it. The more I think about it, the more I think we are all crazy.

And then a breath-taking woman comes along that is 100% on everything, from mind to body... and I'm all on board.

Betty Davis said once she aged out she was asking herself when younger, what everyone was all so crazy about.
Minnie Driver in 1995's "Circle of Friends" likens it to wanting someone to stick their finger up your nose.
In 2009's "Leave's of Grass" Maggie Siff, playing a rabbi says that we are animals with brains that trick us into thinking we are not. If birds and bees didn't do it, there wouldn't be birds and bees.
I'm thinking your observations are not unheard of. Good post!
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That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I don't feel like I understand anything, sounds weird as I tend to be able to express elaborate opinions of a wide variety of topics but if I'm honest it's hard for me to be certain about anything to the point that it might be possible that I involuntarily subscribe to the Radical Skepticism Philosophy, of course this in reality not true as I clearly don't believe I'm inside of a Demon's Illusion or the Matrix and while I would like to be a brain in a vat that's not something I am either, but what I mean is that I often look back at memories and doubt them, in some cases after investigating I've found out some of them were demonstrably false, which is a bit embarrassing considering I had talked to people about some of them.

Hell even my perception of how people saw me and what I looked like turned out to be completely wrong, but I guess that's what happens when you lock yourself up for a year without talking to anyone and without connection from the Internet, your whole perception of reality becomes muddled, damned 2011.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

Like, what the fuck?

They're just these little boneplates outside of your body, it's fucking horrific. And to make it worse they're extremely susceptible to decay compared to almost everything else in your body. And getting them fixed and maintained is a torturous operation.

Teeth are like a little 'fuck you' from God.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Just about everything to do with space. Even when you understand stuff to do with space the sheer size is just mindboggling.


On the same note, something in orbit is subject to gravity, but is kept in orbit because it's falling so fast it never actually hits the ground. Which makes sense and sounds totally wierd when you think about it.

Oh, and Dark Matter. It's really important to a lot of leading thoeries about how the universe works, it presumably takes up a massive amount of the universes mass and there's no proof it actually exists. Thus the "Dark" part.

Ditto with "Dark Energy". Yep, the only way to make the math work, apparently, is to assume a substance/energy we can't detect or prove exists. Which conceptually is really wierd and possibly disturbing as shit.
There is a theory that does away with both dark matter and dark energy.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Religion, or rather, why so many people believe what they do in the 21st century.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Religion, or rather, why so many people believe what they do in the 21st century.
The one thing I don't get about religion is how any 2 people would have the same exact beliefs let alone millions (or billions) of people to form a religion in the first place. What religion doesn't have some things in its book(s) that anyone would be like "that's fucking stupid"?


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Religion, or rather, why so many people believe what they do in the 21st century.
My feelings on this.

1.) Comfort. Feeling like the universe is running according to some kind of plan, even if it's one we don't understand.
2.) Morality/Ethics. In some cases, this includes belief that only religion(or specifically) only their religion can impart moral behaviour, while in others, it's a moral code people feel is important for at least them to follow.
3.) Peer Pressure/indoctrination. The culture around you and/or the people who raised you believe in something and raised you with the belief as well. For a lot of people, that's more then enough to keep believing in something. Either because they were raised "This is the way things are" and still believe it, or afraid to discard it because it means rejection/exile from family/culture around them.

I'm not a sociologist/anthropoilogist but I imagine it would be interesting to see studies on childern who are raised without religion(while not explicity forbidding religion) and allowed to decide later in life(say, reaching adulthood) vs kids raised in a particular religion.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
My feelings on this.

1.) Comfort. Feeling like the universe is running according to some kind of plan, even if it's one we don't understand.
2.) Morality/Ethics. In some cases, this includes belief that only religion(or specifically) only their religion can impart moral behaviour, while in others, it's a moral code people feel is important for at least them to follow.
3.) Peer Pressure/indoctrination. The culture around you and/or the people who raised you believe in something and raised you with the belief as well. For a lot of people, that's more then enough to keep believing in something. Either because they were raised "This is the way things are" and still believe it, or afraid to discard it because it means rejection/exile from family/culture around them.
I've watched a lot of atheist talk show content over the years, and these 3 points are some of the most frequently used to explain a person's belief. They will often not realize it, but their answers, when directly asked about why they believe what they do, often boil down to "it makes me feel good." or "because if we didn't believe in god we'd all just go running around raping and killing!" and of course "it's what I've known my whole life."

They are very often incapable of actually realizing the flaw in their reasoning for believing these things, and not others, particularly when confronted with it, and retreat into shit like "you know in your heart you believe in jesus" or some other stupid evasion line. I've actually had this one to me personally at least a dozen times, when I've tried to explain why I am an atheist, to the utter bafflement of the religious people around me. Along with "why are you angry at god?" which is about as logical of a question as "why are you angry at the easter bunny?"

I'm not a sociologist/anthropoilogist but I imagine it would be interesting to see studies on childern who are raised without religion(while not explicity forbidding religion) and allowed to decide later in life(say, reaching adulthood) vs kids raised in a particular religion.
A study to determine what? Because I mean, there are studies like that out there. All kinds of studies about the differences in societies that are heavily religous vs not. You'd have to narrow down what result you are interested in though.

OT: Fandom. I understand it, but I still don't get it. I mean, the overwhelming obsession with a particular thing, to the point where you use it as a framework for your own personal identity and worth. Where you freak out and lose your shit just SEEING a person associated with the thing you like, feeling compelled to dress just like your friends like some sort of voluntary cult wardrobe. Defending and fighting others that have a varying opinion from you, to the point of hostility and bullying tactics. Just, all of it. This last is mostly what I've seen in teen girl fandom, from my own personal history as a kid. I remember distinctly, the girls in my middle school, being OBSESSED with the New Kids on the Block. And they would come to school, ALL wearing their favorite boy shirt, with purses that had pins up and down both sides of the arm strap. I even saw them out at a movie theater once, and they ALL had pillows with them, that had pillowcases with their favorite boy band member. It was this really disturbing cult behavior of sameness and devotion, to people they had never met. And it always thrown me off. And the adult version of it, things like the people who are basically a social bullying army for Beyonce, are along the same line of behavior.

And it's not just girls, but that particular flavor of fandom does seem to be common in young girls. Guys are just as bad, but in different ways. I used to browse a star wars related forum for several years, but stopped, because the level of actual religious devotion to that franchise, including schisms of doctrine (what is/isn't canon), interpretations of doctrine (is the Light/Dark Force stuff good/bad, were the Sith really evil, etc), and historical debates about details in the source material, and what it means (the various saber colors denoted levels of skill, and not just because their colors showed up better against certain backgrounds when filming) got so disturbingly real, that I just couldn't post there anymore.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'm blown away by any form of real-time long distance communication, especially if it involves video feed. It's science fiction man.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Religion, or rather, why so many people believe what they do in the 21st century.
Humans are (as far as we know) the only species capable of understanding that, no matter what, we will die. It's a scary thing, to know that you are going to no longer exist one day, and some people cling to magical stories rather than face the truth.

I'm blown away by any form of real-time long distance communication, especially if it involves video feed. It's science fiction man.
Yeah, no kidding. Wasn't it like 15 years ago we saw that stuff in movies and thought "if only"?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
People rabidly hating My Little Pony FIM. I mean I can understand people not being into it, but being rabidly hateful of those that are is just weird. I use a mlp pic for my icon on youtube and still occasionally get insane haters who tell me to kill myself. At this point it just brings me joy to know I can inspire such foaming at the mouth with a simple innocent image, but its still weird.