Transformers 4 Will Star New Transformers


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Grey Carter said:
Hasbro thinks the problem is that kids are just sick of Optimus Prime and co.
Yeah... just wait until they do release the forth movie with no Optimus, and everyone bitchs about that. Its not that Optimus and company are the problem, it that there are way to many humans in the movie. Correct me if im wrong, but it seems most of the transformer franchise had the Autobots working with only a few humans, never a specialized military unit made to hunt and kill Decepticons. The problem with the last three movies was that Bay has a hard on for military hardware.

Hasbro also confirmed that the much-anticipated Stretch Armstrong [] film (no, really []) is on track for a 2014 release, alongside a television series based on the same character. Breck Eisner, of Sahara fame, is set to direct. God have mercy on our souls.
Oh for fucks sake...


New member
Jul 12, 2010
High Moon Studios got a Transformers update right with War for and Fall of Cybertron. Maybe Hasbro should leave all the creative aspects of the film with them, then hire a director who doesn't suck and hates transfomers. Bay was only ever in it for the money, and it shows with how badly he has butchered a beloved franchise.

No one is sick of Optimus Prime. They are sick of the absolutely terrible bayformer versions of them. Plus bayformers didn't even get the human aspect of the franchise right. All the human characters were wastes of film, time, and money. Transformers was about the bots, not the humans.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
1337mokro said:
What does it matter? I couldn't even tell these transformers apart. The only ones I could tell apart were Optimus, Megatron and Starscream, because Starscream could fly. Then they introduced more flying ones and it basically boiled down to two robots.

What would NEW ones being added change? More in-comprehensiveness? Worse movies?
Same here, only I could tell it was BumbleBee because he was a walking Camaro advertisement.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
el_kabong said:
After Revenge of the Fallen, there's really no news I can receive that will make me believe that the movie franchise can suck anymore. They could tell me that they were replacing the human characters with adorable monkeys that teach the Transformers how to dance and love. Couldn't be worse than Revenge. No matter what changes they want to make, Micheal Bay is still directing. That means another crappy Transformers movie.

If anything, I HOPE that they use entirely new characters. That way, it won't feel like my childhood is being violated when they take insane liberties with the main fantasy icons of my youth.
Fun fact, I can't actually remember anything that happened in the second Transformers film. Try as I might, any event I recall and attribute to it will probably likely be from the first one instead. And the fact that I couldn't remember a single thing that occurred in the second film is what stopped me from caring enough to go see the third one.

As far as the whole 'new characters' thing is concerned, wasn't Optimus Prime the only Transformer that actually got any recognition in the first three films? And maybe a tiny, itty bitty spotlight on Megatron for half a second? Oh, I guess Bumblebee too, since he was the car that Shia got. Other than that, which Transformers were actually featured in the films? Practically none of them had any characterization, they may as well have just been generic robots duking it out through Earth's cities for all of the cinematic genius of Michael Bay.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
GameChanger said:
The kind of people who enjoy looking at barely clothed 'babes'...
So, straight guys. Also, many lesbians. And a surprising amount of straight women and gay men, for that matter. (Ever seen a fashion mag?)

GameChanger said:
...action scenes that could be replicated by emptying your cutlery drawer onto the ground an have an industrial lawn mower wreak havoc upon it.
Now I want to try that. :p

GameChanger said:
You'd be surprised how large that target audience actually is.
No, I wouldn't.


May 1, 2008
Wait, why are they doing a Transformers 4? Oh, right cash grab...Well I saw one in theaters and it was okay, waited for 2 to come out on DVD and immediately decided to not bother with 3.... So what motivation is there to go see 4? Oh!!! a bunch of characters that I have absolutely no attachment to what so ever. Yes because that will get me in the theaters, AND buying the toys.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Stuart Walton said:
Just get High Moon studios to make a movie, their games were awesome...
Legion said:
Wicky_42 said:
Legion said:
The Human Torch said:
Maybe this has to do with the fact that if you already launched a Transformers action figure two times prior for each movie, most kids will already OWN an Optimus Prime figure and will want something else. No matter how good/bad your movies are, not many kids will buy the same action figure twice.
Good job I scrolled up before pressing post, you said exactly what I did.

Although if this is the kind of logic that leads to them creating new characters, just to sell some toys (as opposed to making the actual film good) then it's an idiotic idea.

At any rate:

You know, it wasn't until you posted that picture, I'd never really properly understood the complaints about the bayformers' aesthetic... after actually looking at those two for a minute it's pretty obvious what a fucking mess the designs are - just a jumble of polygons with no cohesion, rhythm or style. Impressive to be able to fuck up giant robots right from the get-go - who on the design team looked at these and went "yeah, that looks awesome!" ?
I was not actually bothered by the aesthetic (although the recent games show how much better they could be), I was more bothered by their annoying behaviour. They are supposed to be a part of a technologically advanced race, but they are a pair of blundering idiots, purely included for supposed comic relief. They are the Jar Jar Binks of Transformers.
Oh yeah, no doubt about that (racial stereotyping in an alien robot species? Why?!), I was just noticing the complete lack of any redeeming features ;)


New member
Jun 1, 2009
There are so many things in this article that make me feel incredibly sad and nihilistic...


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Pyrian said:
GameChanger said:
The kind of people who enjoy looking at barely clothed 'babes'...
So, straight guys. Also, many lesbians. And a surprising amount of straight women and gay men, for that matter. (Ever seen a fashion mag?)
Mind the curious apostrophe's I decided to add there...

I meant the kind of babes that are geared to a specific audience.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Meh. Did anyone actually expect the latest film in this trainwreck of a series to be any good?

Although its good that they're being honest about the reasons to scrap the previous characters. I reckon most other people would make up some crap about wanting to broaden the film series' horizons or some bullshit like that.
Mar 26, 2008
Oh that's right, merchandizing is what drives the movie industry these days.
I don't know if this is true but I did hear that the Ewoks were added into Return of the Jedi merely so they'd have more action figures they could sell.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Until I hear that Cheetor and Dinobot are in it I am not buying a ticket.
And does anyone remember how it went for the last movie that was a giant block busting toy commercial... Oi..


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Can you imagine the mangles sheets of metal we're going to end up with considering the job they did of designing the pre-existing ones? I can't believe after screwing that up so badly they would dispense with one of the few things that actually gives structure.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
The_Waspman said:
Casual Shinji said:
Oh God, they're touching Stretch Armstrong now. Someone call social services, please!

Next thing you know they'll making a Boglins and Popples movie.
A boglins movie? I remember those guys! Lets be honest though Shinji, Boglins are a much more logical source material for a movie than, say... Battleship, and they made one of that...
After they've exhausted the 80's toys and cartoon franchises, they'll probably go after 80's pop hits.

I can't wait for Wake Me up Before You Go-Go the Movie.
I can actually see some Hollywood exec's working on that right now. As a trash gross-out comedy. I'll even provide a poster quote:

This Decades American Pie!

Don't say it wont happen. Actually, do, because nobody wants this...


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Yes, because making movies by marketing committee works really well - they did make lots of money from it.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
These are the same guys who thought Battleship was a good idea. Hasbro's movie department is fucked at this point. I can't wait till My Little Pony becomes an R rated spy thriller.

*sigh* At least the games and shows are still good