Guestowel said:
Just like The Last Starfighter!
That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the title.
If they made a game that was a bit closer to the real deal as opposed to being overglamourized to use as a recruitment tool, then I would say go for it. But I am hoping this guy and others like him are not thinking of making this the only venue. I realize times are tough for recruiters, with many of them dealing with stresses from above to meet quotas that are getting harder to meet, and the people they try to recruit coming in with the wrong ideas. Anybody who goes in to sign up for the army thinking it is all glamour and glory have really got a rock in their head. It is all work with times of boredom, but if you get assigned to places like Afghanistan or Iraq, you would enjoy the boredom all the more, since that would be the time that you wouldn't be going down a road worried about an IED blowing yours or a buddy's limbs and/or head off. I have never played America's Army myself, but if it is rated T, then I know already that there is a lot not being shown that someone interested in joining up should know. Any soldier who goes gung-ho into a situation thinking that he won't get his balls shot off because it's just like the game, will get his squad very quickly wiped out.
Hardcore_gamer said:
I think this idea is disgusting. Sure you can't enlist people who aren't 18 yet, but i find it extremely difficult to believe that the USA army isn't also trying to influence the minors (teens from 15-17) and make them fond of the idea of enlisting later.
To be fair good parenting will insure that your child will remain aware of the reality of what it means to go to war, but i still don't like the idea of video games turning into propaganda pieces for the army (regardless of what army or where of course).
The trouble is, good parents are a smaller demographic anymore these days, and only getting smaller. But I have to think that games, being a medium, are propoganda for many many different things, not just the military. You can bet that eventually many groups that find some reason to complain about games, will instead join in order to preach their message in the form of games.