Amir Kondori said:
Dead Century said:
Eh. Colour me unimpressed. Never did like TotalBiscuit or his attitude. Too much snark. Also, his PC elitism is fairly off-putting.
He mostly covers PC games, I have yet to see him attack consoles or console gaming in any way. Ill considered comments like yours are what I find off-putting.
He is one of the smartest guys doing Youtube gaming content today.
He may not attack consoles directly, but he always (at least back when I used to watch him) always make comments that may not seem like insults to some people on the surface. He talks as if PC is the only thing that matters, and that consoles are inferior in every way. There is just something about his tone of voice, and the way how he can spend minutes on to the most frivolous topics in every video he makes that makes him just unlikable to me.
Also, I wouldn't call him all that smart. All he does is spout spec numbers and frame rates the entire video whenever he is talking about a specific game, and the rest of the time he talks like an entitled PC gamer. He may raise a good point every know and again, but he usually just complains how a game is not optimized for a pc port, or how every game in the history of ever isn't open world. Usually, whenever someone calls a commentator smart that is because they share a similar opinion to that commentator, and likes hearing their own opinion coming from someone else.
Despite how it seems I'm not "attacking" pc gamers. I am simply stating my distaste for Total Biscuit's attitude and how he does his videos. Also, that last sentence isn't there to insult you. It is simply an observation I have made from many other people.
I've included everything I can think of. I just want to say now that I have no intention of responding to anyone who reply's to this post. I just felt like getting my opinion on the matter out there. Recently, whenever I would reply to people on these forums it is a one way conversation. Simply put, everyone already has their minds made up on the matter. I've seen, when someone makes a valid point, the other person simply ignores that section or still talks like the other person is wrong.