Treyarch is "100% Call of Duty"

Blue Musician

New member
Mar 23, 2010
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They must be joking! Oh wait, they are serious...


Now on a more serious note:

Well, I see no point on only working on ONE franchise, I bet that Treyarch is going to lawsuit them one of these days for this limit.
Anyways, I'm done with CoD and practically every other game. I guess that I'm going to retire one day of these from gaming. I am still going to play some more though for the moment, but before I used to play like 8 hours a day, now I play only like one or even less.

So, good luck Treyarch, but I'm not interested in any more games.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
This sounds like a bad idea and move on Treyarch's part.

I mean, people have pretty much always viewed the Trecharch installments of CoD the weaker/lesser installments of the series.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
JourneyThroughHell said:
I like them, I really do and I hope that they get the MW franchise if IW is shut down.
But, guys, don't you want to do something that is your own?
Why would they want to be creative?
Being uncreative would make them lots of money.
And I'm pretty sure being creative would make blood shoot out of their noses.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
heyheysg said:
How are they going to hire talented people?

HR: Welcome to Treyarch, you'll be working on Call of Duty games for the rest of your life.

Game Designer: NOooooo!!
Eh, beats working for Electronic Arts.

Unless you really REALLY like modeling the same football players over and over again.
Dec 27, 2008
I'm glad for this. Despite what everyone seems to think I LOVED Call of Duty World at War. Much more than Modern Warfare 1 or 2. I hope this new one has the same style as WaW. I like the gritty Gears of War style compared to the cartoony MW2.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
soren7550 said:
This sounds like a bad idea and move on Treyarch's part.

I mean, people have pretty much always viewed the Trecharch installments of CoD the weaker/lesser installments of the series.
Someone really needs to let them know because it sounds as though they think they are God's gift to the CoD franchise...


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Poomanchu745 said:
soren7550 said:
This sounds like a bad idea and move on Treyarch's part.

I mean, people have pretty much always viewed the Trecharch installments of CoD the weaker/lesser installments of the series.
Someone really needs to let them know because it sounds as though they think they are God's gift to the CoD franchise...
This is Activision going "well, the good stuff is gone, time to call the shit gold or we'll lose all of our customers"

Not gonna work.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Oh dear... ive never liked anything that treyarch made which means: CoD + Treyarch = Crap
But to be honest anything past CoD 4 = Crap, so no difference there =]


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Blech. Just take Kotick's advice, jack up the price of games. Then, only your fanboys will buy games. You'll still be rich, and we won't need to play shovelware shooters anymore!


New member
Dec 3, 2009
They basicully shot themselfs in the foot haven't they, saying your going to make only one franchise is like saying you will not eat anymore fruit and we know the result of that.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
It's a shame. They never really got the single player quite right. The multiplayer was fantastic though (Dedicated severs + excellent matchmaking on consoles). However IW had some of the best singleplayer that I've ever seen in a game, however matchmaking on the PC. I still don't get that.

All in all I don't really like the Tryarch Call of Duty games all that much. And it's a shame that they're limiting themselves to it.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
wish i had been playing cod since it's inception, all the ref. i have is mw2. damn i wish i had w@w. i have a soft spot for nazi killing.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
sephiroth1991 said:
They basicully shot themselfs in the foot haven't they, saying your going to make only one franchise is like saying you will not eat anymore fruit and we know the result of that.
I don't think they're gonna get scurvy...

I personaly haven't played any of the Treyarch CoDs (In all reality, I've literaly only played MW2) so I can't really say anything about the quality of their games, but I have to agree that focusing all your efforts on one game is just... special.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Brain_Cleanser said:
sephiroth1991 said:
They basicully shot themselfs in the foot haven't they, saying your going to make only one franchise is like saying you will not eat anymore fruit and we know the result of that.
I don't think they're gonna get scurvy...

I personaly haven't played any of the Treyarch CoDs (In all reality, I've literaly only played MW2) so I can't really say anything about the quality of their games, but I have to agree that focusing all your efforts on one game is just... special.
Many people say they made them much worst than IW versions but i think they all just the same, they have both their pros and cons, all they doing is just makeing another game it's not like they are taking the orignal developers story and changing it, they all play the same. When someone says to you they make rubbish don't listen to them, they just same average shooter nothing special. It's not like IW have a special formula.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
sephiroth1991 said:
Brain_Cleanser said:
sephiroth1991 said:
They basicully shot themselfs in the foot haven't they, saying your going to make only one franchise is like saying you will not eat anymore fruit and we know the result of that.
I don't think they're gonna get scurvy...

I personaly haven't played any of the Treyarch CoDs (In all reality, I've literaly only played MW2) so I can't really say anything about the quality of their games, but I have to agree that focusing all your efforts on one game is just... special.
Many people say they made them much worst than IW versions but i think they all just the same, they have both their pros and cons, all they doing is just makeing another game it's not like they are taking the orignal developers story and changing it, they all play the same. When someone says to you they make rubbish don't listen to them, they just same average shooter nothing special. It's not like IW have a special formula.
Eh, I can believe that. The CoD series to me feels like a game that can really be passed to any competent studio and get something good, or atleast OK, it's not like, say Mario which really has to be in the hands of Nintendo, as far as I'm concerned.

But really, dood, about that scurvy thing...