True facts you can't get yourself to believe


New member
Jan 24, 2011
dvd_72 said:
soes757 said:
dvd_72 said:
soes757 said:
dvd_72 said:
You have to spend many years studying the nature of the universe before you can just start making stuff up. You need the proper credentials!
Credentials to make shit up?
Sure man, sure. Takes years to learn to make crap up.
You misunderstand. It's not the ability to make stuff up. Anyone can do that. It's the right to make stuff up, and the backing to make it half believable! :p
Why is it not believable that the smallest particles are rubber ducks?
Prove it wrong!
But the burden of proof is on you. Besides, the maths shows that the universe is actually made out of .... wait.... quarks... quacks...quacks come from ducks...

Please accept my humblest apologies. It seems the universe is indeed made out of ducks, just not rubber ones. Rather it is made out of conceptual eight dimensional inverse hyper ducks floating around a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

You, sir, win, only because of your Doctor Who quote.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Not really a fact, but I can't believe that some people try to blur their perception of reality into fantasy. Like this guy...



Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
MetaKnight19 said:
Not really a fact, but I can't believe that some people try to blur their perception of reality into fantasy. Like this guy...


He's an inspiration for the whole world :p

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
Spartan1362 said:
uhddh said:
Pluto is a planet god damn it.
I agree. Entirely.
Nothing any scientist says will sway me!
there are nine not eight NINE I TELL YOU NINE PLANETS!
ok I think I have calm....
*maniacal laughter*


Offensive Muggle
Jun 12, 2011
I still can't believe people play Call of Duty. Though most of the human race is too stupid to realize that every Call of Duty since 4 has been pretty much 4. Activision only wants your money guys! They don't care about you!


No family dinner is safe.
Jul 30, 2008
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we die.

Billions of years of oblivion and then suddenly *poof* you're born and you're conscious. You experience things and you live, you talk to people and share your experiences and spend time reading things other people have written, watching the Super Bowl, eating Spaghetti-O's, all those things we do day-to-day, all of us marching inexorably forward to our ultimate return to oblivion.

When you're driving down the highway, every single one of the hundreds or thousands of people you pass is exactly the same... they are all (as you are) a collection of thousands upon thousands of individual experiences that led them to exactly where they are at that precise moment...

But in the end, they die. You die. Your parents, children, goldfish... all die. I can never understand it, and the more I think about it, the more upset it makes me and the more helpless I feel... the more I pointlessly wish there was some way to avoid it.

I like it here, and I don't want to go back to non-being... but the REAL bastard of the whole thing is: Once you're dead, and once your brain stops functioning, you won't even be around to CARE that you're dead, and somehow that is the most terrifying part of the whole situation.

And then the world moves on without you and you become, like every other person who has ever lived in the history of the world, the past... and you will never live again. You had your hilariously small window of history, and now it's over.

That is my biggest fear and the biggest cause of wakeful nights... and something I just can't understand or believe.


New member
May 19, 2010
Yggdraz0r said:

I still can't believe this isn't a girl.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Anime, mate.
Where everyone is either a girl, a high school student, a monster, or all of the above.

Anyway, I can't believe that there is such a thing as an underwater river.



books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
PotluckBrigand said:
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we die.

Billions of years of oblivion and then suddenly *poof* you're born and you're conscious. You experience things and you live, you talk to people and share your experiences and spend time reading things other people have written, watching the Super Bowl, eating Spaghetti-O's, all those things we do day-to-day, all of us marching inexorably forward to our ultimate return to oblivion.

When you're driving down the highway, every single one of the hundreds or thousands of people you pass is exactly the same... they are all (as you are) a collection of thousands upon thousands of individual experiences that led them to exactly where they are at that precise moment...

But in the end, they die. You die. Your parents, children, goldfish... all die. I can never understand it, and the more I think about it, the more upset it makes me and the more helpless I feel... the more I pointlessly wish there was some way to avoid it.

I like it here, and I don't want to go back to non-being... but the REAL bastard of the whole thing is: Once you're dead, and once your brain stops functioning, you won't even be around to CARE that you're dead, and somehow that is the most terrifying part of the whole situation.

And then the world moves on without you and you become, like every other person who has ever lived in the history of the world, the past... and you will never live again. You had your hilariously small window of history, and now it's over.

That is my biggest fear and the biggest cause of wakeful nights... and something I just can't understand or believe.
And that, my good man, was my existential crisis, utterly terrifying isn't it?

I can't either, and I never will, and the whole thought of it scares me. Also, if you're not well know no one will ever know you existed and they don't even care that they don't know.


No family dinner is safe.
Jul 30, 2008
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
PotluckBrigand said:
And that, my good man, was my existential crisis, utterly terrifying isn't it?

I can't either, and I never will, and the whole thought of it scares me. Also, if you're not well know no one will ever know you existed and they don't even care that they don't know.
I left a part of it out, too... when I was a kid I took solace knowing that as much as it sucked, at least everyone had to do it. Eventually everyone will die so I wasn't alone...

But the older I got, the less that calmed me down. Everyone does it, but the sad and selfish fact of the matter is that I am not everyone... I am me, and I value myself (understandably) more than everyone else... so no matter how much logic tells me that it's a fact of life, I lose no less sleep over it.

I mourn the loss of my youth, but not for shallow vanity... I mourn it because it will never come back and "one less day until death" so quickly becomes "one less year."

I'd actually love to know how other people deal with it (besides the obvious. Without trying to start a fight, I am not religious and I will likely never be. I tried it and it didn't work for me. If it does for you, great).

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
When I was really little, I thought the world was powered by power plants that got power from lightning.

I can't believe the whole world is so dependent and run on freaking fossil fuels.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
PotluckBrigand said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
PotluckBrigand said:
And that, my good man, was my existential crisis, utterly terrifying isn't it?

I can't either, and I never will, and the whole thought of it scares me. Also, if you're not well know no one will ever know you existed and they don't even care that they don't know.
I left a part of it out, too... when I was a kid I took solace knowing that as much as it sucked, at least everyone had to do it. Eventually everyone will die so I wasn't alone...

But the older I got, the less that calmed me down. Everyone does it, but the sad and selfish fact of the matter is that I am not everyone... I am me, and I value myself (understandably) more than everyone else... so no matter how much logic tells me that it's a fact of life, I lose no less sleep over it.
It's probably one of the few times I've ever cursed logic. I never really took solace in that since it was so jarring to me, I mean, yeah everyone does it, but it just struck me hard.

Goddammit, now I need cheering up....where's that picture? Ah here it is!


Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Liquidacid23 said:
uhddh said:
Pluto is a planet god damn it.
well given how many other objects are in our solar system just like pluto or larger and thus would be "planets" too you better start working on a new and very long mnemonic device to replace "My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas"
Meh, My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets was better!

rollerfox88 said:
That if the height of a single step on a flight is 2mm different to the rest, 80% of people will trip on it.

I cant bring myself to believe that we are that uncoordinated as a species...
Someone has been watching Big Bang Theory...! :p

OT: I cannot beleive that the head of a Pint of Guinness is made of the same stuff as the drink itself... and its only the refractive index that makes it appear white to us... BUT THAT IS THE OPPOSITE FUCKING COLOUR THAN IT STARTED!!!!!


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I know people that don't believe in the dinosaurs...


...because it's obvious Satan created them to take advantage of naive Christian children, amiright?


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
In case they haven't been mentioned:

F***ing magnets, how do they work?

Tide Goes in; tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. Can't explain that.

Honestly I can believe a lot of things. Our minds filter so much 'junk information' that we don't even realize it's getting rid of that we could miss something standing right in front of us. Not to mention the reality building our minds do while we're growing up and many other issues.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Kapol said:
In case they haven't been mentioned:

F***ing magnets, how do they work?

Tide Goes in; tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. Can't explain that.

Honestly I can believe a lot of things. Our minds filter so much 'junk information' that we don't even realize it's getting rid of that we could miss something standing right in front of us. Not to mention the reality building our minds do while we're growing up and many other issues.
About the tides, it's because of the differences in the gravity in the moon affecting the earth.



New member
Mar 16, 2010
That there was internet before the year 2000. I'm not even that young and I still can't picture it