U.S. Marine "Baffled" by Medal of Honor Ban


New member
Oct 8, 2010
9-11 should be international burn and EA game day! If it doesn't matter that they make games where the country kills its own warriors, how about EA have a day where we destroy their own products. /whoo-hoo. Same thing. Thank the talaban for the idea and guys with towels on their heads can toss the 1st CD's in the bonfires.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Oh he is getting his ass fed to him when his CO sees this.
Also the U.S. NAVY Marines do not = Army


New member
Jun 20, 2009
lostzombies.com said:
"Here is your gun, grenades and mission to go kill those people over there in that busy city, if you get into trouble don;t forget we can call in indescriminate artillery from a few miles away"

"Can I play xbox when I get back?"

"Good Lord no, have you seen the content in them?!"
That's what I was thinking.

It doesn't make any sense!


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Therumancer said:
I first pose a question to you then I will respond after question is asked:
If you think its alright that they banned MoH do you think that they should ban all Modern Warfare games as well? State your reasoning.

Okay now that I have gotten that out of the way you make a lot of valid points. I do not support the military's decision to ban the game from being sold on bases around the world because first off you said it in your long post somewhere its just a game. This guy from the Marines even said ITS JUST A GAME. If you don't like it don't buy it. Yeah its somewhat disrespectful. But seriously the entire army as a whole should have decided to ban it as a whole and not just a few people sitting near the top who aren't even fighting over there. If you have ever played a MoH game then you know that they are respectful in every way that they do the game and that they do not try to disrespect anyone in the least bit.

My brother when he came home after being in both Afghanistan and Iraq asked my brother who was at home at the time since I am at school if he had MW2 because he knew that it was just a game. I have a feeling that the same thing would happen for MoH.

Seriously banning it from the stores personally I think is a waste of resources and money. The people who live on base can just go off base to a store and buy it and then also they can possibly get it mailed to them who is able to buy it.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Baby Tea said:
ImprovizoR said:
Well I hate the army anyway, I think 90% of those guys are retarded so my opinion isn't exactly objective.
Yeah, that's a well reasoned, surely educated position. I'm sure my friends and family in the military, plus those who fought and died to preserve your right to say thinks like that would really appreciate it. Truly.
Good show.
Well, I'm not American so it's all the same to me. I'll tel you this though: they don't fight for you and they don't die for you. It's just what they tell them before they send them to fight for big corporations who don't give a shit about them or you. Today's wars aren't fought for freedom, they are fought for resources and they have nothing to do with patriotism and protecting the actual people. That's why I hate the army. Because they don't realize that they fight for the real enemy. And it is so obvious, it's in plain sight a blind man can see it.

Dr. Dice Lord

New member
Feb 4, 2010
Once again a logical, calculated statement from a man of sense, people should listen to him. But as history has shown us logic seems to get you nowhere with the masses. Even so, I hope we're not the only ones that read his message.

Also, the apology on the medal of honor site mentioned that they were changing the name of the Taliban because of letters received from the family's of fallen soldiers--not actual servicemen, whom this is supposedly offensive to. I respect the grieving families, however, I believe trying to sweep the reality under the rug with a name change and banning them from buying it is more disrespectful to our soldiers than anything else could have been.

Dr. Dice Lord

New member
Feb 4, 2010
ImprovizoR said:
Today's wars aren't fought for freedom, they are fought for resources and they have nothing to do with patriotism and protecting the actual people. That's why I hate the army. Because they don't realize that they fight for the real enemy. And it is so obvious, it's in plain sight a blind man can see it.
I think if you look into history you'll find that about a majority of the world's wars, on some level, come down to have and have-not, resources. Its not a new theme really, but I don't disrespect the individuals who are involved in it--at least the fighting men and women. Guess I consider war one of our "necessary" evils. If there is such a thing.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Figures that its a Marine that has the balls to say what he's thinking, expressing common sense, especially to state a commander is living in the past. EA and Danger Close, next time you make a Medal Of Honor game follow men like him around.

Still glad to know our Marine Corps. are strong with common sense and refuse to pussyfoot around topics at hand.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Jonesing to play a video game while he could be out smoking and drinking instead? that's just insane! I'd rather drink and smoke personally. besides who needs comic violence when you're in the real deal? I think that would be hard enough to cope with without having to spend your free time shooting fictional characters as well.

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
I suppose seeing your character nuked alive doesn't have any affect on troop morale...

So where's the hate for Call of Duty?

It's a conspiracy, I say!


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Josh12345 said:
well, atleast SOMEONE in the army isn't a Patriotic Jack Thompson. Though I do agree agree with the idea that this game isn't the worst thing being sold(he named GTA4 and MW2) I disagree with the alcohol and tobacco argument because while it's a valid argument, unlike video games the government gets a large cut of the profits from cigarettes and beer.
Don't think I've met anyone in the army who doesn't play video games. aside from brass.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Further proof that there is, in most cases, a direct correlation between high level of authority and a decreased level of logic based intelligence.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Krion_Vark said:
Therumancer said:
I first pose a question to you then I will respond after question is asked:
If you think its alright that they banned MoH do you think that they should ban all Modern Warfare games as well? State your reasoning.

Okay now that I have gotten that out of the way you make a lot of valid points. I do not support the military's decision to ban the game from being sold on bases around the world because first off you said it in your long post somewhere its just a game. This guy from the Marines even said ITS JUST A GAME. If you don't like it don't buy it. Yeah its somewhat disrespectful. But seriously the entire army as a whole should have decided to ban it as a whole and not just a few people sitting near the top who aren't even fighting over there. If you have ever played a MoH game then you know that they are respectful in every way that they do the game and that they do not try to disrespect anyone in the least bit.

My brother when he came home after being in both Afghanistan and Iraq asked my brother who was at home at the time since I am at school if he had MW2 because he knew that it was just a game. I have a feeling that the same thing would happen for MoH.

Seriously banning it from the stores personally I think is a waste of resources and money. The people who live on base can just go off base to a store and buy it and then also they can possibly get it mailed to them who is able to buy it.

Do not misunderstand something here. I am not saying the goverment should actually ban it or prevent stores from carrying it through direct action. I am saying that people themselves should not support that one specific game because what it's doing is tasteless. I think people who defend it have their reasons, but should probably carefully start examining their priorities if they think that this is okay even if it's not illegal.

When it comes to the US Military, it owns the stores being used, and has every right to decide not to carry a product. What's more even if free speech was to be argued somehow, it should be noted that Soldiers do not have all the rights that civilians do, a lot of that is signed away when they become Soldiers. The differances between the military and civilian justice systems and the rights of soldiers vs. those of cilians has been a topic of debate for many years and goes well beyond the scope of this discussion, as things stand now this is simply the way things are.

Given that other games in the series do not include the same content, that is taking the role of the Taliban, even renamed "Opposing Force" to shoot allied troops during a war that is currently still going on, there is no reason to ban them.

Arguements made about other games that let you play enemy factions, are differant in of the fact that there is no actual war going on right this minute between us and those factions. Having the US and the Brits fight is interesting, but there is nothing to that since we're not at war right now. If say the US and UK were at war right this minute I wouldn't approve of that either.

In short, I think the US Military is fully within it's rights to decide what is sold within it's stores, and act the way they are. On the other hand if the goverment was to try and ban this game for everyone, even if I find it distasteful I'd agree with opposing that on principle. Just because I don't like something I do not think it should be censored. Free speech is not something that only applies when you agree with it.

On the other hand I do think more consumers should consider not supporting this, despite their fandom of the series and the shooter genere. While not true in all cases, I think at the core a lot of people defend this because they want to play the latest shooter and aren't really looking at this in any "big picture" sort of way. It's about what they want right this minute, irregardless of what might go along with it. Something that I think hurts gamers in general because the same basic attitude (albiet in a differant way) is why guys like Bobby Kotick can get away with being such a jerk, and why we're constantly gouged as consumers.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Yeah gotta side with the Marine. While i do see how the game could possibley be viewed as a danger to solider moral, its not like the soldiers are being forced to play the game. and from the sounds of things they don't have a problem with similar products being sold on base so why ban it?


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Therumancer said:
Yeah the military is completely within its rights but how do we know that its tasteless making a game about an on going conflict?
Neither you nor me have played it yet so neither of us can actually say that its tasteless. Hell I completely do not like MW2 not for the broken Multiplayer but for the 3rd level where you are going through the Air port. THAT was tasteless. They got around it by giving the opt out of playing that mission.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
thedeathscythe said:
lostzombies.com said:
He is with the rest of the sane people on the planet who are not living in the 1800's


"Here is your gun, grenades and mission to go kill those people over there in that busy city, if you get into trouble don;t forget we can call in indescriminate artillery from a few miles away"

"Can I play xbox when I get back?"

"Good Lord no, have you seen the content in them?!"
ahaha, I couldnt have put it better myself. its seriously not a big deal. what are they afraid of? if anything, they should be saying "we don't want you to play as the american forces, so that online people won't be killing fellow americans." I could almost see the logic in that, but saying "we don't want you to play against or as the taliban, it hurts peoples feelings." just makes no sense
Especially as their job is to kill people to death


New member
Dec 30, 2007
ImprovizoR said:
Baby Tea said:
Well said, Marine.

ImprovizoR said:
If I was in the army I would consider this decision a proof of idiocy and I would resign immediately. I wouldn't want to be associated with an organization with no brain.
Resigning because the AAFES won't stock Medal of Honor doesn't strike me as a terribly bright thing to do. My boss makes some decisions I don't agree with, but I still love my work! No sense in spitting out the meat along with the bones.

Even though we all on this site feel strongly, I'm sure, about the inaccurate portrayal of video games by main-stream media, throwing away a career over something like this doesn't make us out to be cool, rational thinkers. We'd be just as guilty of a knee-jerk reaction as they are.

What? They don't stock my game because of silly reasons?! I quit!
Well I hate the army anyway, I think 90% of those guys are retarded so my opinion isn't exactly objective.
Thanks. Thanks a bunch, from an OEF and OIF veteran. :|
And yet, I'd still give my life to save yours.