This Year's March Madness is a JOKE.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
If Notch hadn't whored himself on Twatter and Facebork, Mojang AB wouldn't have stood a chance.
Your point? It Valve or Bioware cared about this, they could have spent millions on an ad campaign to get people to vote. How hard would it have been to whip up so "Exclusive DLC" for people who vote in March Madness?

Notch decided to rally his fanbase, good for him. How does that invalidate any votes?

This is, after all, just a popular vote. The winner gets nothing, the losers lose nothing, and no studio is going to care in a month.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Jazoni89 said:
Balobo said:
Jazoni89 said:
Balobo said:
Jazoni89 said:
Balobo said:
HerbertTheHamster said:
Because Aspergers.
Yes, I do agree that most of the people complaining probably do have Aspergers.
And the people who don't are Minecraft obsessive ADD ridden 15 year old's.

Stop generalising.
Stop generalizing? Why should I when it's so obvious?
So what if they have.

What are you gonna do, burn all the minecraft hating Asbergers people.

"herp, derp someone hates something i like, so he must have asbergers"

Wow, your a fucking idiot, and your blantant fanboyism isn't gonna get you anywhere.
Haha oh my god calm down.

Also, I'm not a fanboy. I play like two hours of Minecraft a week.
Just watch what you are saying on these forum with regards to that, you may offend someone.
To be fair, Herbert started it.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
ToonLink said:
I can see why you were put on probation...

Your a pretentious windbag.
Ah of course, when you can't answer the points put forth insult the opposition, that certainly makes your argument stronger.

And I'm not sure you know what that word means: said:
pre·ten·tious Adjective /priˈtenCHəs/
adjective: showy
1.Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed
a pretentious literary device
And I'm pretty sure I have neither my pretentious hat nor my pedantic hat on today, if I did half of my post would be pointing out your spelling mistakes.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
"Oh no, someone likes a game I don't. Wait... They must be joking, nobody could POSSIBLY DISAGREE WITH ME!"


New member
Dec 6, 2007
The contest has never been credible. Last year Zynga beat everyone but Valve, and Valve only beat Zynga because 4chan's /v/ assaulted the poll to undo the contest fixing that Zynga tried. And the two years before that Turbine won because they begged for votes in the launchers of LoTRO and DDO.


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
You don't think other people should like it and vote for it because you don't get it?

You're the bane of the internet, get out.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
ToonLink said:
Don't get mad just because we had an underdog victory. I know what you mean when you say you don't get why people think Minecraft is so fun. I didn't think I'd get into it either, but then a little over a week ago I tried it again and now I'm fucking hooked.

I can't explain it. It sounds boring when you explain it. I can't show it, it looks boring when you show it. There's just something about that game...

Anyway, just 'cause the winner is a company you don't personally enjoy doesn't mean this year should be "stripped from the records." Stop whining, it's all about the votes, which is opinion, and obviously your opinion lost. It's not even a big deal.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
It is a compitition of who the best developer this year. Although I didn't know that when I made my bracket, so I kept voting for the developer I picked. Granted, I did vote for Nintendo to win just because I thought most people were Nintendo fanboys who didn't like Minecraft. So I was completely wrong and Mojang kept on winning. I don't mind them winning this year except for the fact that some people still believe that Minecraft is better than all of Valve's games put together. HA! what a joke.


King of Okay
Jun 27, 2008
Look perhaps you don't think that Minecraft is that fun. Perhaps you don't think that it's great. But clearly a lot of other people do.

I really enjoy Minecraft. It's a lot of fun. But I personally voted for Bioware because I think in the last year they've made some good games.

You can't say it's a joke. It's a voting contest between developers, and more people like Minecraft. Just deal with it.

Jaded Scribe

New member
Mar 29, 2010
Yes, March Madness is a joke.... It's kinda meant to be.

It's meant entirely for fun. If it was meant to be a true reflection of the quality of the studios, it wouldn't be on The Escapist. It'd be in an industry trade magazine with voting limited to people who are qualified to judge studios on a number of criteria.

MineCraft is impressive. I haven't played it, but it looks interesting. And it was developed almost entirely by one guy, in his free time. Its success has big implications for the indie developer community, and how the industry looks at them.

Plus, it's "what's hot now". Gamers can lean towards displaying ADOS (Attention Deficit... Ooooh, Shiny!) and think about the most recent games they enjoyed rather than older classics (hence why several studios that haven't had a big game in a while lost to studios with a current hit out, even if the games the former put out are regarded as "better").

Chill out. It's not like the results matter, or they get a big prize, or anything like that.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Why should it be sticken off the record? Minecraft didn't cheat, right? Your only reasoning seems to be that you don't like the game.


New member
May 9, 2010
It's not (just) that Minecraft is "so awesome", is just all that DA2 (mainly deserved) hate, EA backed forum-game banhammers, and other miscellaneous shenanigans by BioWare lately. They shot themselves in the foot, and the other foot too for good measure.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
Venereus said:
It's not (just) that Minecraft is "so awesome", is just all that DA2 (mainly deserved) hate, EA backed forum-game banhammers, and other miscellaneous shenanigans by BioWare lately. They shot themselves in the foot, and the other foot too for good measure.
That doesn't explain how they beat Valve though...
Jan 27, 2011
ToonLink said:
Does anyone else feel like this years MM should be stricken from the record? Why do you MC fans find this game fun? Am I overlooking something?
Did you ever love playing with Lego as a kid? Building cool stuff, making whole worlds and playing with them after? (I did).

As lego-players get older, many begin to feel it's kinda pointless, because while it's nice to look at, you can't really do much with it once your stuff is built (and making your own RPG style stories for your world and characters can only last you so long). And then you need to tear down your hard work to make new stuff (which can be depressing).

Minecraft gives players the same kind of feel as lego, but in a more personal way.

You're not building the world for little lego people. You're building a world for YOURSELF. Instead of looking at the outside of a castle and saying "I wish I could explore the inside..." you now CAN explore the inside, and make it your own!

Then there's the bonus that there's a TON of resources out there, so you don't have to tear down your old stuff to build new stuff, you just need to go gather new blocks (which incidentally is way more fun than sifting through a giant bucket of lego blocks). Plus, you can mess with water physics and lava, AND other cool stuff like the recently added wolves.

Lastly, it gives building stuff a purpose. Not only are you making cool stuff, but you can also turn on monsters that turn Minecraft into a survival game. You aren't an omnipotent force putting the world together. You're a mere mortal putting your own touch into a randomly made, gigantic world than can want you dead at times.

Minecraft taps into those old feelings of wanting to destroy and create. And it gives it a much bigger sense of scale, while also presenting a challenge to those who want it. THAT'S why so many people, (like me) love minecraft.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Oh, come on, every year Valve, Bioware, Bethesda or other big companies always win, and may do this year, next year Mojang will probably lose again like everyone else (I say probably- when actual Minecraft comes out then we shall see) so give us one year of pissing about, eh? (P.S. I voted for Bethesda and Valve- so yeah :L)


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
I find Minecraft fun, for reasons unknown... I tend not to mind it on that aspect, though I think BioWare is moar deserving.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
you need to give yourself a project to have fun in Minecraft.

That, and you must have an imagination in my opinion.