Thoughts on the PC gamer "master race"


New member
Oct 31, 2009
Jabberwock xeno said:
The master race are the people with all platforms.
I strongly agree with you.

Sure, with PC gaming, you've got more than the consoles, but saying that you're the "master race' because of it just makes you look like a prick.

Plus, if you've got a decent PC and all the consoles, you can play EVERY GAME!
[sub] which is better[/sub]


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Vhite said:
Because right to call other people "dirty peasants" for no good reason is something thats worth fighting for.
Yes, this is indeed a big part of it. I value my status as a PC gamer because it let's me look down on people. I can't really decide whether I mean that ironically, satirically or honestly.
Dec 27, 2010
Stall said:
The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
Instead PC fanboys are 20 year-olds elitist d*cks who spend most of their time telling people they don't know (and themselves) that they're better than everyone who decides to play games on a platform they don't own.
They don't act like that unless you are a console gamer. At least PC gamers are generally nice to people within their own community, unlike console players who are pretty well huge dicks to everyone.
That is literally the worst defense of obnoxious behavior I have ever heard. First of all, I said PC fanboys, not PC gamers (a group I would count myself in). Secondly, not only is your argument that they only act like that to console gamers moronic, but it's also wrong. I've frequently found threads on this site that's literally just a bunch of PC fanboys circle jerking about how they are the superior race, and any gamer who isn't among them is an 8 year-old retard, with very little reaction on the thread from console gamers. Thirdly, the accusation that console gamers treat everyone like sh*t, can quite frankly be shoved up your arse. You clearly live in a world of your own where owning an expensive electronic device makes you a d*ck.

As for your reaction to the other part of my post, I'm not even going to discuss in-depth. Yes, you're right that people can argue their platform of choice is better than the alternatives, however I said that the thread would evolve into a flame-war, which is less of an argument, more of fece throwing match, that involves silly comments like your previous one.

omicron1 said:
I think the primary difference is a matter of complexity. PC games have much wider control schemes, they're generally deeper (esp. with various "deep" genres that don't really translate well to consoles), there's a much wider back catalogue, and it is (let's face it) a good bit harder to get started with PC gaming than with console gaming.

Thus, the PC player believes himself to be more hardcore (and quite possibly rightly so, if the wargaming population is included in the reckoning) than the console player in much the same way that the console player believes himself to be above the casual player. (including, ironically, the new generation of Facebook "gamers" on the PC) It is in every sense a matter of aristocracy, of setting oneself apart from the "common folk" by nature of one's temperament - in this case, the ability to wring enjoyment from inherently tougher activities. It mirrors the Rennaissance era of "high culture" complexity and "lowbrow" entertainment - the former intricate and detailed to the point of stiltedness; the latter simple and immediately mindless, but nonetheless great fun.

Neither side is superior, je pense, only different - but when the interests of one side are overlooked by the market in favor of the other, then strife quickly follows. It is undeniable that the "aristocracy" has been largely passed over in favor of the "commoner" in today's videogame market, which is bound to make the "aristocracy" a bit miffed...
Now, that is how you make a point.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Yeah, so, 'PC master race' is extremely satirical.
Why do people take it so cereal?


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
The whole master race thing was a Yahtzee joke from his the witcher video, people have just run with it so far you can't even see them on the horizon.

Personally I prefer PC gaming, I have far better experience with it and I enjoy the whole building part to it. I also prefer the KB and mouse over a controller and I am more used to the better speed/graphics and in some cases larger amounts of people on maps in MP.

That said I own a PS3 and a 360 and do have fun with them to, and one thing is for damn sure the communities from all platforms have the good people and the asshats. Just mute/ignore the asshats and carry on. The mute function exists for a reason.
Nov 28, 2010
Jeez, the amount of controversy over something that, frankly, doesn't even matter...

I'm a PC gamer myself, almost exclusively due to the fact I've only got a Wii to supplement it with. Yet I don't understand where this whole "PC gamers are elitist pricks" attitude seems to have come from.

Sure, PCs out-perform consoles in various aspects, but they are outperformed themselves in other areas, such as the basic graphic quality of a game. On a console, this is a constant with no variation from machine to machine, but on a PC what works brilliantly for you on your rig might look like the ugliest lump of polygons ever to lurch across a screen on your friend's set-up.

And I have to say, I haven't actually come across any, noticeably, 'superior' PC gamers. Everyone I know seems just as baffled by me as to where this opinion of us sprung from. If anyone'd care to enlighten me it'd be much appreciated.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
There's no such thing, I only play on a computer but the people arguing about how it's so much better in every way are no-life nerds who never leave their room.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
OutrageousEmu said:
I just laugh at people who say PC gaming has "more games". Yeah, of the shovelware variety. Of games that are worth two craps? Consoles have them beat at a rate near two to one. And before you start? Hows that PC version of Mortal Kombat turning out? Or what about Marvel Vs. Capcom 3? Red Dead Redemption? LA Noire?

Hmm, Battlefield, a traditionally PC exclusive franchises is on Ps3 and 360 as well. I mean fuck it, Diablo III is heading to consoles. How fucking self delusional do you have to be to lie to yourselves about "more games"?
Hey, fun thing to note about Battlefield 3. Yeah, you know the PC servers will be able to support 64 players while their console counter parts will be stuck with 24 right? In addition to this, you just completed neglected to mention the hugely important RTS and MMO genres, of which consoles have essentially fucking nothing. Halo Wars, an attempt at a console RTS had one of the highest return rates of any game ever put out on the markets. I think this following quote sums things up in regards to your logic quite nicely.

"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. "

Samurai Silhouette

New member
Nov 16, 2009
I used to play TF2 a lot on the 360. Whiny children all over the place over the mic. Now that I can play TF2 on the PC, I experience the pleasure of hearing whiny adults over the mic. At least the kids act their age.

But I do have to agree that the PC is a better platform if you have the patience and can afford it. Spent 3k to build one; regretted it for a month. Slowly started to grow on me after that.

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
Good God I think my IQ just dropped 10 points from reading this thread.

It dumbfounds me how anybody could actually believe that they really are better gamers and have more fun playing games just because they play on a PC. Reminds me of all those Apple users who really believe they're better and smarter then everyone else because they use a Mac.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
i do both. although i must say that my pc is shitty. for me it really depends on the kind of game and how it is control. grahpics, mods, and so on, are all cool stuff, but nothing that is really a major factor for me. i prefer action games on console. i prefer shooters on console (yeah maybe the mouse is more accurate, but the other buttons never feel good for mo on the KB.) but RTS's i only play on the pc. games like daiblo, torchlight and LOL i prefer on pc. i think both are great and both have their strenghts, but don't go start with being superior because you only play on one of those. you are really hard to take serious then for me.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
First of all, I said PC fanboys, not PC gamers (a group I would count myself in).
Ironic that you use a derogatory and charged word like "fanboy" given the context of your post.

The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
Secondly, not only is your argument that they only act like that to console gamers moronic, but it's also wrong. I've frequently found threads on this site that's literally just a bunch of PC fanboys circle jerking about how they are the superior race, and any gamer who isn't among them is an 8 year-old retard, with very little reaction on the thread from console gamers.
Okay. And? How does this have anything to do with anything? Your accusation was that PC "fanboys" spend all their time, to what amounts to, shoving down their beliefs down other people's throats. How does the example you gave relate to what you first said at all?

The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
Thirdly, the accusation that console gamers treat everyone like sh*t, can quite frankly be shoved up your arse.
Oh right. So I all those 12 year olds who do nothing but swear and throw racial slurs on XBLA isn't "treating people like shit"?

For someone who is saying this thread will become a flamewar, you sure as hell don't do anything to distance yourself from preventing the thread from becoming one... much less show any more or less grace than the people who sit around and bash. You are sitting around acting superior and "holier than thou"... making you really no better than the subset of PC gaming you are trying to insult. You are the pot calling the kettle black, if you will. Your post is no better than the people who are so desperately crying out against. Generally, it is good advice to look in a mirror before you start insulting people, you know.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
Stall said:

Wow. Nice job cherry picking my post. Did you not read the part where I said you can easily drop 400-600 dollars on a gaming PC and be set for the next few years? It was THE ENTIRE point of my post! You TOTALLY cherry picked my argument! That's a classic logical fallacy! That's just low, man.
My i5 2500k with gtx 560ti barely runs games on high now those two parts alone are over 400bucks much less a PSU, MB, ram, HD and OS. Sure you could skimp out and get a lesser gfx card cheap mb, and amd processor but then your hardly going to be running anything in hd with high settings. much less be set for a few years. Just curious what build in the under 600 dollar range is going to run BF 3 or Metro 2033 on anything higher than midrange.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
I'd say that PCs are the master gaming machine, but I wouldn't say that PC gamers are a master race.
PC gamers are pretty much the same as console gamers.

If you think that you're better than other people because of what you use to play video games, then fuck you.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Gearhead mk2 said:
I've heard this term thrown around quite a lot, and I must say, I see no evidence supporting the phrase. I am a console gamer first and foremost, but I play a lot of PC as well and there is no difference. The community is the same, the games that are considered good are good on both sides (generally) and both the keyboard-and-mouse control and gamepad control can be equally accurate and frustrating. Who came up with the idea of PC's being inherently better and who actually believes it?
I don't own a PC (I have both 360 and PS3)but after playing Lost Planet 2, Call of Duty World at War, and Gears of War on console and PC, PC spanks both consoles sound and graphics wise and those butter smooth frame rates with the right graphics card are crazy. The PC has expansion far beyond the limitations of console and you have a choice between Mouse/Keyboard combo and controller. If I had the cash, I'd get a PC rig in a heartbeat.