Trump ordered to pay $350 million for fraudulent business practices in New York


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I don't know about that. Naturally the trump faithful won't care but I think the majority of republicans will at least raise an eyebrow. Like a lot of people only barely follow politics so thats why a conviction is so big. Because with a lot of the stuff against him you never really got a court directly ruling on it so if they asked someone who supports him could just hand wave it, but its harder to do with a real conviction.
"This was just a show trial. He was really convicted for being Trump and standing up to The Man."


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
"This was just a show trial. He was really convicted for being Trump and standing up to The Man."
Except a lot of people are more likely to go. There was a trial and he was convicted, guess hes a criminal. The reason you still hear people claim the Muller report was just political theater was because it was operating under the legal frame work of only being able to find trump 'not not guilty' and it found him 'not not guilty' and because of that his supporters just hand waved it and the undecided were like, "I guess their right since there was no conviction."


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Except a lot of people are more likely to go. There was a trial and he was convicted, guess hes a criminal. The reason you still hear people claim the Muller report was just political theater was because it was operating under the legal frame work of only being able to find trump 'not not guilty' and it found him 'not not guilty' and because of that his supporters just hand waved it and the undecided were like, "I guess their right since there was no conviction."
So basically the typical bitches lying to themselves and convince themselves of no wrong doing. Living in their warped view of morality.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
So basically the typical bitches lying to themselves and convince themselves of no wrong doing. Living in their warped view of morality.
No, I'm mainly talking about the uninformed that don't really care. His supporters are like that, I mean I would view anyone who votes republican at this point with suspicion, but there are still a lot of people that just vote down ballot, this will impact them.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Still, it's going to be exciting for you guys in the USA: the next president of the USA is going to be a convicted felon!
You know what, if a convicted felon is somehow elected president, America deserves it.

The old fool me once/twice etc.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
You know what, if a convicted felon is somehow elected president, America deserves it.

The old fool me once/twice etc.
Still, it's going to be exciting for you guys in the USA: the next president of the USA is going to be a convicted felon!
I don't want him and neither does my family. I never asked for the biatch to begin with.

No, I'm mainly talking about the uninformed that don't really care. His supporters are like that, I mean I would view anyone who votes republican at this point with suspicion, but there are still a lot of people that just vote down ballot, this will impact them.
Ok then.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Naturally the trump faithful won't care but I think the majority of republicans will at least raise an eyebrow.
We all know how stupid this is. The eyebrow is raised at the trial itself.
when he gets punished in court for breaking the law...
Here's the thing: he's not getting punished for breaking the law. Did he break a law? Yes. Is he getting punished? Yes. But he's not getting punished for breaking a law.

The law he broke in this case is a misdemeanor with a short statute of limitations that has already passed. It is a misdemeanor the Clinton campaign committed at the same time and was fined for violating promptly. But they didn't care to fine Trump in 2017, they want to convict him of a felony specifically after he's solidified the Republican nomination. They declined to pursue punishing him for the actual law he broke.

Instead, they have the most comical legal theory ever contrived.
The conviction is for felony falsification of documents... which is only a felony if it has the intent to defraud to aid or conceal another crime... and the other crime is to conspire to promote Trump's election... which is also not a crime unless it is specifically pursued by illegal means... and the "illegal means" they use to justify that includes falsifying business documents... So if the falsification alone isn't a crime they can charge him with, they don't have a crime to make it illegal promotion of an election, which makes the falsification not a felony, which makes it beyond the statute of limitations, which makes it not a crime they can charge him with.

They put forth a legal argument that is genuinely a logical paradox. Which doesn't matter, cause a jury in New York all know that their lives are ruined if they don't convict Donald Trump, which is why venue changes for trials exist, which was denied here, which is the easiest way to throw out this conviction.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Hopefully, Biden stops cucking to the clown car that is the squad increases defense spending and speeds up the building of the 50mm Gun IFV, and the NGAD.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
This is a state crime so no amount of him being president can let him pardon himself. I mean enforcing it while hes in the white house, should he somehow fucken manage to win the minds of the feeble to vote for him.
Not really, this is politic. The state will still want to have decent relationship with the president, they won't want to be running after him for crime when they could be flattering him to get favour, they'll just drop everything.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
We all know how stupid this is. The eyebrow is raised at the trial itself.
Well, like for the documents case, that is much much more serious, but hes got the judge on his side so its entirely possible the case never gets resolved because of her. But for down ballot voters, that means it was without merit.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Not really, this is politic. The state will still want to have decent relationship with the president, they won't want to be running after him for crime when they could be flattering him to get favour, they'll just drop everything.
If it was a red state then maybe, but this is New York, New York hates him.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
We all know how stupid this is. The eyebrow is raised at the trial itself.

Here's the thing: he's not getting punished for breaking the law. Did he break a law? Yes. Is he getting punished? Yes. But he's not getting punished for breaking a law.

The law he broke in this case is a misdemeanor with a short statute of limitations that has already passed. It is a misdemeanor the Clinton campaign committed at the same time and was fined for violating promptly. But they didn't care to fine Trump in 2017, they want to convict him of a felony specifically after he's solidified the Republican nomination. They declined to pursue punishing him for the actual law he broke.

Instead, they have the most comical legal theory ever contrived.
The conviction is for felony falsification of documents... which is only a felony if it has the intent to defraud to aid or conceal another crime... and the other crime is to conspire to promote Trump's election... which is also not a crime unless it is specifically pursued by illegal means... and the "illegal means" they use to justify that includes falsifying business documents... So if the falsification alone isn't a crime they can charge him with, they don't have a crime to make it illegal promotion of an election, which makes the falsification not a felony, which makes it beyond the statute of limitations, which makes it not a crime they can charge him with.

They put forth a legal argument that is genuinely a logical paradox. Which doesn't matter, cause a jury in New York all know that their lives are ruined if they don't convict Donald Trump, which is why venue changes for trials exist, which was denied here, which is the easiest way to throw out this conviction.
Not entirely wrong, but its the classic "Capo got busted for tax evasion" stuff. Trump deserves to be jail many time over, but he keeps lucking out and abusing the system every time. So I guess its the only way to nail him is to abuse the system right back, so be it. No real point in justice fighting with their hands tied behind their back.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Trump deserves to be jail many time over, but he keeps lucking out and abusing the system every time.
It will neither be luck nor abuse when this conviction is overturned.

When it comes down to it, the man is a distinct sleazeball in the civil sense. He doesn't go to jail because he doesn't commit crimes with jail sentences, only the sorts of things that cost a bunch of money which illustrates a failure of the justice system to hold the wealthy accountable. But they're inventing new legal theories to try to stick him with a felony because otherwise there's just no there there.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
It will neither be luck nor abuse when this conviction is overturned.

When it comes down to it, the man is a distinct sleazeball in the civil sense. He doesn't go to jail because he doesn't commit crimes with jail sentences, only the sorts of things that cost a bunch of money which illustrates a failure of the justice system to hold the wealthy accountable. But they're inventing new legal theories to try to stick him with a felony because otherwise there's just no there there.
Asking election officials to find vote for him deserves a life sentence at bare minimum. Same with the fake elector BS, but obviously the prosecutor were incompetent so he'll get away with that.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Asking election officials to find vote for him deserves a life sentence at bare minimum. Same with the fake elector BS, but obviously the prosecutor were incompetent so he'll get away with that.
He didn't ask him to find votes. He ask him to look into fraud allegations believing it was change the vote totals. He said "I need to find [whatever the number was] votes", which was true for him to win the state. It's only malicious half quotes that suggest he asked election officials to "find" votes.

The "fake elector BS" is not even without precedent, nor was it what you think it was.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
He didn't ask him to find votes. He ask him to look into fraud allegations believing it was change the vote totals. He said "I need to find [whatever the number was] votes", which was true for him to win the state. It's only malicious half quotes that suggest he asked election officials to "find" votes.
Yeah, he just happened to ask them to find the exact number of votes he needed to flip the state. Nothing suspicious about that.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Except a lot of people are more likely to go. There was a trial and he was convicted, guess hes a criminal. The reason you still hear people claim the Muller report was just political theater was because it was operating under the legal frame work of only being able to find trump 'not not guilty' and it found him 'not not guilty' and because of that his supporters just hand waved it and the undecided were like, "I guess their right since there was no conviction."
The Muller report absolutely said he was guilty

He was guilty of covering up crimes that his underlings commited to benefit the Trump campaign. 37 criminals went to jail over the Muller report and Trump tried to stop anyone finding out about them

The Muller report stated that Trump never ASKED any of these 37 people to commit crimes. Trump was only involved aftee the crimes were commited

It wasnt a not guilty result at all. Fox and friends just made up what the Muller report was about and pretended Trump wasn't guilty
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