To Hell With Comments


New member
Oct 5, 2011
First! Twenty-first!

Like if you're reading this comment in 2013! "Because on a comedy video, the very first, highest upvoted comment on every single one, inevitably, is someone quoting the funniest bit." Haha, classic, and still a better love story than Twilight! Can I get a like for no reason? Screw Justin Bieber!



New member
Jan 1, 2011
*Curling up into a fetal position*

So this is what developers feel when they are criticized by Yahtzee...

OT: I'm afraid Mr Croshaw is painting with quite a broad stroke. Comment sections can be incredibly helpful. If a game is bad, I usually find people providing links to fixes/mods or alternative games of the same genre. As for news posts, you usually have people providing updates/conflicting news, which can be helpful for the article writers themselves.

And then there are the horrible, horrible puns.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
"The practice, that is, of allowing anyone to speak their mind about a piece of content and leave it for all to see." ....Glass houses.

Is it slightly odd I am commenting on an article about how shitty comments are?

Anyway, comments are for people to discuss the content, "this is what I think of ..." and for people to have a conversation, though on things like youtube, where you have a set character limit, having a discussion is hard.

For content creators it must be a nightmare to drudge through endless crap, such as "this" or a couple of hundred "first" comments.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
What the hell kind of rant is this?

This basically says fuck comments because mine is clearly superior. Have you ever thought that there are other journalists out there who think your own articles are nothing but paid trash content on a website? And what is stopping the unwashed commenter pleebs from simply posting their own stuff on their own blogs.

If find it funny that you have people hating Anita for say- blocking comments on Youtube on her videos, yet here we are all more or less agreeing with you that we should admonish comments because you don't deem them worthy. This is especially true in the journalism business where feedback is pretty damn important.

Your entire article basically says- My words are more important than yours because I get paid to do it. Yours means nothing therefore I don't want to see it.

You then proceed to complain even more about the stupid comments feature in SM3DW. If it really bothered you that much, just turn it off.

Likewise, if you really hated the Gampad for Pikmin, then use the blasted Wii mote instead of complaining about how annoying it is when you had the option to use an alternative the entire time you played the game for review.


New member
Mar 27, 2013
SM3DW's comment system is pretty much where comment systems cross the line. Nintendo has a track record of not understanding how to use the Internet or how to use it well, and it's just another misstep in this long line of mistakes. Remember the modem for the Gamecube? You were more likely to find the one that was designed for 56k dial-up, and those days people were migrating to broadband and Ethernet cable.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
The way I see it: don't read comments unless you're prepared for shit. On certain videos with decent communities comments can be genuinely entertaining, but 90% of it is garbage.

But I don't think they should be removed outright, just not shoved in your face. It should be made clear to everyone how terrible they are, and that most people would want to avoid them, but not fully removed if just to appease the cries of censorship that will inevitably occur.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Enlong said:
Wait, the ratings system in ACIV was real? I was convinced it was a joke. Like, since you're playing a code tester for AE, of course they'd ask focus questions of you. But you're telling me those ratings are actually going back to Ubisoft?
With everything being online, I'm pretty sure Ubisoft at least has the ability to collect the data if it wanted to. And yeah, I took the rating system to just be meta-commentary about the state of the games industry, just like the letters and database arguments regarding historical accuracy versus entertainment. If you don't buy that the developers are that sophisticated, than it's just another irritant.

And for those crying hypocrisy, the difference is just as you put it. He gets paid. Ergo his words have monetary value. I'm not being paid to type this comment. So by comparison what I am writing is worthless. It's not hard.

And do think that the Escapist in particular can use a good fumigating.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
The comments on the Escapist are relegated to a separate section of dedicated discussion (a forum if you will) and as such do not intrude as much on the media. This was true until those fucking Facebook comments were enabled. It undermines the accounts and community system. They were a horrible idea and they need to go.

As for social media content/crossover in games. It's simply embarrassing. Hang your head in shame industry.
I have to agree completely with you here. Facebook has been one of the most detrimental influences for websites, video games, and the whole world really. Not everything that someone has to say is important and Facebook has allowed people to think that everything they have to say is more important than anything else. And now the rest of the world is encouraging them by letting them use it on various websites; so now video games think that's a great idea because "that's what most people want."

The bottom line is that unless I'm playing an MMORPG (and sometimes even when I am) I'd rather not think about other people. I play games for myself and I'm guilty of using them to escape reality. Unfortunately, it won't be long before we see video games embrace this bullshit completely and every game will have a little window that streams your friends' accomplishments to shove in your face. Who gives a shit if a friend just unlocked an achievement in Madden 20XX? I'm trying to play Bioshock.

Mike Fang

New member
Mar 20, 2008
Another EP where Yahtzee shows us that side of himself that proves that the hyperbole he uses to put down his own audience is, in reality, exactly how he feels. No, people, he's not just saying those things because he's trying to be entertaining, he really DOES think 99% of us are shit. He thinks it of me and he thinks it of you. Yes, YOU, whoever-is-reading-this-at-the-time, don't think your on his special not-shit-list, because you are, along with the rest of us. It's times like this I really feel misgivings about watching his stuff. He's entertaining and often informative, but by God, he can also be bitter and hateful.


New member
Oct 31, 2013

"He hates unfunny hecklers?"
"His self loathing must be starting to manifest!"


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
You'd think this article wouldn't have any comments on it...
Crap I'm part of the problem

There I go extending the joke to death just like the fucking twat I am. Yahtzee was right about me...


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Well... um, nice commentary on the state of things displayed on the internet for all to see...


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Smilomaniac said:
I enjoyed your second comment as well, by the way. Just keep in mind that it is just a rant.
I know it's a rant. But I personally think it's a very selfish, self centered, stupid rant where he doesn't even really acknowledge that perhaps his stuff may be deemed by others to be a waste of digital ink and he should shut up.

That's the vibe I get from his article.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Yahtzee said:
Of all the hideous manifestations of Web 2.0 ooh-let's-all-be-friends-together huggy-muggy your-opinion-matters bullshit, it is the most egregious and the most pointless.
Odd, the general attitude towards comments I frequently see isn't "huggy-muggy your opinion matters" but the opposite, in that they're worth less than bathroom graffiti. It's why that tired cliche "Opinions are like assholes...etc" is repeated so often it's practically the mantra of the internet.

Ignoring the incredibly rank "irony" of the article...
I really do not want to see any mandatory social media horse shit in any game I play.
At best, it will be useless "noise", at worst it will be spoilers.

I avoid social media already. It's a cesspool of endless fake-friend requests, tired memes, status updates and intellectually bankrupt jabber. It's just noise; digital social noise.

The only use I can find is that maybe someone could turn social media interaction into a gameplay concept as a form of self-authoring meta-commentary; that is, base a game itself on social media and comments.

-Dragmire- said:
Well... um, nice commentary on the state of things displayed on the internet for all to see...
The hypocrisy of the article is delightful isn't it?
Then again, hypocrisy doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong either. (it's a logical fallacy to use hypocrisy alone against someone's argument, but nobody on the internet seems to remember that nor care.)

Quantum Glass

New member
Mar 19, 2013
Kinda a long-winded way to say, "Here's something I don't like."

I mean, I'm not particularly fond of mayonnaise, but I probably wouldn't write an article going into the details of why I dislike it, or alternative condiments that I enjoy. Maybe a paragraph, if I were in the mood.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
deathjavu said:
I feel the same way about the comment sections on news sites. What, exactly, does a comment section add to a news story? The ability for random uninformed assholes to put their opinion on the same level as an actually researched story, and then for other assholes to have their shitty opinions reinforced by the first assholes.

Yes, yes, commenting on this article is ironic, let's get that joke out of the way early.
Commenting on news stories, is no different than having a discussion about a news article on the train when people used to read the same newspaper as everyone else every day. It's an outlet for conversation and reflection.

Yes, I agree that there is a lot of stupid on the internet, but to disparage such a wide swatch of people (as Yahtzee has here) is simply moronic.

And it's not the commenting on this article that is ironic, it's that the article itself exists in hypocrisy. It's an article full of comments about comments on articles.

*Time space barrier EXPLODED*


Jun 5, 2013
Yahtzee is essentially a one-man paid comment section occasionally presented in a video format.
Eh. Can't say this article bothers me. His work is centered around opinion pieces, not facts.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
I'm used to insults like this by now but how long until we all can't take enough of others being egotistical and bullshit?.