Two Year Old Toddler Smoking Pot


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Cassita said:
DazZ. said:
Cassita said:
Never ever has anyone ever died from pot. Period.

The more you know.
No one has said it will kill the toddler.

The more you listen.
Hey, dude, did I say anyone did?

Let me check...


The more you read and the less you post on these forums.
Why are you bringing up death count as your defence then. Obviously a kid smoking anything is going to be harmful, just because it's pot and hasn't killed anyone doesn't mean it's fine to give to a 2 year old.

I have nothing against pot, it should be legal, but not given to under developed lungs that couldn't handle it.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Ickorus said:
11 years in jail seems a bit excessive but I think a (very) hefty fine and a visit from the child protection service would probably do the trick.

For the record im not defending her, irresponsible idiots like her shouldn't be allowed to have children.
That pretty much says it right there. We need to stop relying just on natural selection though.


New member
May 21, 2010
Cassita said:
Celtic_Kerr said:
Cassita said:
Funny, considering no one has ever died from pot.


Oh wait, that's right, it's not taxed.

Go back to drinking and smoking, people, nothing to see here.
Edit: Ninja'd

Sadly Cassita, you are right. I smoke, but I amke a note to try and keep it away from infants. YES, pot is bad for you t child, but what's the difference between that and the cigarettes you smoke around your kids?
No, pot isn't bad for you.

All of pot's effects are positive.

It cannot kill you.

You cannot OD on it.

Never has there ever been a study (of trust) that can demonstrate weed causing any harm at all.
THe study was never tested on toddlers though, so technically the effects are unknown. I'm more against the hypocrisy of people smoking around their children and being arrested for letting their child smoke pot than the actual pot smoking itself

Canadian Briton

New member
May 1, 2010
Lord Mountbatten Reborn said:
Very fitting last name if she films her child smoking illegal drugs.

You lose this time Gamble!
Looks like the risk of videotaping it
*Puts on sunglasses*
Was too much of a gamble.
OT:Oh c'mon what the hell is wrong with the world?! But yeah 11 years is a bit hefty of a sentence.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Cassita said:
DazZ. said:
Last time I checked, it's no one else's business how someone raises their child.
Well check again because the government will take it as their business, and you don't have a say about it.
Should we fine all the parents of overweight kids, too?
Probably, depends how harmful (read: excessive) it is and if the parents are making them fat for a laugh.
I guess mothers should have to breast-feed, give their children nothing but tofu, protein shakes, fruit and vegetables, and never let them breath a pollutant.
You're seriously comparing a healthy diet to under developed lungs smoking?


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Cassita said:
If pots so good for kids make your child smoke it every day. 5 times a day. ALL the effects are positive you said. All of them, there is no harm in making a 1 week old baby inhale potsmoke every day for the rest of its life. You cant OD it, it never killed anyone, it does NO harm and only good. According to you we should be rewarding this woman for helping her child lead a healthier life style?! I want to see you put your money where your mouth is. I bet if you had kids you wouldnt be wanting them to experience all the "positive" effects of pot from age two.

Please dont respond with a bizare abstract, its funny and makes you look very silly. For example:

"Breathing in smoke is bad for a baby"

"Its not healthy for them"

Erm no? Dont do this, it demeans you. A lot. Thats the lowest form of arguing, and frankly it makes it hard to take you seriously. You might have a good point but this kinda corrupts it doesnt it? I mean if i was arguing that we should allow a 2 year old to see a pornographic movie and you said no and i responded with "SO ALL 18's SHOULD BE THROWN INTO THE CORE OF THE SUN?!" the arguement would more than likely be over.

EDIT: Im sorry you acted so aggressively to what i wanted to be a civil debate. Your response dissapoints me. Im sorry for you. I hope if you meet someone in real life with conflicting views you are more mature about it. I pity you.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Anyone that thinks this isn't that big of a deal doesn't have children.

Antonio Torrente said:
You do realize that even a wrong calculation of any drug including prescription drugs can endanger toddlers.
Judging by the content of Cassita's post thus far, no, I don't think that he/she does. If a little too much tylenol can have severe negative reactions on an infant logic would dictate that pot maybe isn't the best thing to introduce to them.

As an addendum: Look, I get it, some people like to smoke pot. I personally don't but I understand that realistically speaking the only serious negatives that come from it spawn from getting caught. It's not good for you, but it's actually probably better for you than some things that are actually legal. None of that matters in this case though.

Infants should not have them. Let them become a disaffected teenager before they make that decision for themselves. They need to take that kid away from her and let someone competent and loving raise that child.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Cassita said:
DazZ. said:
Well check again because the government will take it as their business, and you don't have a say about it.
Yeah, just let the government shit all over you - why bother fighting injustice and standing up for your rights? -_-

Because of how extraordinarily unintelligent that statement was, this conversation is over.

You're blocked.

Don't reply.

I don't care.
D: ,lol.

Ignore laws if you want, hope you don't get caught.

Elephant Walker19

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Funny I remember when the two year old smoked I when on and everyone was saying

"oh its a devloping country it happens all the time"

And here we are a few months later and someone from a devloped country did something worse.

My point? It doesn't matter what type of country it is this thing just happens.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
Cassita said:
Mr Pantomime said:
Cassita said:
Angerwing said:
Cassita said:
Funny, considering no one has ever died from pot.


Oh wait, that's right, it's not taxed.

Go back to drinking and smoking, people, nothing to see here.
Except mind altering substances given to a toddler when their brain is actually forming is fucking stupid and can fuck them up severely. Not to mention the fact that they're inhaling smoke. The danger of the smoke is debatable, but the fact that smoke is going into the infants lungs is true, which is still fucking despicable.
Oh I see.

Shoot, guess everyone better have their baby in a bubble, aye.
I liked that movie....

Also, Pot is actually more harmful than Cigarettes. Usually you dont smoke it as much though.
Theres a difference between letting a child get a few cuts and bruises, and giving it hazardous substances. Its the same as giving them a cigarette. Pot also fucks up your memory, so its probably not good for developing minds

OT: Child endangerment is pretty serious, but 11 years? What were the other charges? Id say they might be trying to send a message
No. It isn't.

Tobacco kills more people than

and Cocaine


Pot has never killed anyone.


Never ever has anyone ever died from pot. Period.

The more you know.
Yeah, I agree with you there. I was just saying its worse per ounce. I dont remember where I know that from though. Maybe I made it up.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Cassita said:
BiscuitTrouser said:
If you're going to post a rebuttal, at least form proper sentences and use English.

I couldn't be bothered arguing with you.

You're blocked.

Don't reply.

I don't care.
Message recieved. Im kinda dissapointed, i love a good debate, its a chance for me to explore views from a different angle. Im sad you had to behave so agressively to what i wanted to be a good little dicussion. Never mind. Not everyone who disagrees with you is your enemy. Calm down a little. Its not a big deal. My english wasnt that bad in my rebuttle no? Maybe i should proof read it first. Thanks for teh feed back ^.^