Top female Twitch streamer Amouranth stream turns dark as an apparent abusive husband comes to light


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Innocent until proven female. Fantastic standard of evidence.
She doesn't need white knights, she's got enough of those.

If a female says you vandalized her car when you've never done anything to anyone, wouldn't you want her to have some proof? Just because a woman makes a claim and people don't believe her, that doesn't mean people hate women. That just means you need to back up your claims!


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Just because a woman makes a claim and people don't believe her, that doesn't mean people hate women.
Except you only ever do this when it's women who are victimized. Kinda gives an impression this is a little deeper than just being a concerned citizen.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
You make shit up, dude. You really do.
What did I make up, outside of an opinion? Nobody has countered anything I've said they've just insulted me because how dare I question a lady! Everything I've posted I've provided reasoning and even clips.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
What did I make up, outside of an opinion? Nobody has countered anything I've said they've just insulted me because how dare I question a lady! Everything I've posted I've provided reasoning and even clips.
You're talking some bullshit about the psychology of trauma, a subject you have made clear you know fuck all about. It doesn't matter if you cite sources if the conclusions you draw are still bogus.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
This is true, but there are common threads. There are things that people do when processing that shows after effects of said trauma. Such as:

Being unable to concentrate, or make decisions
Feeling Jumpy or startled easily
On guard or hyper alert all the time
Upsetting Dreams.
Problems working, or being at school
Upset stomach
Trouble sleeping
Sweating for no reason
Not physically upkeeping your body like stopping a diet, exercise, health care, sex, etc
Smoking more or abusing substances
Feeling sad, nervous, fearful, shocked, numb, unable to experience love or joy
Irritable, randomly angry, angry outbursts
Blaming yourself
Lack of trust in others, fighting, overly controlling
Withdrawl, feeling abandoned
Detachment, not wanting intimacy. 3
Guilt or feeling like everything is your fault.

Now, I don't watch streamers but I think people would have shown her doing any of these things on stream in clips, especially when people are accusing her of faking it. Maybe she's an amazing actor, but you can't prevent nightmares or if you are restless you can't fake sleeping for THAT long of a time.

Also none of the most reported behaviors of post trauma studied in people, is continuing to perform the behavior you were abused doing.
In short, you have a list of common (not universal) post-traumatic behaviours, and have decided that if you-- with no training or expertise-- haven't spotted any of them in a cursory look, then the claimant must be lying.

Can you seriously not see how gross this is?

What did I make up, outside of an opinion? Nobody has countered anything I've said they've just insulted me because how dare I question a lady! Everything I've posted I've provided reasoning and even clips.
Stop misrepresenting what's happening here. I haven't dismissed it because she's a "lady" or "how dare you". I've directly addressed your rationale.

You've provided reasoning-- entirely predicated on the idea that there's a correct way for a victim to act, and a wrong way. That falls apart at the very first step, because there fucking isn't. Everything else has followed from that empty premise.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
If you don't want to know what's up with this story, then stop following the thread and ignore when it's updated. It's pretty simple.
One could argue why you don’t do the same thing. You’ve clearly created an opinion of her and the situation and not a single thing will change it, so at that point you’ve made up your mind. Is posting about it further just so you can have a moment of “See? SEE!? I was RIGHT!” cause I’m beginning to wonder.

And this indicates that despite me explaining the reasoning behind my questioning, you aren't interested in considering anything other than Amouranth being truthful, regardless of what she does.

But when you lie about abuse, and especially when it's prove that you lied, it HURTS everyone else who might come forward from real abuse..
This sounds like an excuse to hand wave away her behavior, especially if this was nothing more than a stunt (which it appears to be).
Your responses suggest you have proof of her actions. What you have is evidence that supports your beliefs. But you don’t have indisputable proof. Until something comes to light saying she was indeed lying, be it her or some other person or event, then all you have is evidence built to make a case against her. Nothing more.

Secondly a person who was forced to have sex, would not have the same kind of sex later in life consensually there would be a dramatic difference in the act that would help separate it from the trauma.

Also none of the most reported behaviors of post trauma studied in people, is continuing to perform the behavior you were abused doing.
As an abuse survivor who has gone through extensive therapy for many things, some of which is in this very topic, a strong majority of this is not remotely true, lacks a huge degree of nuance, and is surface level at best. I’d appreciate if it wasn’t said with such confidence that it was fact.

In short, you have a list of common (not universal) post-traumatic behaviours, and have decided that if you-- with no training or expertise-- haven't spotted any of them in a cursory look, then the claimant must be lying.

Can you seriously not see how gross this is?

Stop misrepresenting what's happening here. I haven't dismissed it because she's a "lady" or "how dare you". I've directly addressed your rationale.

You've provided reasoning-- entirely predicated on the idea that there's a correct way for a victim to act, and a wrong way. That falls apart at the very first step, because there fucking isn't. Everything else has followed from that empty premise.
Case in point
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom

Amouranth responded to the criticism that her streaming content hasn't changed. Main points being:

* lewd content made up ~50% of her content before the break up, and since then its been ~10%;

* she employs 20 people, many of whom signed on to work with a lewd channel. Immediately changing 100% of content would change the nature of their job.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
This is true, but there are common threads. There are things that people do when processing that shows after effects of said trauma. Such as:
Just stop.

The way a person process trauma is extremely individual. There aren't "common threads" to any of it, firstly because the things that cause it are actually very different and secondly because different people have different capacities when it comes to various aspects of trauma.

But, to illustrate how stupid this is, you're expecting a person who has been subject to intermittent financial control and verbal abuse to react in the same way as someone who has been kidnapped and held at gunpoint. In fact, you expect them to act like a cartoon version of someone who has survived a traumatic, life or death experience. Frankly, if someone was showing all these symptoms on stream, that might make me start to suspect it was fake because most people can hide those symptoms.

And no, I'm not suggesting that emotional or financial abuse isn't traumatic, but it's not the same and it doesn't have the same symptoms because it doesn't have the same effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Living with someone who is controlling and manipulative is different to living with someone who is physically violent. You develop different strategies and learned behaviours to deal with it, and those strategies become symptoms when they're no longer needed.

Honestly though, what really bothers me on a personal level is the bizarre expectation of emotional purity. Because that's just not how real human feelings work at the best of times. You can come to the realization that someone is bad for you and hurting you and still love them. For that matter, you can be a person who is controlling and manipulative and have the self-awareness sometimes (when you haven't "lost control" or become angry) to understand what you're doing and that it has to stop. In fact, one of the most transformative experiences someone in that situation can sometimes have is seeing themselves in that state.

There is no standard of behavior a person needs to meet in order to "prove" they have been a victim of abuse, because it's simply not something you can ever know from watching someone's behavior.

Complaining about someone exploiting parasociality becomes a little ironic when you start pretending to know someone's innermost thoughts and feelings because they're a public figure.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Idk I know a guy whos been doing it quite successfully for 6 years now.
Was this before or after he lost most of his film roles, sponsors and everything else and mainly has been successful due to pivoting somewhat towards being a musician and leaned heavily into that passion and people who were supporting him in that field?


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Was this before or after he lost most of his film roles, sponsors and everything else and mainly has been successful due to pivoting somewhat towards being a musician and leaned heavily into that passion and people who were supporting him in that field?
You don't mean Laurence Fox do you? The man who just said what he though everyone else was thinking, when everyone else was just thinking who the fuck is Laurence Fox?
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