So I'm going for the really obvious one that's Telltale's The Walking Season one probably, for one simple reason, I used to be a very stoic and unemotional person, getting a reaction out of me was so hard that my brothers genuinely believed I had no feelings and my friends would bring me horror games to play in front of them in an attempt to scare me, because they wanted to get a reaction out of me, we often watched a lot of horror movies too and nothing and I was often referred to as heartless because I tended to not get sad at all when watching sad movies, much less cry.
Anyway, so there's little old heartless me wondering if I'm even human because I don't seem to have emotions in the same way that everyone else does and wondering if it's at all possible that I'm secretly an alien since that would explain why also seemed to age slower than my friends and family, but anyway I get this game which I'm playing by myself and I'm just so invested in the story that when the reveal in episode 2 happens the one about the cannibals I was so engaged that I almost vomited and actually failed the event because of it, so that was weird, very weird to me
And now while I was generally affected by the rest of the story which is overall very sad none of it seemed to do enough to cause to have a physical reaction, but of course there's the ending, when I got there as I made my final choices in the game I suddenly started crying, which I don't think I had ever cried at any piece of media before this so that was a very unique experience.
Now I'll admit that I was going through a lot when I played this, I was coming to terms with some stuff that had happened to me, and I was having a very hard time adapting to being around people again, so I had a lot of stuff going on and I think I just needed to cry but it's not really something I did, you know it's like I was trying really hard to be tough because back then I saw myself as a badass and I didn't even know how bad I just needed to be more emotional, but yeah that game taught me it's OK to cry and be scared and all that, and after playing that I started crying at movies and other stuff too, so it's probably one of the pieces of media that has actually impacted my life the most, it basically changed my personality, I mean I know if I hadn't played it probably something else would have made me cry and roughly have had the same effect but it was that game that did it so I guess that fits, it changed everything.
I wouldn't say that nowadays I'm not emotionally repressed, I still am it's hard to change that but at least not as much as I used to be, but yeah that's probably it, I was expecting a below average zombie story considering I didn't like the TV show nor the comic, and instead that happened.