Never did serious martial arts but as a kid I loved fighting. It was never "real" fighting though, it was just stuff where you punched someone hard enough once and it stopped there. I always was a bit scared of hurting people when it got past that point so I never pushed my advantage beyond that so that's prolly why it stopped there thinking about it lol. I remember this one fight with some kids from another school I didn't know where the kid picked up a huge rock and if that had hit someone it could easily break a bone or even kill you if it hit you in the head and I was just kinda in shock that someone would do that. I never really lost my rationality even while in the process of fighting I guess.Very much so yes, I usually focused on avoidance tactics, than anything, because I've never been a fan of fighting (sparring bothered me even with it's controlled nature), but when I did feel compelled to strike, leg to the vitals was my preferred method.
It's interesting how your height shapes your view of fighting, I was always one of the tallest kids but around middleschool I hit my early growth spurt which made me into nearly 6ft so that basically scared off any potential fights so I never really had to learn how to fight as a result. There was this one dude in the entire school who was taller than me (and by a large amount too, he could be a basketball player lmao) and he was even more mellow than I was so I'm sure he also didn't have to fight.
But yeah in my experience kicking someone is a good way to have your leg grabbed and get yourself grappled into the ground. If I used my legs it was always for kneeing people. One of my last fights ever I just somehow grappled the dude in such a way where his back was facing me and his arms were completely locked with mine so I just kneed him in the tailbone like 3 times and that was it.