This Game Isn't Hard Enough...

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Play through any GTA without accidentally killing a single pedestrian or disobeying any traffic law (changing lanes, stop signs, speeding, NOTHING). This applies to missions as well.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Jimmy T. Malice said:
Playing through Dark Souls without using a shield.

Being a tank character in Dark Souls, I think I feel an axe cutting in small pieces my heart.....


New member
Apr 8, 2010
This is why I loved XCOM: Enemy Unknown. They added all these optional settings just to make your next play even more challenging!

The following Second Wave features become available by default:

Damage Roulette: Weapons have a wider range of damage.
New Economy: Randomized council member funding.
Not Created Equally: Rookies will have random starting stats.
Hidden Potential: As a soldier is promoted, stats increase randomly.
Red Fog: Combat wounds will degrade the soldier?s mission stats.
Absolutely Critical: A flanking shot guarantees a critical hit.
The Greater Good: Psionics can only be learned from interrogating a psionic alien.
Marathon: The game takes considerably longer to complete. (choosing this option will increase the length of research and constructing time)

If the player has finished the game on Classic Mode, these four additional Second Wave features will be unlocked:
Results Driven: A country offers less funding as its panic level increases.

High Stakes: Random rewards for stopping alien abductions.
Diminishing Returns: Increased cost of satellite construction.
More Than Human: The psionic gift is extremely rare.

If the player has finished the game on Impossible Mode, these four additional Second Wave features will be unlocked:
War Weariness: Council funding goes down over time.
E-115: Elerium degrades over time.
Total Loss: Lose all soldier gear upon death.
Alternate Sources: The power source cost to build facilities increases dramatically.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
triggrhappy94 said:
Let's come up with challenge modes for popular games.

I came up with one because my brother thought my snealthy-snipey play style made Far Cry 3 too easy. So, when he played (and on my next play through) you have to set the came to hard and you're only allowed to use guns you've unlocked--no buying guns. The game still gets pretty easy after about an hour or two, but it's a start.
My last playthrough was full of that kind of thing. Master difficulty, no health or defense perks, no weapon related equipment (which means only two guns at their lowest max ammo), no crafting syringes, and no shops. And I turned off the music for effect. Basically a self-imposed realism mode.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Combustion Kevin said:
metro 2033, hardest difficulty, never use the scrap assualt ammo and don't sell it either.
alternatively, never use the shops either.

EDIT: how could I forget the "three heart challange" for Zelda games, you are not allowed more than three hearts, so no picking those up after boss fights, and no pieces of heart either.
Only use your knife throughout the whole game, on Ranger Hardcore. Unless there's a segment where you need to use your gun, then it's allowed to use your revolver.

Also, a sales rep challenge in Borderlands, only allowing yourself to use items from 1 manufacturer.

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
Bioshock Infinite: No Vigors, no guns, no gear, no using the vending machines for health or salt, no accepting anything that Elizabeth wants to throw're only allowed to melee...on 1999 mode.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Valley Without Wind 2 - Play with Strategic Level set to Overlord, and Level Difficulty set to The Chosen One.

Playing with one at that level with the other at easier? Doable. Doing it with both? YOU. WILL. KNOW. PAIN.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I still haven't gathered up the courage to do a Knife-only run in Resident Evil 4.

Or if you're a real masochist, try beating someone in Tekken using only pokes, no juggles.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
The player/caster Day9 declare a rule for every "Funday Monday" where viewers need to follow certain criteria when they play Starcraft 2. Some silliness include: Zerg may not build queens or Terran may not build any marines, marauders or medivacs.

Some of my own rules have been infantry only C&C games. With varying success depending on the title.


New member
Mar 11, 2013
RipVanTinkle said:
Bioshock Infinite: No Vigors, no guns, no gear, no using the vending machines for health or salt, no accepting anything that Elizabeth wants to throw're only allowed to melee...on 1999 mode.
Simply impossible, given the enemies that you can't kill without a gun. There are enemies out of reach and others like the Handyman will outperform you in melee combat, as melee combat in BSI is simply a whack with the weak Skyhook once per 1-2 seconds.

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
ItsNotRudy said:
RipVanTinkle said:
Bioshock Infinite: No Vigors, no guns, no gear, no using the vending machines for health or salt, no accepting anything that Elizabeth wants to throw're only allowed to melee...on 1999 mode.
Simply impossible, given the enemies that you can't kill without a gun. There are enemies out of reach and others like the Handyman will outperform you in melee combat, as melee combat in BSI is simply a whack with the weak Skyhook once per 1-2 seconds.
OP said we should stipulate a challenge. It was never stated that the challenge had to be feasible! :D


New member
Jan 24, 2012
triggrhappy94 said:
The game still gets pretty easy after about an hour or two, but it's a start.
A better way to make Far Cry 3 tougher is to not use any skill points. Once you choose 3 in the tutorial, that's it. You must play as wimpy Jason through the whole game.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
A game of CoD multiplayer without being killed by
1. A camper.
2. A dropshotter
3. A quickscoper
4. Someone playing legitimate tactics that you can't complain about
5. A C4 noob.

OT: Niko Bellic dosen't have a drivers license. GTA4, where you must only use vehicles if the level requires you. Or you don't have your gun license, and you can only kill people by reversing over them or with melee. And you have to wear a suit.


New member
Jul 4, 2012
In Dark Souls, select Deprived. You cannot upgrade your Vitality or Endurance. Beat Gwyn to finish the challenge.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Redingold said:
Play through Dishonored not only without being seen, but leaving absolutely no trace of your presence. No choking people out, no killing unless you can make it look like an accident, no crossbow, gun, grenade or spring razor. No stealing items from people who might miss them. Essentially, nothing that would suggest in any way the presence of an assassin or thief. For extra hard mode, no Outsider powers or bone charms.
There is a number achievements on 360 for those. No killing, never being seen, no outsider powers, eliminating all targets in non-lethal manners. The hardest achievements, basically. Most people get one or two per play through. For some reason, I thought it'd be smart to do them all at once. Longest nine hours I've ever played in a game. The amount of sitting still in a relativity open area and going "LOOK THE OTHER WAY, YOU DICK!"

I can't remember where I saw it, but I saw a Skyrim Ultimate Challenge thing once. You had one life only. If you die, you restart a new character (And it must be vastly different to what you just had). No quick travel. Ever. The first three main missions must be completed before you do anything else, so you activate random dragon encounters. Game is obviously on Very Hard 9Or whatever it's called). No using skill helpers to rasie your skill levels faster. I think it made you turn off your nav marker, but that's bullshit. Trying to find anything would be impossible without already knowing where it is (Unless it shows up as an unfound location on your map.). If you are on PC, no mods except aesthetic mods. So no super swords, only super trees and grass. All weapons that you find must be sold; you can only used smithed armour and weapons.

There was one with pokemon, which as far as I can remember, only entailed you having to catch the first pokemon you encounter, and that's it (So you might be stuck with a bunch of birds and rats for the whole game aside from your starter), and when your pokemon faint, you have to let them go, as they 'die' in battles.

Mass Effect 3 (Only if you are a biotic). On hardest difficulty. Only use biotic powers and melee attacks. Nothing else. No guns.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Reaper195 said:
Skyrim Ultimate Challenge
Unless they somehow ban the inherent brokenness of crafting, that just sounds like a rush to max enchanting (with alchemy, speech, and smithing to follow soon after, in that order).
Those rules would be trivial if you spend a bunch of time making stuff, turning a profit, waiting for shops to reset, then leaving town with a suit of gear that makes 2 types of magic free to cast.
At that point, you've already won, it's just a ridiculous grind to get the rest of the way - so you might as well resto-loop a weapon that one shots everything.