Tokyo Disneyland Allows Gay Marriage Ceremonies


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
They asked to be married there...Disney said 'Okay, but you have to dress this way', then they complained until Disney finally let them do it their way.

That's kind of bitchy. It isn't enough that they're willing to do it at all?
If I was a US lawmaker, I would legalize gay marriage under the condition that they be dressed like a heterosexual couple.
Sourman said:
Good show Disney :)

Grey Carter said:
According to ABS, the cost of a Cinderella's castle wedding at Tokyo Disneyland is a staggering 7.5 million yen - around $95,000 US. Mickey doesn't discriminate against the gay, but he certainly discriminates against the poor. Damn.
What I really wanted to ask about is the price. 95k US does sound like a lot, but not being from the US and not being married, I have no idea. Could a US escapist shed some light on this? And yes, I know you can get married for nothing or for a million dollars, I was wondering about the cost of an "average" wedding.
I don't think it's ever free. You usually have to pay for some paperwork for a marriage license.

So basically, you pay the court a fine and then serve your sentence.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I'm so deeply offended by this, I'm never going to Tokyo Disneyland ever! Note: I live in the US and I don't speak Japanese.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
It'd be nice to see actual gay rights take off more in Japan. What's stopping it is people like Ishihara still being in government. And just in general a lot of lack of publicity on actual gay issues.

The fun thing is, a lot of Japanese media loves LGBT as a subject. But politically and in a civil rights sense, LGBT aren't taken very seriously. It is arguable, however, that in many ways, LGBT folks have it easier or at least just as easy as Americans do. It is undeniable that heterosexism exists in Japan. But it is pretty darn awful in the United States, too.
Amgeo said:
My Japanese teacher told me something about this. Isn't it something like, Japanese people are born Shinto, marry Christian, and die Buddhist? That's not meant to be racist, it supposedly reflects the types of ceremonies that Japanese people tend to go through at each point in their life.
It shows also how atheist Japan really is. Religion is little more than ceremony and tradition for them.

People are mostly eclectic, uncertain, or outright disbelieving.

Few people in Japan take religion all that seriously.

Psychedelic Spartan

New member
Sep 15, 2011
Eric the Orange said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Mickey: I WILL NOT STAND FOR UNIONS! No matter how Civil they are!
rhizhim said:
what? one of the iconic figures of conservatism is doing what?
whats going on? [sub] who touched the buttons on this machine...[/sub]
Its the Jews and communists Disney had a grudge against, otherwise his only demand was "You WILL have a good time!"
My proud Jewcomunist heritage finds that offensive.
I believe the correct phrase was "I'm offensive and I find that Jewcommunist. I got that wrong didn't I?" On another note Hooray! I'm not the only one with Jewcommunist heritage on the sight! And now to stay on topic, that is probably the best business venture ever.

LGC Pominator

New member
Feb 11, 2009
The Great JT said:
Disneyland Tokyo: It's more progressive than North Carolina!

North Carolina recently voted against legalizing gay marriage. Words cannot express my hate.
With regards to NC, it really makes no difference, the tide of history is on the side of growing freedoms, it seems to me that the most fervently anti-gay types often end up turning out to be gay, or at least so inclined.
(I can't wait for santorum to be outed)

As a straight white male, the single most priviliged human class, It disgusts me how many of us are trying to deny our fellow human beings their rights to live a full and happy life with whomsoever they choose. Props to the mouse for at least showing more initiative and clear, open headedness than the likes of the American right wing.


Aug 25, 2008
BehattedWanderer said:
Grey Carter said:
Japan has been slow to change its laws to account for homosexual or transgendered couples, largely due to the nation's glacial approach to social issues, but some maintain that LGBT or queer lifestyles are accepted, but not discussed.
Come now.

Not even glaciers move that slow.
Continental drift, slow?

OT: Wooo! go Disney Land Tokyo!

See if Disney Land of all places can do this why can a certain few states in America, >.>


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
arc1991 said:
BehattedWanderer said:
Grey Carter said:
Japan has been slow to change its laws to account for homosexual or transgendered couples, largely due to the nation's glacial approach to social issues, but some maintain that LGBT or queer lifestyles are accepted, but not discussed.
Come now.

Not even glaciers move that slow.
Continental drift, slow?

OT: Wooo! go Disney Land Tokyo!

See if Disney Land of all places can do this why can a certain few states in America, >.>
I'm thinking more planetary shift kind of slow. That's more their speed, no?

Though, still faster than North Carolina. Zing!