"This **** will not beat me."


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
took the words right out of my mouth...

I too am a LoL player... and SOOOO many times in a game that's looking bad that quote will come up... "That **** will not beat me!"
And so I do everything in my power to destroy said champion/team...
Even if we lose the game, if I take down that one prick the enemy has, mission accomplished...

There are other games... Sequence is one of them... MUST 100% EVERYTHING!?!! I SHALL NOT BE BEATEN!


New member
May 3, 2010
Wrestlemania 2000 - Royal Rumble match in story mode. 29 other competitors, plus you. 4 in play at any time. You're the first one in the match. Any time anyone is eliminated, a new entrant arrives immediately. Elimination is by being knocked out of the ring.

Oh, and that can happen with an accidental contact. Or another person's attack aimed at someone else, but which clips you. Or a reversal. Or someone dodging when you charge them anywhere near ropes. The longer you're in the match, the more tired your character gets. Which means that something that wouldn't put you on the ropes earlier will tip you out of the ring after 20+ guys have been eliminated.

If it happens *once* to you, it's restart time.

Yeah. I didn't enjoy that, but I refused to lie down and take it.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
rob_simple said:
Fighting Colonel Radec in Killzone 2. I died so many times that I thought it was a supposed to lose battle.

If he hadn't been the last boss I'd probably have stopped playing altogether.
Ugh, I forgot about him. I gave up for about a year before I finally beat him. Flamethrowers & the rocket launchers were the only way I could beat him...And he always popped up in my face or right behind me which freaked me out for some reason. His invisibility doesn't work very well when he's on fire though.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
leet_x1337 said:
The Wykydtron said:
What's your screen name? Add me. Mine's in the OP.
Mine is "The Wykydtron" same as the one on this site. Though for some reason it's the "The Wykydtron7" on the log on screen but shows up without the number ingame. Weird XP

Now, it's a cool name and all, being completely ripped without shame from a heavy metal song cuz I have no imagination. But people don't know how the pronounce or spell the thing. Epic practicality oversight activate. Well at least they can shorten it to "tron" I suppose. XD


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
Mine is "The Wykydtron" same as the one on this site. Though for some reason it's the "The Wykydtron7" on the log on screen but shows up without the number ingame. Weird XP
It's not working. I tried putting it in the 'search profile' box, both versions, and it came back with absolutely nothing.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
tales of maj'eyal, its a free roguelike - meaning 1 life, permadeath. W/ games it should be the journey that's fun, not the destination. Its a form of entertainment after all. Get in to roguelikes (most are free anyhow) and no amount of difficulty in other games will ever turn you off again, hehe.

i like the league of legends example, most who play seem to only be happy when they are winning and very angry people when losing. Like you see a lot in sports. But some are obviously more of my mentality where ya play to have fun, to enjoy ride, not to win. I don't mean have fun by trolling, i do *try* to win, and I do more often than not, but if I don't, I still enjoy the game.

In league, I only add friends from amongst the people who seem cool in *losing* games, and no matter how good you are you're gonna have plenty of those. Sure, there's a lot of people who seem cool when i win, but then ya play w/them several times and one day you lose and they turn out to be one of the angry/yelly/screamy/spammy/leavey sorts. But if you add friends from people who are cool to their teammates even w/a loss, then ya end up w/a group of people that are actually fun to play with, which makes it all the more easy to actually enjoy the game for the game rather than the win. Its especially a good thing to do if you're new to the game and still learning, because a lot of players won't be understanding about that, so may as well befriend those that will. Eventually you'll be good at the game and can turn around and do the same for some other newbie who otherwise might get discouraged from the game.

Lunatic High

New member
Apr 14, 2012
I'd have to say the new Twisted Metal for ps3 (okay its not exactly NEW at this point BFI) any way I remember WAY back in the day I was with my mom in Calgary visting my aunt and cousins and we went to a mall and in like a radioshack or something was a PS1 before it was yet release to the public and the first game on it was the origional Twisted Metal which is why it will forever be a favorite series for me. And that is why I bought the game without reading any reviews on it still thinking that it would the game I've always loved, even if everyone of them is the same thing essentially, which of course this new one isn't its not even really a "competition" in the true sense of the word, just a three way gang war where everyone can use the exact same vehicles, its just hopelessly depressing and I could go on but I won't

Anyway the difficulty I was having was with the second boss fight. HOLY FUCKING JUMPING SHITBALLS was that ever pathetically, senselessly, rinse and repeatingly X5, tediously fucking difficult, and even after beating it I didn't feel as if I'd accomplished anything for the reason stated in the opening paragraph, BUT I WILL BEAT THIS FUCKING GAME! if only to put the series to rest with the fond memories in my heart, of its much better predasesors. R.I.P Twisted Metal. Amen.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Beating Ratchet Deadlocked on the hardest difficulty with a fresh file.

The boss fights turn into "Don't get hit once" rounds.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Ragetrain said:
Had one of them momments with a mech in Fear 3 on insane difficulty (i got it dirt cheap dont judge me!)
FEAR 3 was designed for 2 -player co-op, which left the 99% of its fan base (like me) underpowered, overwhelmed and wondering how such a great series could turn into such a broken, cheap piece of shit. Stupid, stupid bastards.


New member
Dec 4, 2009
I loved beating ninja gaiden 2 even though I can't get past the second level on hard.

I loved getting silent assassin on all the levels in blood money even though is forgot to save some and had to do them again. I can play that game forever and once i've finished a level on SA ranking I feel like a god whenever I replay it.


New member
May 11, 2009
Everything. Once I reach a hard part of any game that keeps kicking my ass, I just tend to start repeating "You're not beating, game." until, many virtual corpses, I win. Then I save and turn it off. That euphoria of getting past a stumbling block would throw me off for quite a while.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Alternative said:
Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must Die mode.

hardest thing i have ever acomplished in life
Was your avatar at all reminiscent of your face after completing it?


New member
Jun 14, 2011
MiracleOfSound said:
Ragetrain said:
Had one of them momments with a mech in Fear 3 on insane difficulty (i got it dirt cheap dont judge me!)
FEAR 3 was designed for 2 -player co-op, which left the 99% of its fan base (like me) underpowered, overwhelmed and wondering how such a great series could turn into such a broken, cheap piece of shit. Stupid, stupid bastards.
weird thing was that was really the only bit i actually truly got my arse handed to me with. The Mech took me a good half an hour to beat. Everything else was challanging but doable for me. But yeah i totally agree with you. Don't get me wrong i did play the Co-op first with my brother but he has really poor reaction time and was usually down before he even noticed what happened. So i spent 90% of the time playing as fettel in a support role just using a shield move to protect him from bullets just so he has time to react or just reviving him and usually getting knocked down myself just running to him.


New member
May 31, 2011
myth 2 , the only game where no matter how good you get, the chances are always there that everything goes horribly wrong.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Right now it's Rayman Origins for me. Some of the platforming you're expected to do is absolutely insane, but when I can conquer a level full of those insane challenges I feel so badass.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Halo 3's multiplayer, the only Multi I truly invested a huge amount of time in. It felt good when I hit skill 31 at 120 EXP. But those days are loooong gooonne, multiplayer in general just doesn't cut it for me.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I try not to take my difficulty off of Master on Skyrim, even if it means instakills on me for no reason.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I must have played the first level of the arcade game BloodRayne: Betrayal at least 50 times before getting the 'Ms. Perfect' achievement (beat any level without taking any damage).

I must have sworn about ten times more than that doing it too, but I was very happy when I got it.


New member
May 9, 2012
Z of the Na said:
Recently I have been playing a lot of Arkham City, having already played through the story mode and proceeding onto the challenge maps before I do my New Game+. I've made decent progress so far, but my god are some of these campaign gauntlets brutal, especially with the modifiers they force you to use.

More specifically, I'm talking about the Predator missions (the Combat ones I'm pretty good at).

I have Riddler's "game over" lines burned into my head I have heard them so much. However, I don't quit because they are challenging and usually I only fail due to my own stupid mistakes. I also keep coming back because the challenges are flat-out fun. There is little that can top wiping out an entire room of thugs without one of them even catching a whiff of your presence. Those combat challenges aren't bad, either.

I refuse to let the challenge maps beat me for this reason. I will keep going until I have mastered them all with each character.
"How does it feel to know that I -The Riddler!- am better.. than you?"

"The hell you are!" *plays same map 80 times*

In other words, yes, I agree with you on the Arkham City challenges thing.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
CaptainMarvelous said:
"How does it feel to know that I -The Riddler!- am better.. than you?"

"The hell you are!" *plays same map 80 times*

In other words, yes, I agree with you on the Arkham City challenges thing.
"So, the shaved monkey has failed. How utterly, utterly, expected."

Damn it, Riddler. If only I could bat-punch you with my bat-fist.

*cracks knuckles as he reloads the map once more*

I've even decided to choose a different skin for Batman each time I complete a map, to reward myself in a manner of speaking.

[sub]So far, my favorites are the Batman Beyond and Sinestro Corps outfits.[/sub]