U.S. Marine "Baffled" by Medal of Honor Ban


New member
Sep 21, 2009
So are we, Corporal Aaron. So are we.

Again, basic logic and common sense do not triumph in this situation, but I'm glad someone actually had a reasonable say in it.
Baby Tea said:
ImprovizoR said:
Well I hate the army anyway, I think 90% of those guys are retarded so my opinion isn't exactly objective.
Yeah, that's a well reasoned, surely educated position. I'm sure my friends and family in the military, plus those who fought and died to preserve your right to say thinks like that would really appreciate it. Truly.
Good show.
Huh, Tea, that's like the hundredth comment I've seen of you fiercely arguing with somebody.

Not that any of them didn't have it coming, but still.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Wait U.S. Marine? Do they have lakes in Afghanistan or something?

At least he's in the right direction.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
lostzombies.com said:
He is with the rest of the sane people on the planet who are not living in the 1800's


"Here is your gun, grenades and mission to go kill those people over there in that busy city, if you get into trouble don;t forget we can call in indescriminate artillery from a few miles away"

"Can I play xbox when I get back?"

"Good Lord no, have you seen the content in them?!"
Hahahah! :D Yeah, the world is completely unrealistic at times.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009

yeah, because you know people, offended or not, will have to buy that game


he just raised the Main problem with "censoring" media, if you dont want to play something, then DONT, but its stupid to ask for the goverment that no one can buy it because it "offends" someone

i hate this "politically correct" thing the U.S are in...


Oct 6, 2009
it's not the Army that banned the game, shoot, DOD (department of defense) signed off on the game and sent people to assist, aafes is just something else.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Honestly did any reviewer or government actually ask a Marine how they felt about it? No...no they didn't I know a ton of Marines who weren't angry at all by it.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
JourneyThroughHell said:
Huh, Tea, that's like the hundredth comment I've seen of you fiercely arguing with somebody.

Not that any of them didn't have it coming, but still.
I know I know.
I shouldn't be, really! I've been getting a bit more impatient lately with certain groups of people, but I've got to take that higher road. Even if it gives me and ulcer.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well, opinions vary. Things like this are an issue because there are a lot of vocal people on both sides of the fence.

I am, and likely always will be, one of those who agrees with the military not carrying it.

Indeed, I personally think people should not support this product with their money as well.

A lot of people disagree with me, but hey, differant opinions is part of what being in a free country is all about.

As long as the goverment does not actually make the game illegal in a general sense, I don't care.

The military has always had a lot more power than the civilian world to set policies, and that's something people going into the service are supposed to know. A lot of your civil liberties go away when you become property of the US goverment for however long.

Fanboyism is also something you need to consider with this. Shooters in general, as well as specific brands of shooter, have fanboys who will stand by them for any reason. While there are many people who are genuinely defending the "opposing force" thing due to believing in it, I think a good portion of the opposition are shooter fanatics who simply want to play the game and don't care as long as they get their "fix".

Sort of like how there are people who are supporting "Starcraft 2" and "Modern Warfare" despite the policies of the companies involved, and how they are being treated as consumers (gouged for money. Like with every shooter out there, there are people out there who look at the pretty graphics and the claimed gameplay innovations and go "OMG, this could redefine the entire genere" (even if it doesn't) and run out and buy it. When the shiny new game is shown off people tend to cease to care about all the other things that mattered to them before the game was actually about to be released. People will make all kinds of excuses like how they are supporting Treyarch and not Bobby Kotick, despite the fact that they are one and the same today, and no matter the label they are still going to get goughed on DLC.

In this case, I'm sure both shooter fanatics, and series specific "Medal Of Honor" fanatics would be wanting to support this game even if it say featured a taliban shooting range were abducted allied "infidel babies" were fired into the air like clay pigeons and gunned down in mid-air for points. Or if say if there was a whole single player campaign all about how wonderful Bin Ladin is, how evil America is and kill "The Great Satan" in the name of Islam.

None of those things are in this game, and at it's worst this was not that extreme, the point is that if the game HAD gone there, I think there would still be people defending it and saying all the same stuff, just so they could play their favorite genere/franchise.

See, I don't think gamers are actually literally addicts, but we do act like them at times, and I think we need to be a bit more assertive even if that means going without a game or three to make a point. There will always be more games. As long as it's our choice (and not one the goverment tries to make for us) I think gamers should really consider boycotting this game over the Taliban thing, and show that we do indeed draw a line somewhere on our own and have standards. It can be hard to argue we aren't being warped by violence and the like when someone can point a finger to this as an example of detachment from reality and a lack of moral standards. Just as I think gamers should not be purchsing "Modern Warfare: Black Ops" because of the business practices the company engages in, in this case not for morality but for our own benefit to tell the industry that there are limits to how far we're willing to be gouged for money.

Ahh well, thanks to those who read this far, apologies for the rambling, and like usual this is simply my opinion.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
lostzombies.com said:
He is with the rest of the sane people on the planet who are not living in the 1800's


"Here is your gun, grenades and mission to go kill those people over there in that busy city, if you get into trouble don;t forget we can call in indescriminate artillery from a few miles away"

"Can I play xbox when I get back?"

"Good Lord no, have you seen the content in them?!"
ahaha, I couldnt have put it better myself. its seriously not a big deal. what are they afraid of? if anything, they should be saying "we don't want you to play as the american forces, so that online people won't be killing fellow americans." I could almost see the logic in that, but saying "we don't want you to play against or as the taliban, it hurts peoples feelings." just makes no sense


New member
Apr 13, 2010
I called it a while back, its not the fact of the name that pissed off the top brass in the military, but rather the implied insult to the US Military.

Changing it to something else isn't going magically fix this mess. These guys hold a grudge for years. It's like high school all the time.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
It's nice to hear that not everyone is against the new MoH game that's coming out. And he makes extremely true points, how can one thing be wrong, but something else okay? That's like L4D 1 being okay, but L4D 2 being evil, why? Because you couldn't stop it in the first place? That's bullshit.

I hope this marine's voice is heard louder than just the Escapist

Apocalypse Tank

New member
Aug 31, 2008
I can understand why the Army decides to keep the game out of its shelves.
Hurts morale and psychologically stressful killing a fellow soldier.
By referring to tobacco and alcohol as excuses dosen't work at all.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Lets crack down on violent videogames.
Lets see, other shit to worry about OTHER than violent videogames:
Unsecured borders
Mexican cartels sending hit squads over the unsecured border into the southern United States
Canadian drug smugglers in the north
Handing the Auto Companies over to private funds again
Oil Cleanup
Rapidly declining infrastructure such as roads and sewer systems
Terrorists hell bent on the destruction of the planet
Massive chemical spills in Europe
Iran and nukes
North Korea and Kin Jong Ils son
Hugo Chavez wanting nuclear power
whats for dinner tomorrow night
did we feed the dog
why did our neighbor paint their garage door yellow and atomic-green and why does he mow his lawn in a speedo that's paisley blue whilst wearing a shirt so long it looks like he isn't covering his ass, well, as much as a speedo can cover a 60 year old mans ass.

all of this PLEASE before even talking about "Violent Video games"


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Well said, Marine.

ImprovizoR said:
If I was in the army I would consider this decision a proof of idiocy and I would resign immediately. I wouldn't want to be associated with an organization with no brain.
Resigning because the AAFES won't stock Medal of Honor doesn't strike me as a terribly bright thing to do. My boss makes some decisions I don't agree with, but I still love my work! No sense in spitting out the meat along with the bones.
That, and (if the US military is anything like the UK military,) you don't just get to resign with immediate effect. That's called 'going AWOL', or, 'desertion' - and it wasn't aLl that long ago that you'd be shot for it!

I'm most annoyed at EA's smug little "ooh, look at us - aren't we sensitive backing down like this" attitude. If they were that interested in avoiding offence to ISAF forces and their families, they'd have changed a lot more in their game that just the name of the "Taliban" team.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
..I've always liked the word "baffled."

Oh wait, there was an article?

In all seriousness, he is right.
MoH is no different. It should not receive special punishment.