Trailers: DC Universe Online Comic Con Trailer

Team Hollywood

New member
Feb 9, 2009
DC Universe Online Comic Con Trailer

DC Universe Online reveals new player-created villian footage at New York Comic Con.

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New member
Jan 2, 2008
Hm.... nope. Still looks awful.

Has SOE ever made anything good? You'd think they could at least try to produce something that tricked us into thinking it might be good. So far the only worthwhile thing that's come out of this game is the cinematic trailer.

- J

Joe Matsuda

New member
Aug 24, 2009
I..........really want this game...

havent been sold by any screen shots or trailers or anything like that...

its just that Booster Gold is supposed to be in it :D


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Wow, this looks absolutely terrible.

I've watched all the videos in regards to this here, but everything is just as disappointing as the last.

I've only seen 1 video of Guild Wars II (I've not even played the first one) and already I would be more inclined to buy that. That is if I wasn't already playing FFXIV


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Kruxxor said:
That is if I wasn't already playing FFXIV
Wow, someone playing FF XIV and calling an other unreleased game terrible? I don't mean to offend but that's like a person sitting in a sewer complaining about the smell coming in from outside.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
looks bad but i guess thats the sorta junk mmo players like and yes i am looking at you wow


New member
Apr 22, 2010
starhaven said:
looks bad but i guess thats the sorta junk mmo players like and yes i am looking at you wow
Other people have different tastes to you, deal with it.

I'm not a fan of the DC universe, not interested in the game really. I was wondering if this trailer would sell it to me, but it didn't


New member
Sep 11, 2010
This is very "Ooh!" and "Aah!" but nothing new, judging by trailers, demos and gameplay footage.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
i saw it at the Comic Con, and its A LOT more hack'n slashy than the trailers have shown. Kinda like God of War with more sticky controls and cool downs. I could have mistaken it for a different game but unless they where playing a different game underneath the DC Universe Online banner, it sure looks that way.

So color me impressed by the actual gameplay. Some1 in the Marketing department need to release a short walkthrough of gameplay instead of showing these generic looking trailers.

If it is hack'n Slash, thie will be a game i look forward to a long with the Other hack'n Slash MMO TERA.

edit: Here is a walkthrough []


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Brotherofwill said:
Kruxxor said:
That is if I wasn't already playing FFXIV
Wow, someone playing FF XIV and calling an other unreleased game terrible? I don't mean to offend but that's like a person sitting in a sewer complaining about the smell coming in from outside.

I don't see how you can call FFXIV terrible. Or do you only play games on easy mode?


New member
Feb 12, 2010
DC Universe Online has never interested me and this new trailer does nothing to change my opinion. Sure the setting & story are great for anyone into the DC Universe but I'm more about gameplay and the combat in this game still looks kinda rudimentary. At least it's on the PS3, which is a good thing for anyone who wants to play the game but doesn't have a decent PC to run it. However that means that the games UI will be dumbed down for PC MMO players.

Good thing we'll have more variety than ever, with MMOs, next year. And with interesting gameplay and combat being my main deciders; I'm very much looking forward to Star Wars: The Old Republic [] (even though I'm not a Star Wars fan) and Guild Wars 2 []. Just thought I'd put that out there.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
tiredinnuendo said:
Hm.... nope. Still looks awful.

Has SOE ever made anything good? You'd think they could at least try to produce something that tricked us into thinking it might be good. So far the only worthwhile thing that's come out of this game is the cinematic trailer.

- J
They made Star Wars Galaxies...and though they later personally gut the living crap out of it and left it to bleed was the best MMORPG ever created >.> God I miss that game. I'm not sure what to make of this game, it looks better than WoW but so does most other MMOs on the market now. Gameplay looks ... bleh

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I haven't really seen anything at all detailing character customization, abilities or the like... is everyone stuck being the stereotypical walking hunk of meat/bazongas in skintight lycra prevalent in anything related to comic books? One of the few things I liked about City of Heroes/Villains was that you could make truly outlandish characters, non-human creatures and freak jobs galore.

So far from what I've seen, this gets a solid, unequivocal "meh" from me.


New member
May 16, 2009
Kruxxor said:
Brotherofwill said:
Kruxxor said:
That is if I wasn't already playing FFXIV
Wow, someone playing FF XIV and calling an other unreleased game terrible? I don't mean to offend but that's like a person sitting in a sewer complaining about the smell coming in from outside.

I don't see how you can call FFXIV terrible. Or do you only play games on easy mode?
Perhaps its cause your the first person ever to call it anything but terrible.

EDIT: I don't mean that as an insult. its just I'm pretty sure your the first.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Vigilantis said:
tiredinnuendo said:
Hm.... nope. Still looks awful.

Has SOE ever made anything good? You'd think they could at least try to produce something that tricked us into thinking it might be good. So far the only worthwhile thing that's come out of this game is the cinematic trailer.

- J
They made Star Wars Galaxies...and though they later personally gut the living crap out of it and left it to bleed was the best MMORPG ever created >.> God I miss that game. I'm not sure what to make of this game, it looks better than WoW but so does most other MMOs on the market now. Gameplay looks ... bleh
Speaking as someone who played SWG from launch, you TOTALLY have rose colored glasses on there, pal. Sure, the skill system was cool. But do you remember the fact that there were no quests besides the repetitive terminals and the three boring-ass quest hubs (which you could only do once)? Do you remember the almost completely barren landscapes of each planet? Do you remember waiting ten goddamn minutes for the shuttle? Do you remember having to have a doctor, a musician, and a dancer each buff you separately just so you could wear the good armor and still use your abilities? Do you remember attack graphics that didn't display properly, or at all? Do you remember people who carried three rancors and an ATST in their PDA? Do you remember suddenly warping thirty meters to the east, then underground, then ten yards from where you started? Do you remember holocrons and profession grinding? Do you remember running around in the desert looking for the bounty hunter "Mark of Intellect" quest for hours on end because there was literally nothing else to do? Do you remember it winning coaster of the year in every major gaming magazine?

Yeah, I remember SWG. That's when I first started hating SOE.

Again, don't get me wrong, the concepts behind some of what they were doing was okay, but they couldn't have fucked up the execution any worse if they'd tried. I predict much the same for DC Online.

- J


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Vigilantis said:
tiredinnuendo said:
Hm.... nope. Still looks awful.

Has SOE ever made anything good? You'd think they could at least try to produce something that tricked us into thinking it might be good. So far the only worthwhile thing that's come out of this game is the cinematic trailer.

- J
They made Star Wars Galaxies...and though they later personally gut the living crap out of it and left it to bleed was the best MMORPG ever created >.> God I miss that game. I'm not sure what to make of this game, it looks better than WoW but so does most other MMOs on the market now. Gameplay looks ... bleh
SWG had a lot of potential. But many power sets, such as pistoleer, were outright broken. Not underpowered, broken. Disarming shot never, ever worked. It didn't just have a low chance to work-like 1%- it was literally bugged and never, ever worked. Maxing out pistoleer took about 99% of your available skill points, (Master Marksman, Master Pistoleer, Desperadao Bounty Hunter, Something-Something level 4 Rogue, something something level 4 scout), and yet left you with less damage than a rifleman, less accuracy than a rifleman, and no special mezzing attacks to give you an edge-when the rifleman only used about 2/3 of his points. This lasted until the Combat Upgrade, where pistoleer became a lot more viable, but it was still inferior. While the Pistoleer mezzes finally had a chance to work, the chance was very small, and a rifleman could consistently kill a target faster than you could mez it- even minions. Pistoleer still wound up being inferior. In addition, because your inventory system held a certain number of items, rather than a certain amount of mass or volume, pistols even took up the exact same damn room in your inventory, and were drawn every bit as quickly as rifles.

In addition, space combat was horribly bugged, with the targeting systems only useful for flat 2.D. movement, like a bunch of battleships on the ocean. Rebel spacecraft was consistently inferior to nuetral spacecraft, which was in turn inferior to Imperial spacecraft, despite the fact that the canon the game used stated outright than Incom technology was superior.

Lastly, many mission chains were outright broken and uncompleteable, even several years after launch. On Coruscant, Shara the Hutt's mission chain was broken, and on Naboo the Gungan quests had no dialogue at all after a certain point- just an error message.

SWG, despite all this, had a lot of potential. But if had some pretty horrendous flaws.