Third Mortal Kombat Movie Coming Soon?


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
The TV Mortal Kombat Conquest was far better than the movies.

The first movie was great in my opinion, not cinematic greatness, just entertaining.

The second was awfull, they way the introduced characters for one fight scene and then killed them IN THAT FIGHT SCENE! They didnt even get named!!!! GGGrrr,, how dare they do that to my cyrax :(

The theme is a must though!


New member
May 20, 2008
cleverlymadeup said:
tk1989 said:
Ok, to all the people that said the first one wasnt that bad... I beg to differ! Lets look back at it... You may have been 10 or whatever when you watched it, but by god it was an awful film. I thoroughly enjoyed it, yes, but it was a terrible terrible movie! I enjoyed it because it was so god awful, and me and my friends were so hideously drunk when we watched it! lol.

Whilst the first had an element of entertainment to however, the second did not. That was a big pile of bull!
i wasn't 10 and i thought the first one was good, it wasn't an oscar award winning film but it was a good kung fu movie and good for a movie based on a video games

the second one was just really meh, it didn't have the same feel as the first one

let's hope they make a good movie of the third one, i don't expect it to be award winning but i do expect it to be entertaining
Ill admit the first one did have entertaining aspects. For me I would not consider it a good movie, rather an entertaining one. After re-reading my post i clearly did not make it clear that this is my opinion; rather i was dictating my opinion as fact which i know i should not do. Sorry :p

Anyway, i actually hope the 3rd film is entertaining too :p

Aiden Rebirth

New member
Nov 19, 2008
no... no, no, no... NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!

they both sucked, don't kid yourself fanboys, not like you did with transformers 2! I don't want a third movie to either of those series!


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Aiden Rebirth said:
no... no, no, no... NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!

they both sucked, don't kid yourself fanboys, not like you did with transformers 2! I don't want a third movie to either of those series!
i wouldn't mind seeing a third transformers. even if michael bay is bad at story and portraying characters. the pyro shows his movies put on make them worth it.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
The Bandit said:
The first one wasn't THAT bad, as far as video game movies go. The second one was awful. Simply awful. Besides, being a little kid and seeing Johnny Cage punch Goro in the balls was one of the greatest moments of my life.
Those were 500 dollar glasses, Asshole!

I would love to see another movie...BUT! it has to be as good as the first...the first was good and bring back Johny Cage for Christ sake!


Beer Quaffer
Jul 10, 2009
i loved the first movie. second one was just like "lets throw every character we can in it" and it felt rushed. had a different director and too many actor changes as well.

im excited for a third (reboot) movie though. i dont care how crappy it is, ill pay to see it on day 1. at least theyre bringing back some of the same actors from the first movie to sorta "redo" their roles in the new one.

Sewer Rat

New member
Sep 14, 2008
OH GOD NO! EJECT EJECT! *starts pressing arms of chair trying to find the Emergency Eject button*


New member
May 28, 2009
i think the storyline will be bad because films based on a game with barely any story can't be good maybe the fights will be good but i think its going to be the 3rd faillure.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Can't wait till they cut everything out for "LOOD AND TITS YEAAAA!!"

One of Shaolin monks could be cool but then again BLOOD AND TITS YEAAAA!!

MK Tha Rebel

New member
Jun 12, 2009
Curtmiester said:
Wait. Were the first two good?
First one, yes. It was a good movie, and they had a pretty good cast.

The second one got rid of the good cast, replaced them with crap actors, and made the story resemble Mortal Kombat's story as little as possible. God, that movie was horrible.

Anyway, so they decided to work on the third movie again? Geez, they've been talking about it for over a decade now. Oh well, as long as it's not a top-to-bottom reboot of the franchise that will butcher the story more than Mortal Kombat Annihilation did...wait.

*Looks up info on the third movie* FUCK!