Thousands of UK Prisoners Play Videogames


New member
Jan 29, 2009
I think the point of prison should be to reform the prisoners and give them something positive they are willing to work for and follow laws for once they get out.

If you get prisoners addicted to video games, restricting greatly the amount of time they can play them and only allowing them to play them after working hard to earn the privledge (paying for both the cost of the video games themselves and reducing the cost of maintaining the prison) while also requiring them to complete classes or technical training that will give them job opportunities when they get out of would only be a good thing.

For instance if you make each prisoner have to spend 6 hours a day working and 2-4 hours earn the ability to play games for 4 hours......I bet it would have an overall positive effect but still be highly motivational to the prisoners.

What is more prisoners who are willing to work so hard to play video games....and look forward so much to 4 hours of entertainment will be willing to follow the rules and laws when they get out of prison so they can spend more time playing Video games. Heck, I'd work with Blizzard to release a prison only server for world of Warcrack (only current prisoners can play on the server. When you get released from prison your transfered to an ex-prisoner only server instead......and here is the kicker.....if you get re-arrested? character doesn't get transfered back MUuahahaha!!

Watch crime rates PLUMMET!!!

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
News just in; Uk prisoners have it cushy!

More at 11!!

Yeah, this isn't news, this has been going on for decades. They don't call them "Her majestys hotels" for nothing.

Also those statistics are wrong. 12,948 consoles x a (conservative) console price estimate of £200 is £2589600. That's 2 and a half million, not 221 thousand. And PS3s aren't even that cheap. And this is before you add on the games.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
I suppose I think it is bad, in the sense that books are cheaper compared to console + tv + game + controller. But it isn't like I expecting prisons to be round the clock license plate making and beatings either.


New member
Feb 11, 2008
I've worked in a prison over here in england and now in holiday camp and can i just say..... you don't get game consoles in holiday camps unless you bring them


New member
Feb 11, 2008
Hawk of Battle said:
News just in; Uk prisoners have it cushy!

More at 11!!

Yeah, this isn't news, this has been going on for decades. They don't call them "Her majestys hotels" for nothing.

Also those statistics are wrong. 12,948 consoles x a (conservative) console price estimate of £200 is £2589600. That's 2 and a half million, not 221 thousand. And PS3s aren't even that cheap. And this is before you add on the games.
Most of them have to have their own consoles and if i remember right they are not allowed the newer ones 360, ps3, wii because of their wireless capability


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Well, know what, if they work hard for them, pay for them themselves, then I wouldn't see any problem at all.
However, I have to admit I don't see much of a problem now either. Videogames are good, and as long as it isn't the only thing they do, what's the real problem?

Go, prison-geeks?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
UK hasn't got the guts for punishment any more.

Remember, we (OK, actually Scotland) released the guy convicted of Lockerbie on "Compassionate" grounds as he was supposedly about to die. A whole year later and he's not only still alive, but comparatively well as he was merely diagnosed with a cancer and didn't immediately respond to treatment. I mean it wasn't like he was bed-bound and barely able to breath, he walked out.

Now that criminals have the right to vote - even incarcerated convicts serving in prison for the most serious offences - politicians will be even less inclined to prevent this sort of backsliding in prison.

Yes. Before you ask, it was a European Union judge who forced the UK to let incarcerated criminals vote. No debate in our own legislature, executive or judiciary. It was forced on us or else we lose huge economic benefits of being in the EU.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
You know what this means; all the prisoners that are now playing Black Ops will get violent and stage prison takeovers all over the UK!


New member
Mar 23, 2009
You know, if I eventually end up on the streets having to beg for food for a living... Would some one please remind me to murder some innocent stranger? as it seems you have it made in Prison. You get three square meals a day, a shower (also depending on how bad your grip is, you may get laid) a gym, Sky plus and video games... Your set.*

an cousin acquaintance of mine has just been locked up for burglary and I know for a fact that when the little shit gets out nothing will have changed, they get well looked after in prisons these days. You get better treatment than the homeless and the tax paying workers.
Look I'm not asking for prisons to be like the old borstals where people were committing suicide because of the treatment. However, it would be nice to see these prisoners actually getting punished for their crimes.

*Just kidding of course but that's the kind of mindset that creates. Why live on the streets when your a murder away from a 25 year long rent free hotel.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Mcface said:
I like the thought of if i was locked up, i could play video games.
But you have to realize then it's just a minor inconvenience to be in prison. Free meals, free bed, free electricity, water etc. That dosn't seem like punishment to me.
I suppose this does present the problem in that prisoners get used to a standard of living (clothes, food, heating, cleanliness, lighting) that they cannot sustain when they leave prison.

Housing is expensive. Utilities are expensive. Hell even food is expensive and all of a sudden it isn't conveniently located you need transport costs and with poor employment due to criminal record (not to mention whatever defect in character that landed you in jail in the first place) is it really that surprising they go back to crime?

It is blatantly obvious that prisoners really should have to WORK to sustain a comfortable time in prison. If they don't work then they will have an UN-comfortable, but not cruel stay. How will that be implemented? Well there are a lot of menial jobs the government needs doing like sorting recycling.

Prisoners who don't work should have as many enjoyments as a free-man who does not work and has no money would get. I.e. not many.

Ever been to the high street with no money to spend... not a lot you can do. OK, sit on a park bench, that's it.

I suppose an incentive with work in jail is inflated prices, you can pay them minimum wage but renting a movie costs 5 to 10 times as much. So when they get back out in the real world, possibly earning minimum wage, all of a sudden that DVD doesn't look so expensive... not so worth stealing. And so on.

This could be a very clever way around wage laws that are very strict on how much people must be paid, so prisoners don't feel they are slaves, but not so many laws on how much you can CHARGE for something. And unlike the free market, the prisons have a "captive audience". They can charge £40 for a DVD or £120 for a game and they will have to work a LONG time for it.

Dare I say it, but if these stores are run by HM Prisons they could pay for themselves. Though to be "fair" the prisoners should be able to store the money in a fund and on release be able to draw from it and spend as they like (though maybe for the first year the payments should only be be via invoice i.e. send a receipt for proof of purchase before only that sum of money will be transferred).

I think the way prison re-rehabilitation should work is to CONDITION them for real life, but make real life as similar as possible but just so much more REWARDING!

One thing that should be considered is transport. The realities of modern Britain is that people will have to travel for work and education, though there is a security risk it may be worth while bus-ing convicts off sites to work sites rather than getting them used to their whole-life being within walking distance.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
It's completely dispicable in my opinion how lax prisons are right now. They should get absolutely NO treats like this, ever; no exceptions... Prisons should be about punishment and rehabilitation; not free accommodation with luxuries.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Treblaine said:
Snippy on the whole make prisoners work for their comforts statement.
I like your thinking, I really do. See I wouldn't have a problem with this, I wouldn't have a problem with prisoners gaming so long as they've went out and earned it. My problem is them being given it on a plate, which as you said, only makes it more likely for them to re-offend when they get back into the real world.

This gets prisoners wondering why they should bother in the real world when they can just get everything done for them at prison.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Evilsanta said:
Well, shit that means that they can grind all day long! That is so unfair!

OT: Atleast that something to do then just work out or make someone drop the soap in the showers...
In the case of dropping the soap, they'd still be grinding all day......

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
So long as they don't have an internet connection and there is somebody to approve who gets what and when I don't see this as a major issue.
I'd be a powerful reward for many I would think. Of course I don't think it should be common, prison is supposed to be bad, but these consoles could possible be part of rehabilitation.


New member
Feb 11, 2008
Oh I forgot this, you think being able to play consoles in prison is cushty....
Check out what they are gonna do in Russia

Russian jail to install sunbeds for prisoners BBC News []

Oh and spa treatments and even skype too >>