Titanfall Will Have Giant Hostile Monsters


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Valderis said:
This is sounding better and better, oh right EA...

I'm so sorry for you Titanfall. Oh wait no I'm not, this piece of shit is multi-player only.

Too bad really, it otherwise sounds like an awesome game.
Well I'd guess that the game just isn't for you, the games being made by Respawn and not EA, EA is only the distributor this time and while many complain about origin, it's not as damning as some make it out to be.

I've tried the beta and let my boyfriend have a god and we can both say we love what it has to offer and look forward to buying it with 10% off in the process.

I'll be honest here, it's cool and all to hate on EA (I'm not a massive fan of them either) but at the same time it's not cool to ever even think of hating on Valve let alone Steam but praise it only, this makes this entire website of users dvout to Steam only quite one sided and at times hypocritical without knowing it.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Guys, EA have nothing to do with development and this game uses the Source engine. Feel free to buy it


New member
Mar 9, 2012

Honestly though, the Beta is SO FREAKING FUN. I have 10 hours on it and I just started playing yesterday! Already pre-ordered, I just can't wait. This is how you give a fresh breath to FPS.

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
Valderis said:
Shadow-Phoenix said:
Well I'd guess that the game just isn't for you, the games being made by Respawn and not EA, EA is only the distributor this time and while many complain about origin, it's not as damning as some make it out to be.

I've tried the beta and let my boyfriend have a god and we can both say we love what it has to offer and look forward to buying it with 10% off in the process.

I'll be honest here, it's cool and all to hate on EA (I'm not a massive fan of them either) but at the same time it's not cool to ever even think of hating on Valve let alone Steam but praise it only, this makes this entire website of users devout to Steam only quite one sided and at times hypocritical without knowing it.
What the fuck are you smoking?! I hate, HATE steam!!!! When have I ever not said that I hated steam? Fuck that DRM! Fuck that DRM so goddamn hard!!

But what got it into your head that I liked steam?

It's not that the game isn't for me, its the exact opposite, I'm very interested in this game but they fucked it up by making it multi-player only, that means I have no reason to buy this otherwise awesome looking game. That and EA's origin, I would not touch that shit if my life depended on it.
I think someone needs to calm down a little it's a common thing on this website that majority of people say "steam does no wrong yet origin fucks everything up" so that's where it comes from
O.T. I played a little of this game it's pretty fun I might pick it up at a later date


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
God damn. I originally had my doubts about this game, but became somewhat of a believer from the beta (still don't think it is the second coming like many do, but I do think it is a damn fine game nonetheless). And now they drop this on me? Might have to pick this up at launch after all...


New member
Mar 22, 2010
William Dickbringer said:
I think someone needs to calm down a little it's a common thing on this website that majority of people say "steam does no wrong yet origin fucks everything up" so that's where it comes from
O.T. I played a little of this game it's pretty fun I might pick it up at a later date
I think he's right though, I mean if it were just on Steam no one here would bat an eyelid, if people who were not on here were to complain about that then people here would find that so alien and somewhat offensive and try to back up Valve even though they are a company that needs no backup or defence, and really Steam at the end of the day is DRM, albeit slightly different.

That and the game would add more if it had some sort of single player content like a story or missions with epic battles and the like.


New member
Mar 4, 2013
erttheking said:
Wait...limited team, underpowered minions to bolster forces, random wildlife...I'm starting to think this is as close to a First Person Shooter MOBA as we're ever going to get.
Seems that way, and the big creature is maybe Roshan ;) the only thing we are missing is buying gear during the match to improve your character stats, whatever works for them I guess.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
Arawn said:
Anyone else have a sudden flash of Attack on Titan? I mean really they wall running and jet packs, then add in the mechs vs giant creature. As epic as it sounds it doesn't seem like it could turn out so fluidly.

erttheking said:
Wait...limited team, underpowered minions to bolster forces, random wildlife...I'm starting to think this is as close to a First Person Shooter MOBA as we're ever going to get.
That was my second thought. Grinding grunts getting your gear and then laying waste to the big mob in the center of the map. Just don't call it a MOBA or the cool kids won't play it.
I certainly had a few.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Guess I'm the only one that got completely switched off by this news. They have so little faith in the game's ability to be compelling just with dudes and mechs that they need to throw in some giant monsters as well?

Sorry. You lost me. Just like Far Cry did halfway through.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
This new information further infuriates me that the game is multiplayer only. Respawn can say they are bringing story to multiplayer as much as possible. But every game that has tried to ended up sacrificing te story to simply be a short cutscene and fuck all else. Except maybe a couple of MMOs. Which are MMOs, which can fuck right off.

Clive Howlitzer said:
Reminds me of the Impossibly Tall Creature from The Mist.
I thought the exact same. Good novella. Good movie, too.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Well the beta did give a small taste of how the story could be implemented, as is like with the Attrition mode in the beta you have a small(3 - 5 sec) none interactive sequence where you jump out a dropship but at the end of the battle there is a whole mode where you either win the battle and chase down the enemy as they retreat, or lose the battle and must evacuate the battlefield and deny the enemy every bit you can.
Just that little bit adds a surprising amount to the old and tired formula, a sweet after battle way to 'FU' to the victors if you lost or adding some more salt to the wound when you win.

I would guess the 'story' would be shown via in battle changes to your orders, like say for example... 'defend the emitters from the terrorists (Militia)' to if the Militia manage to destroy the emitters, 'escort a tech team to repair the emitters' (while avoiding the now patrolling monsters...repairing the emitters would chase the monsters out).

The whole SP and MP argument has no real truth behind it except that MP players feel adding a SP to what they consider a MP mostly game is a waste, and SP players want more in their SP games and feel MP is often tacked on and a waste.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
so harmless background fancies and few instadeaths that doesn ot affect the actual combat other than bam your dead. how... stupid. if you want wildlife make it interactible in the actual fight, not just something that randomly kilsl you because you were unfortunate enough to look at it.

Clive Howlitzer said:
Reminds me of the Impossibly Tall Creature from The Mist.
that was my first thought too.

Zac Jovanovic

New member
Jan 5, 2012
Lunar Templar said:
This pushed it from 'yeah I'll think about it' to 'Yup, sign me up for some of that', course then I remember its Origin only for PCs and it makes me frown.

so yeah, this is the FPS that Could have gotten me into online shooters where EA not attached to it like the cancer they are.
What is the big deal with Origin? I don't get it. Seems to me it's just a dumb jumping on the hate wagon thing.

It takes literally two minutes to download and set it up and you never have contact with it again. Set it to auto log and to not start with windows so you can just run the game from the desktop icon like usual. Occasionally you get a popup after closing the game with a store commercial, but Steam does that way more often. Download speeds are also flawless now and it barely uses any system resources.

Now I hate EA as much as the next guy and I absolutely understand if someone wants to boycott their games. But not getting a game you like and you will greatly enjoy just because of Origin is bloody idiotic.

I also played Titanfall beta on PC for the last couple days and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised. It's VERY fast paced which is a great plus for me. I'm not the biggest fan of the NPC characters and I think it would be much better if they just got rid of them and added 2 more players per team. Still, as fun as it is I don't feel it's worth the full price. I think I might let it drop to 30sh $ before I get it.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Zac Jovanovic said:
It takes literally two minutes to download and set it up and you never have contact with it again. Set it to auto log and to not start with windows so you can just run the game from the desktop icon like usual. Occasionally you get a popup after closing the game with a store commercial, but Steam does that way more often. Download speeds are also flawless now and it barely uses any system resources.

Now I hate EA as much as the next guy and I absolutely understand if someone wants to boycott their games. But not getting a game you like and you will greatly enjoy just because of Origin is bloody idiotic.

I also played Titanfall beta on PC for the last couple days and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised. It's VERY fast paced which is a great plus for me. I'm not the biggest fan of the NPC characters and I think it would be much better if they just got rid of them and added 2 more players per team. Still, as fun as it is I don't feel it's worth the full price. I think I might let it drop to 30sh $ before I get it.
pretty much what I did, downloaded origin for the first time, set it to not start when windows does and played the beta, enjoyed it quite a lot since my last proper multiplayer FPS was COD BLOPS.

And yeah I totally agree, I dislike EA but I wasn't going to stop myself from being able to enjoy a game with their software that was pretty much hassle free, even got two free game codes from my boyfriend for Crysis 2 and Burnout Paradise ultimate collection.

Origin really isn't as much hassle and as bad as people made it out to be and it's been like 3-4 years already since it came out.

I'm also looking forward to buying it either from Amazon since it's priced at £34 if I pre order or get 10% off on origin for pre purchase.
Dec 16, 2009
so tempting to pre order. but i'd be an idiot to pre order from EA.
I shall wait to see what the launch/server/microtransaction situation is, then make my decision to buy or not.

EDIT @Shadow-Phoenix - I'd still play it careful buying from EA after the Sim City server issues and the Dead Space microtransaction debacle

Ftaghn To You Too

New member
Nov 25, 2009
I'd play it and probably love it, but it's on Origin and so fuck EA and fuck them getting a cent from me. It's a damn shame the game is locked up like that. Oh well. This is the only EA property that actually looks any good.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Yeah, I think this alleviates most of my major concerns with the game. So it looks like we will truly have some awesome stuff that we havent even scraped the surface of yet... very, very nice.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Why am I only hearing this now? This feature is actually a potential seller for many. I would actually show a part of it in action by now, let alone mentioning it so recently.