Too Many Buttons


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I'm a pc gamer, and for you who didn't notice yet, a keyboard has many buttons, and then you got the mouse. But that's why I like the pc, not only is it better looking, but you have all the controls you need to just switch to your favorite weapon immidiatly, or aim accuratly with the mouse and such, wich you have way less on a xbox or ps3 for example. I would never play a non-retro game without my millions of keys :p

And also everybody who says the keyboard is an overkill, it isn't. After half an hour play the WASD control scheme is like second nature, what I find rather har dot learn is how to look around fast with that idiotic analog stick, I'd rather have a good mouse. And stuff like, press space to jump, wasd to walk and c or control to crouch is just basic after your first hour into a game, most people will have no problem understanding it if they just try.